#!perl -w # Copyright (C) 2021 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use strict; use v5.10.1; use PublicInbox::TestCommon; use Sys::Hostname qw(hostname); use POSIX qw(strftime); use PublicInbox::OnDestroy; use PublicInbox::URIimap; use PublicInbox::Config; use PublicInbox::DS; use PublicInbox::InboxIdle; use Fcntl qw(O_EXCL O_WRONLY O_CREAT); my $imap_url = $ENV{TEST_IMAP_WRITE_URL} or plan skip_all => 'TEST_IMAP_WRITE_URL unset'; my $uri = PublicInbox::URIimap->new($imap_url); defined($uri->path) and plan skip_all => "$imap_url should not be a mailbox (just host:port)"; require_mods('Mail::IMAPClient'); require_ok 'PublicInbox::NetWriter'; my $host = (split(/\./, hostname))[0]; my ($base) = ($0 =~ m!\b([^/]+)\.[^\.]+\z!); my $SEP = $ENV{IMAP_SEPARATOR} || '.'; my $folder = "INBOX$SEP$base-$host-".strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', gmtime(time)). "-$$-".sprintf('%x', int(rand(0xffffffff))); my $nwr = PublicInbox::NetWriter->new; chop($imap_url) if substr($imap_url, -1) eq '/'; my $folder_url = "$imap_url/$folder"; my $folder_uri = PublicInbox::URIimap->new($folder_url); is($folder_uri->mailbox, $folder, 'folder correct') or BAIL_OUT "BUG: bad $$uri"; $nwr->add_url($$folder_uri); is($nwr->errors, undef, 'no errors'); $nwr->{pi_cfg} = bless {}, 'PublicInbox::Config'; my $set_cred_helper = sub { my ($f, $cred_set) = @_; sysopen(my $fh, $f, O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_WRONLY) or BAIL_OUT "open $f: $!"; print $fh </dev/null`); if ($cred_helper eq 'store') { my $config = $ENV{XDG_CONFIG_HOME} // "$ENV{HOME}/.config"; for my $f ("$ENV{HOME}/.git-credentials", "$config/git/credentials") { next unless -f $f; @cred_link = ($f, '/.git-credentials'); last; } $cred_set = qq("$cred_helper"); } elsif ($cred_helper =~ /\Acache(?:[ \t]|\z)/) { my $cache = $ENV{XDG_CACHE_HOME} // "$ENV{HOME}/.cache"; for my $d ("$ENV{HOME}/.git-credential-cache", "$cache/git/credential") { next unless -d $d; @cred_link = ($d, '/.git-credential-cache'); $cred_set = qq("$cred_helper"); last; } } elsif (!$cred_helper) { # make the test less painful if no creds configured ($tmpdir, $for_destroy) = tmpdir; my $d = "$tmpdir/.git-credential-cache"; mkdir($d, 0700) or BAIL_OUT $!; $cred_set = "cache --timeout=60"; @cred_link = ($d, '/.git-credential-cache'); } else { diag "credential.helper=$cred_helper will not be used for this test"; } my $mics = do { local $ENV{HOME} = $tmpdir // $ENV{HOME}; if ($tmpdir && $cred_set) { $set_cred_helper->("$ENV{HOME}/.gitconfig", $cred_set) } $nwr->imap_common_init; }; my $mic = (values %$mics)[0]; my $cleanup = PublicInbox::OnDestroy->new($$, sub { if (defined($folder)) { my $mic = $nwr->mic_get($uri); $mic->delete($folder) or fail "delete $folder <$folder_uri>: $@"; } if ($tmpdir && -f "$tmpdir/.gitconfig") { local $ENV{HOME} = $tmpdir; system(qw(git credential-cache exit)); } }); my $imap_append = $nwr->can('imap_append'); my $smsg = bless { kw => [ 'seen' ] }, 'PublicInbox::Smsg'; $imap_append->($mic, $folder, undef, $smsg, eml_load('t/plack-qp.eml')); $nwr->{quiet} = 1; my $imap_slurp_all = sub { my ($url, $uid, $kw, $eml, $res) = @_; push @$res, [ $kw, $eml ]; }; $nwr->imap_each($folder_uri, $imap_slurp_all, my $res = []); is(scalar(@$res), 1, 'got appended message'); my $plack_qp_eml = eml_load('t/plack-qp.eml'); is_deeply($res, [ [ [ 'seen' ], $plack_qp_eml ] ], 'uploaded message read back'); $res = $mic = $mics = undef; test_lei(sub { my ($ro_home, $cfg_path) = setup_public_inboxes; my $cfg = PublicInbox::Config->new($cfg_path); $cfg->each_inbox(sub { my ($ibx) = @_; lei_ok qw(add-external -q), $ibx->{inboxdir} or BAIL_OUT; }); # cred_link[0] may be on a different (hopefully encrypted) FS, # we only symlink to it here, so we don't copy any sensitive data # into the temporary directory if (@cred_link && !symlink($cred_link[0], $ENV{HOME}.$cred_link[1])) { diag "symlink @cred_link: $! (non-fatal)"; $cred_set = undef; } $set_cred_helper->("$ENV{HOME}/.gitconfig", $cred_set) if $cred_set; # don't combine these two: $ENV{TEST_IMAP_COMPRESS} and lei_ok qw(config imap.compress true); $ENV{TEST_IMAP_DEBUG} and lei_ok qw(config imap.debug true); my $proxy = $ENV{TEST_IMAP_PROXY}; lei_ok(qw(config imap.proxy), $proxy) if $proxy; lei_ok qw(q f:qp@example.com -o), $folder_url; $nwr->imap_each($folder_uri, $imap_slurp_all, my $res = []); is(scalar(@$res), 1, 'got one deduped result') or diag explain($res); is_deeply($res->[0]->[1], $plack_qp_eml, 'lei q wrote expected result'); lei_ok qw(q f:matz -a -o), $folder_url; $nwr->imap_each($folder_uri, $imap_slurp_all, my $aug = []); is(scalar(@$aug), 2, '2 results after augment') or diag explain($aug); my $exp = $res->[0]->[1]->as_string; is(scalar(grep { $_->[1]->as_string eq $exp } @$aug), 1, 'original remains after augment'); $exp = eml_load('t/iso-2202-jp.eml')->as_string; is(scalar(grep { $_->[1]->as_string eq $exp } @$aug), 1, 'new result shown after augment'); lei_ok qw(q s:thisbetternotgiveanyresult -o), $folder_url; $nwr->imap_each($folder_uri, $imap_slurp_all, my $empty = []); is(scalar(@$empty), 0, 'no results w/o augment'); my $f = 't/utf8.eml'; # $exp = eml_load($f); lei_ok qw(convert -F eml -o), $folder_url, $f; my (@uid, @res); $nwr->imap_each($folder_uri, sub { my ($u, $uid, $kw, $eml) = @_; push @uid, $uid; push @res, [ $kw, $eml ]; }); is_deeply(\@res, [ [ [], $exp ] ], 'converted to IMAP destination'); is(scalar(@uid), 1, 'got one UID back'); lei_ok qw(q -o /dev/stdout m:testmessage@example.com --no-external); is_deeply(json_utf8->decode($lei_out), [undef], 'no results before import'); lei_ok qw(import -F eml), $f, \'import local copy w/o keywords'; lei_ok 'import', $folder_url; # populate mail_sync.sqlite3 lei_ok qw(tag +kw:seen +kw:answered +kw:flagged), $f; lei_ok 'ls-mail-sync'; my @ls = split(/\n/, $lei_out); is(scalar(@ls), 1, 'only one folder in ls-mail-sync') or xbail(\@ls); for my $l (@ls) { like($l, qr/;UIDVALIDITY=\d+\z/, 'UIDVALIDITY'); } lei_ok 'export-kw', $folder_url; $mic = $nwr->mic_for_folder($folder_uri); my $flags = $mic->flags($uid[0]); is_deeply([sort @$flags], [ qw(\\Answered \\Flagged \\Seen) ], 'IMAP flags set by export-kw') or diag explain($flags); # ensure this imap_set_kw clobbers $nwr->imap_set_kw($mic, $uid[0], [ 'seen' ])->expunge or BAIL_OUT "expunge $@"; $mic = undef; @res = (); $nwr->imap_each($folder_uri, $imap_slurp_all, \@res); is_deeply(\@res, [ [ ['seen'], $exp ] ], 'seen flag set') or diag explain(\@res); lei_ok qw(q s:thisbetternotgiveanyresult -o), $folder_url, \'clobber folder but import flag'; $nwr->imap_each($folder_uri, $imap_slurp_all, $empty = []); is_deeply($empty, [], 'clobbered folder'); lei_ok qw(q -o /dev/stdout m:testmessage@example.com --no-external); $res = json_utf8->decode($lei_out)->[0]; is_deeply([@$res{qw(m kw)}], ['testmessage@example.com', ['seen']], 'kw set'); # prepare messages for watch $mic = $nwr->mic_for_folder($folder_uri); for my $kw (qw(Deleted Seen Answered Draft forwarded)) { my $buf = < EOM my $f = $kw eq 'forwarded' ? '$Forwarded' : "\\$kw"; $mic->append_string($folder_uri->mailbox, $buf, $f) or BAIL_OUT "append $kw $@"; } $mic->disconnect; my $inboxdir = "$ENV{HOME}/wtest"; my @cmd = (qw(-init -Lbasic wtest), $inboxdir, qw(https://example.com/wtest wtest@example.com)); run_script(\@cmd) or BAIL_OUT "init wtest"; xsys(qw(git config), "--file=$ENV{HOME}/.public-inbox/config", 'publicinbox.wtest.watch', $folder_url) == 0 or BAIL_OUT "git config $?"; my $watcherr = "$ENV{HOME}/watch.err"; open my $err_wr, '>>', $watcherr or BAIL_OUT $!; my $pub_cfg = PublicInbox::Config->new; PublicInbox::DS->Reset; my $ii = PublicInbox::InboxIdle->new($pub_cfg); my $cb = sub { PublicInbox::DS->SetPostLoopCallback(sub {}) }; my $obj = bless \$cb, 'PublicInbox::TestCommon::InboxWakeup'; $pub_cfg->each_inbox(sub { $_[0]->subscribe_unlock('ident', $obj) }); my $w = start_script(['-watch'], undef, { 2 => $err_wr }); diag 'waiting for initial fetch...'; PublicInbox::DS::event_loop(); my $ibx = $pub_cfg->lookup_name('wtest'); my $mm = $ibx->mm; ok(defined($mm->num_for('Seen@test.example.com')), '-watch takes seen message'); ok(defined($mm->num_for('Answered@test.example.com')), '-watch takes answered message'); ok(!defined($mm->num_for('Deleted@test.example.com')), '-watch ignored \\Deleted'); ok(!defined($mm->num_for('Draft@test.example.com')), '-watch ignored \\Draft'); ok(defined($mm->num_for('forwarded@test.example.com')), '-watch takes forwarded message'); undef $w; # done with watch lei_ok qw(import), $folder_url; lei_ok qw(q m:forwarded@test.example.com); is_deeply(json_utf8->decode($lei_out)->[0]->{kw}, ['forwarded'], 'forwarded kw imported from IMAP'); lei_ok qw(q m:testmessage --no-external -o), $folder_url; lei_ok qw(up), $folder_url; lei_ok qw(up --all=remote); $mic = $nwr->mic_get($uri); $mic->delete($folder) or fail "delete $folder <$folder_uri>: $@"; $mic->expunge; undef $mic; undef $folder; ok(!lei(qw(export-kw), $folder_url), 'export-kw fails w/ non-existent folder'); }); undef $cleanup; # remove temporary folder done_testing;