Hi Neil,

Good to hear you figured that out. I, too, had heard mention of Dalli as a replacement for memcache-client. Perhaps we should update Rack's gemspec?

- Josh

On Thursday, July 28, 2011 at 10:54 PM, Neil Matatall wrote:


I think what you described was indeed our issue. The call to @pool.add
actually returned "END" which is a sign of a get_multikey

We were using memcache-client and the author informed me that the
project was no longer supported and said that this can occur when the
same memcache instance handles sessions and data. He recommended
splitting the caches as well as switching to Dalli instead.

So...not a rack issue!


On 7/25/11 1:23 PM, Joshua Ballanco wrote:
Have you considered the possibility that memcache might be recycling
keys on you?

We had an issue a while back where we were using memcache for both
fragment caching and session storage. Occasionally, we would get
exceptions in retrieving a session, and looking at the error message
it was clear that what was retrieved from memcache was a fragment and
not a session. Unfortunately, we moved back to a cookie-based session
store before we had a chance to look deeper into the issue. What I can
say is that based on the key generation scheme we were using for
sessions and cache keys, there was effectively 0 chance that we were
duplicating keys. Instead, it seemed like memcache was re-using slots
for different keys when we started exhausting free slots.

Hope that helps!

- Joshua Ballanco

On Monday, July 25, 2011 at 2:22 PM, Neil wrote:

While it's entirely possible that this issue is caused by some other
factor, but we are getting session collisions as well as an issue
where one user is getting another user's session. This is clearly
bad, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how this could even
happen in the first place. The code looks thread safe to me, and a
quick discussion on #ruby-lang seems to support that.

1. Session IDs are being generated in the same sequence (uses
securerandom -> openssl which does not have a static seed)
2. Threads. Looks good to me.
3. Maybe memcached is returning something other than "STORED/
NOT_STORED" for @pool.add(sid, session), but the operation still
4. Gnomes.

Any input is GREATLY appreciated. Please don't say "it's an RC, what
do you expect?" :)

def generate_sid
loop do
sid = super
break sid unless @pool.get(sid, true)

def get_session(env, sid)
with_lock(env, [nil, {}]) do
unless sid and session = @pool.get(sid)
sid, session = generate_sid, {}
unless /^STORED/ =~ @pool.add(sid, session)
raise "Session collision on '#{sid.inspect}'"
[sid, session]

def set_session(env, session_id, new_session, options)
expiry = options[:expire_after]
expiry = expiry.nil? ? 0 : expiry + 1

with_lock(env, false) do
@pool.set session_id, new_session, expiry