Hi, everyone.

I've written q'n'd adapter for cowboy (http server written in Erlang) to start Ruby on Rails application behind erlang HTTP server
and pass requests to it:   https://github.com/erlyvideo/rack  I've added example to start application, which is

copy-paste-compatible with cowboy-example repository, so it should work.

For those, who haven't understood anything.

Cowboy is a HTTP server, written in Erlang. I've created some code in Erlang (and small adapter in Ruby), that converts erlang http request structures to Rack request.

Also it can spawn and handle several working processes of Rack application (Rails for example).

It is possible to combine Rack with https://github.com/extend/bullet
to get Comet messaging without pack of hard-to-deploy servers (nginx
doesn't have builtin Comet yet).

If you are interested, there is example-app inside in repository.

Speed is rather high: starting from 6000 requests per second, handled by Rack through Cowboy on my laptop.