Hello, I'm trying to build a rack handler and I've noticed that if I don't block from server.run then Rack::Builder fails. In my config.ru file I do the following: *Rack::Handler::Hare.run MyApp.new* but then Rack::Builder fails to parse the file when calling the to_app method: def to_app app = @map ? generate_map(@run, @map) : @run fail "missing run or map statement" unless app @use.reverse.inject(app) { |a,e| e[a] } end The problem here is that I never call *run* explicitly from config.ru, since I want to use my custom handler, which doesn't block. I've looked into the thin source code and server.run actually blocks, so that Rack::Builder#to_app is never called. Is this how the server is supposed to behave or am I missing something? Many thanks, Oscar Del Ben