# Copyright (C) 2018 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use Test::More; use File::Temp qw/tempdir/; use PublicInbox::MIME; use Cwd; use PublicInbox::Config; my @mods = qw(Filesys::Notify::Simple PublicInbox::V2Writable); foreach my $mod (@mods) { eval "require $mod"; plan skip_all => "$mod missing for watch_maildir_v2.t" if $@; } my $tmpdir = tempdir('watch_maildir-v2-XXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1); my $mainrepo = "$tmpdir/v2"; my $maildir = "$tmpdir/md"; my $spamdir = "$tmpdir/spam"; use_ok 'PublicInbox::WatchMaildir'; use_ok 'PublicInbox::Emergency'; my $cfgpfx = "publicinbox.test"; my $addr = 'test-public@example.com'; my @cmd = ('blib/script/public-inbox-init', '-V2', 'test', $mainrepo, 'http://example.com/v2list', $addr); local $ENV{PI_CONFIG} = "$tmpdir/pi_config"; is(system(@cmd), 0, 'public-inbox init OK'); my $msg = < Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2016 00:00:00 +0000 something EOF PublicInbox::Emergency->new($maildir)->prepare(\$msg); ok(POSIX::mkfifo("$maildir/cur/fifo", 0777), 'create FIFO to ensure we do not get stuck on it :P'); my $sem = PublicInbox::Emergency->new($spamdir); # create dirs my $config = PublicInbox::Config->new({ "$cfgpfx.address" => $addr, "$cfgpfx.mainrepo" => $mainrepo, "$cfgpfx.watch" => "maildir:$maildir", "$cfgpfx.filter" => 'PublicInbox::Filter::Vger', "publicinboxlearn.watchspam" => "maildir:$spamdir", }); my $ibx = $config->lookup_name('test'); ok($ibx, 'found inbox by name'); my $srch = $ibx->search; PublicInbox::WatchMaildir->new($config)->scan('full'); my $res = $srch->reopen->query(''); is($res->{total}, 1, 'got one revision'); # my $git = PublicInbox::Git->new("$mainrepo/git/0.git"); # my @list = $git->qx(qw(rev-list refs/heads/master)); # is(scalar @list, 1, 'one revision in rev-list'); my $write_spam = sub { is(scalar glob("$spamdir/new/*"), undef, 'no spam existing'); $sem->prepare(\$msg); $sem->commit; my @new = glob("$spamdir/new/*"); is(scalar @new, 1); my @p = split(m!/+!, $new[0]); ok(link($new[0], "$spamdir/cur/".$p[-1].":2,S")); is(unlink($new[0]), 1); }; $write_spam->(); is(unlink(glob("$maildir/new/*")), 1, 'unlinked old spam'); PublicInbox::WatchMaildir->new($config)->scan('full'); is($srch->reopen->query('')->{total}, 0, 'deleted file'); # check with scrubbing { $msg .= qq(-- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe git" in the body of a message to majordomo\@vger.kernel.org More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html\n); PublicInbox::Emergency->new($maildir)->prepare(\$msg); PublicInbox::WatchMaildir->new($config)->scan('full'); $res = $srch->reopen->query(''); is($res->{total}, 1, 'got one file back'); my $mref = $ibx->msg_by_smsg($res->{msgs}->[0]); like($$mref, qr/something\n\z/s, 'message scrubbed on import'); is(unlink(glob("$maildir/new/*")), 1, 'unlinked spam'); $write_spam->(); PublicInbox::WatchMaildir->new($config)->scan('full'); $res = $srch->reopen->query(''); is($res->{total}, 0, 'inbox is empty again'); } { my $fail_bin = getcwd()."/t/fail-bin"; ok(-x "$fail_bin/spamc", "mock spamc exists"); my $fail_path = "$fail_bin:$ENV{PATH}"; # for spamc ham mock local $ENV{PATH} = $fail_path; PublicInbox::Emergency->new($maildir)->prepare(\$msg); $config->{'publicinboxwatch.spamcheck'} = 'spamc'; { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {}; # quiet spam check warning PublicInbox::WatchMaildir->new($config)->scan('full'); } $res = $srch->reopen->query(''); is($res->{total}, 0, 'inbox is still empty'); is(unlink(glob("$maildir/new/*")), 1); } { my $main_bin = getcwd()."/t/main-bin"; ok(-x "$main_bin/spamc", "mock spamc exists"); my $main_path = "$main_bin:$ENV{PATH}"; # for spamc ham mock local $ENV{PATH} = $main_path; PublicInbox::Emergency->new($maildir)->prepare(\$msg); $config->{'publicinboxwatch.spamcheck'} = 'spamc'; PublicInbox::WatchMaildir->new($config)->scan('full'); $res = $srch->reopen->query(''); is($res->{total}, 1, 'inbox has one mail after spamc OK-ed a message'); my $mref = $ibx->msg_by_smsg($res->{msgs}->[0]); like($$mref, qr/something\n\z/s, 'message scrubbed on import'); } done_testing;