public-inbox.git  about / heads / tags
an "archives first" approach to mailing lists
tree 4d5f3e47454cb1b340e7741048ea225b97ef8173
$ git ls-tree -l v1.6.1:Documentation	# shows similar output on the CLI

	size	name
 	65	.gitignore
d	-	RelNotes/
 	1528	clients.txt
 	2083	dc-dlvr-spam-flow.txt
 	5549	design_notes.txt
 	5686	design_www.txt
x	1245	extman.perl
 	1932	flow.txt
 	1488	hosted.txt
 	949	marketing.txt
x	4905	mknews.perl
 	1757	public-inbox-compact.pod
 	11556	public-inbox-config.pod
 	2548	public-inbox-convert.pod
 	4926	public-inbox-daemon.pod
 	3243	public-inbox-edit.pod
 	1047	public-inbox-httpd.pod
 	2798	public-inbox-imapd.pod
 	9103	public-inbox-index.pod
 	4187	public-inbox-init.pod
 	2392	public-inbox-learn.pod
 	2060	public-inbox-mda.pod
 	2684	public-inbox-nntpd.pod
 	3874	public-inbox-overview.pod
 	2118	public-inbox-purge.pod
 	5070	public-inbox-tuning.pod
 	5969	public-inbox-v1-format.pod
 	8895	public-inbox-v2-format.pod
 	5611	public-inbox-watch.pod
 	3868	public-inbox-xcpdb.pod
 	958	public-inbox.cgi.pod
 	1160	reproducibility.txt
x	3073	standards.perl
d	-	technical/
x	3557	txt2pre
Tree objects belong to commits or other tree objects.  Trees may
reference blobs, sub-trees, or (rarely) commits of submodules.

Path names are stored in tree objects, but trees do not know
their own path name.  A tree's path name comes from their parent tree,
or it is the root tree referenced by a commit object.  Thus, this web UI
relies on the `b=' URI parameter as a hint to display the path name.
git clone
git clone http://7fh6tueqddpjyxjmgtdiueylzoqt6pt7hec3pukyptlmohoowvhde4yd.onion/public-inbox.git