Joseph Jones liked your message with Boxer. On December 12, 2015 at 10:34:39 MST, wrote:Issue #11810 has been reported by Kazuki Yamaguchi.----------------------------------------Bug #11810: [PATCH] OpenSSL::SSL::SSLcontext#{alpn,npn}_select_cb= does not work properly* Author: Kazuki Yamaguchi* Status: Open* Priority: Normal* Assignee: * ruby -v: ruby 2.3.0dev (2015-12-13 trunk 53061) [x86_64-linux]* Backport: 2.0.0: UNKNOWN, 2.1: UNKNOWN, 2.2: UNKNOWN----------------------------------------The protocol list passed to the callback function (set by `SSL_CTX_set_alpn_select_cb`, `SSL_CTX_set_next_proto_select_cb`) is not null-terminated string.This issue seems to have been existing since first NPN was supported (r36871).This patch also removes the code checking the length of protocol name, because it is already validated by OpenSSL.---Files--------------------------------0001-ext-openssl-ossl_ssl.c-ssl_npn_select_cb_common-fix-.patch (1.27 KB)--