Joseph Jones liked your message with Boxer.

On December 10, 2015 at 18:40:14 MST, NARUSE, Yui <> wrote:
We are pleased to announce the release of Ruby 2.3.0-preview2.

Ruby 2.3.0-preview2 is the second preview of Ruby 2.3.0.
Many new features and improvements are included.

A [Frozen String Literal Pragma](
is introduced.
With Ruby 2.1, `"str".freeze` has been optimized to reduce object allocation.
Ruby 2.3 introduces a new magic comment and command line option to
freeze all string literals in the source files.
Additionally for debugging, you can get where the object is created on
`"can't modify frozen String"` error by
`--debug=frozen-string-literal` command line option.

A [safe navigation operator](
([so-called lonely operator]( `&.`,
which already exists in C#, Groovy, and Swift, is introduced to ease
`nil` handling as `obj&.foo`. `Array#dig` and `Hash#dig` are also added.

The [did_you_mean gem is bundled](
The did_you_mean gem
shows the candidates on the `NameError` and `NoMethodError` to ease

[RubyVM::InstructionSequence#to_binary and .load_from_binary]
( are introduced as
experimental feature. With these features, we can make a ISeq
(bytecode) pre-compilation system.

Ruby 2.3 includes many performance tuning fixes.
For example, [optimize Proc#call] (,
[reconsider method entry data structure]
[introducing new table data structure]
machine code level tuning for object allocation and method calling code,
and other many optimizations.

Try and enjoy programming with Ruby 2.3.0-preview2, and report us your

## Notable Changes since 2.2

See [NEWS]( and
for detail.

With those changes, [1097 files changed, 97466 insertions(+), 58685
since Ruby 2.2.0!

## Download

* SIZE: 14126752 bytes
* SHA1: 7e717ef7a0a1523ad696b5fe693f7f7a613a3810
* SHA256: e9b0464e50b2e5c31546e6b8ca8cad71fe2d2146ccf88b7419bbe9626af741cb
* SHA512: e397f321d4338edba8d005d871408775f03d975da90c8abcfdb457a1bc7e6c87efe58c53b2c3bc122e9f58f619767b271bcc8d5d9663ed4b4288c60556e8d288
* SIZE: 17623519 bytes
* SHA1: 2deaf3ccbbfc5e08d3d840a4f1c33ff5f62f931d
* SHA256: cb1c745bda33ba9e812b48c87852571ef6486f985c5e6ff4508a137d1c9734a3
* SHA512: 83022f99775eb139beec281d59029dcc7c59de1e313182685b0a785334ac53d0c445212460d00d065169b922949263f30a1f981e19fc6e59814e79e6e53ae8e0
* SIZE: 11249780 bytes
* SHA1: e1dfca06cd3c2cf6456a7feb0b1cd0752bde1a3b
* SHA256: 7c3119268af87c137f415301b299281762453ad78f86e35562be014dabd67b11
* SHA512: ab3376145d95a2188e6345984f0e5592c8d33515d7046a2ab2565dc418fa2306cdcf797aae9494d4d10446ada54ba638d8a8ad2d4b7510544d7eaea3de4faa87
* SIZE: 19841531 bytes
* SHA1: db7fa5291d90e0a9c6f75c0cd068bc54050520d6
* SHA256: 90d036fd1ec40aa8f5493821ac162bf69f505c5977db54afe53b8bf689d79b9d
* SHA512: 05784df420018aaae7d09d41e872df708e861cacc74dc8ee97a9e3ac7458cb12b937523ad6def34d5ae2890a0cf037a8d61e365beb88d28acd84879b9391ad65

## Release Comment

See also the release schedule and other information:

