Joseph Jones liked your message with Boxer. On December 8, 2015 at 03:56:15 MST, wrote:Issue #11788 has been reported by Koichi Sasada.----------------------------------------Feature #11788: New ISeq serialize binary format* Author: Koichi Sasada* Status: Open* Priority: Normal* Assignee: Koichi Sasada----------------------------------------# AbstractI wrote a new RubyVM::InstructionSequence (ISeq) object serializer and de-serializer binary format.Matz had approved to introduce this feature to Ruby 2.3 as *experimental* feature.So I'll commit them.There are two methods to serialize and de-serialize.* RubyVM::InstructionSequence#to_binary_format returns binary format data as String object.* RubyVM::InstructionSequence.from_binary_format(data) de-serialize it.The goal of this project is to provide "machine dependent" binary file to achieve:* fast bootstrap time for big applications* reduce memory consumption with several techniques"Machine dependent" means you can't migrate compiled binaries to other machines.They are not goals of this project:* packing scripts to one package* migrate obfuscate binary to other node to hide source codeTo achieve such goals, we need to consider compatibility issues such as `__FILE__`, `__dir__`, `DATA`, and so on (for example, consider about this code: `Dir.glob(File.join(__dir__, '*.rb')`).This proposal doesn't contain "how to store compiled binaries".For example, Rubinius makes *.rbc file automatically.However, Matz does not like such automatic compilation.So that my proposal only show user storage class interface.People can try to make your own ISeq binary storage.For example,* making a compiled binary files automatically in same directory of script files like Rubinius,* store compiled binaries in some DB* make storage data structure in your own.I wrote several samples:* dbm: use dbm* fs: [default] use file system. locate compiled file in same directory of script file like Rubinius. foo.rb.yarb will be created for foo.rb.* fs2: use file system. locate compiled file in specified directory.* nothing: do nothing.You can see my sample implementation: key interface is `RubyVM::InstructionSequence.load_iseq(fname)`.When MRI try to load any script named `fname`, then call this method with `fname` if defined.The return value is an ISeq object, then MRI use this ISeq object instead of parsing/compiling `fname` file.Note that this proposal is "experimental".These interfaces are only for experiments.For example, if we want to use several binary storage,this interface doesn't support multiple storage (lack of extensibility).# Current statusThe current implementation is not matured because the binary size is very big because pointer size consumes 32/64 bits.It is easy to reduce, but I remain this weak point.Now, one goal "reduction of memory consumption" is not achieved because no techniques are introduced to share/unload or something.This is future work.# EvaluationSeveral evaluation results:## resolv.rbTry to load resolv.rb 1,000 times (and remove Resolv class each time).```compile 12.360000 0.310000 12.670000 ( 13.413011)compile 12.120000 0.300000 12.420000 ( 13.195313)compile 12.230000 0.270000 12.500000 ( 13.242140)eager loadload 3.750000 0.180000 3.930000 ( 3.918169)load 4.000000 0.170000 4.170000 ( 4.178442)load 4.120000 0.200000 4.320000 ( 4.320233)lazy loadload 2.410000 0.090000 2.500000 ( 2.609716)load 2.280000 0.210000 2.490000 ( 2.518892)load 2.310000 0.110000 2.420000 ( 2.419687)```3.25 times faster than normal compilation.If we use lazy loading technique, it is 5.2 times faster.## fileutils.rbTry similar to resolv.rb.``` user system total realcompile 8.540000 0.130000 8.670000 ( 8.703615)compile 8.540000 0.150000 8.690000 ( 8.693870)compile 8.430000 0.120000 8.550000 ( 8.547480)eager loadload 4.470000 0.150000 4.620000 ( 4.659934)load 4.500000 0.140000 4.640000 ( 4.640365)load 4.610000 0.100000 4.710000 ( 4.708825)lazy loadload 3.510000 0.140000 3.650000 ( 3.694146)load 3.470000 0.130000 3.600000 ( 3.609040)load 3.550000 0.150000 3.700000 ( 3.831015)```Only 1.8 times faster (eager) and 2.4 times faster (lazy).This is because the initialization of FileUtils class run long time.It uses module_eval(str) to add methods.## Simple rails applicationrun `time rails r ''` on simple Rails application ( tracers are disabled).```compile:real 0m2.049suser 0m1.601ssys 0m0.402seager:real 0m1.544suser 0m1.094ssys 0m0.422slazy:$ time rails r ''real 0m1.536suser 0m1.112ssys 0m0.388s```Not so impressive result. It seems there are many initialization code.--