#!perl -w # Copyright (C) 2019-2021 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use strict; use v5.10.1; use PublicInbox::TestCommon; use Cwd qw(abs_path); require_git(2.6); use PublicInbox::ContentHash qw(git_sha); use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(popen_rd which); require_mods(qw(DBD::SQLite Search::Xapian Plack::Util)); my $git_dir = xqx([qw(git rev-parse --git-dir)], undef, {2 => \(my $null)}); $? == 0 or plan skip_all => "$0 must be run from a git working tree"; chomp $git_dir; # needed for alternates, and --absolute-git-dir is only in git 2.13+ $git_dir = abs_path($git_dir); use_ok "PublicInbox::$_" for (qw(Inbox V2Writable Git SolverGit WWW)); my $patch2 = eml_load 't/solve/0002-rename-with-modifications.patch'; my $patch2_oid = git_sha(1, $patch2)->hexdigest; my ($tmpdir, $for_destroy) = tmpdir(); my $ibx = create_inbox 'v2', version => 2, indexlevel => 'medium', sub { my ($im) = @_; $im->add(eml_load 't/solve/0001-simple-mod.patch') or BAIL_OUT; $im->add($patch2) or BAIL_OUT; }; my $md = "$tmpdir/md"; File::Path::mkpath([map { $md.$_ } (qw(/ /cur /new /tmp))]); symlink(abs_path('t/solve/0001-simple-mod.patch'), "$md/cur/foo:2,") or xbail "symlink: $!"; my $v1_0_0_tag = 'cb7c42b1e15577ed2215356a2bf925aef59cdd8d'; my $v1_0_0_tag_short = substr($v1_0_0_tag, 0, 16); my $expect = '69df7d565d49fbaaeb0a067910f03dc22cd52bd0'; my $non_existent = 'ee5e32211bf62ab6531bdf39b84b6920d0b6775a'; test_lei({tmpdir => "$tmpdir/blob"}, sub { lei_ok('blob', '--mail', $patch2_oid, '-I', $ibx->{inboxdir}, \'--mail works for existing oid'); is($lei_out, $patch2->as_string, 'blob matches'); ok(!lei('blob', '--mail', '69df7d5', '-I', $ibx->{inboxdir}), "--mail won't run solver"); lei_ok('blob', '69df7d5', '-I', $ibx->{inboxdir}); is(git_sha(1, \$lei_out)->hexdigest, $expect, 'blob contents output'); my $prev = $lei_out; lei_ok(qw(blob --no-mail 69df7d5 -I), $ibx->{inboxdir}); is($lei_out, $prev, '--no-mail works'); ok(!lei(qw(blob -I), $ibx->{inboxdir}, $non_existent), 'non-existent blob fails'); SKIP: { skip '/.git exists', 1 if -e '/.git'; lei_ok(qw(-C / blob 69df7d5 -I), $ibx->{inboxdir}, "--git-dir=$git_dir"); is($lei_out, $prev, '--git-dir works'); ok(!lei(qw(-C / blob --no-cwd 69df7d5 -I), $ibx->{inboxdir}), '--no-cwd works'); ok(!lei(qw(-C / blob -I), $ibx->{inboxdir}, $non_existent), 'non-existent blob fails'); } # fallbacks lei_ok('blob', $v1_0_0_tag, '-I', $ibx->{inboxdir}); lei_ok('blob', $v1_0_0_tag_short, '-I', $ibx->{inboxdir}); }); test_lei({tmpdir => "$tmpdir/rediff"}, sub { lei_ok(qw(rediff -q -U9 t/solve/0001-simple-mod.patch)); like($lei_out, qr!^\Q+++\E b/TODO\n@@ -103,9 \+103,11 @@!sm, 'got more context with -U9'); lei_ok(qw(rediff -q -U9 t/solve/bare.patch)); my $exp = <<'EOM'; diff --git a/script/public-inbox-extindex b/script/public-inbox-extindex old mode 100644 new mode 100755 index 15ac20eb..771486c4 --- a/script/public-inbox-extindex +++ b/script/public-inbox-extindex @@ -1,13 +1,12 @@ #!perl -w EOM ok(index($lei_out, $exp) >= 0, 'preserve mode, regen header + context from -U0 patch'); my $e = { GIT_DIR => "$ENV{HOME}/.local/share/lei/store/ALL.git" }; my @x = xqx([qw(git cat-file --batch-all-objects --batch-check)], $e); is_deeply(\@x, [], 'no objects stored') or diag explain(\@x); }); test_lei({tmpdir => "$tmpdir/index-eml-only"}, sub { lei_ok(qw(index), $md); lei_ok(qw(blob 69df7d5)); # hits LeiSearch->smsg_eml -> lms->local_blob }); my $git = PublicInbox::Git->new($git_dir); $ibx->{-repo_objs} = [ $git ]; my $res; my $solver = PublicInbox::SolverGit->new($ibx, sub { $res = $_[0] }); open my $log, '+>>', "$tmpdir/solve.log" or die "open: $!"; my $psgi_env = { 'psgi.errors' => \*STDERR, 'psgi.url_scheme' => 'http', 'HTTP_HOST' => 'example.com' }; $solver->solve($psgi_env, $log, '69df7d5', {}); ok($res, 'solved a blob!'); my $wt_git = $res->[0]; is(ref($wt_git), 'PublicInbox::Git', 'got a git object for the blob'); is($res->[1], $expect, 'resolved blob to unabbreviated identifier'); is($res->[2], 'blob', 'type specified'); is($res->[3], 4405, 'size returned'); is(ref($wt_git->cat_file($res->[1])), 'SCALAR', 'wt cat-file works'); is_deeply([$expect, 'blob', 4405], [$wt_git->check($res->[1])], 'wt check works'); my $oid = $expect; for my $i (1..2) { my $more; my $s = PublicInbox::SolverGit->new($ibx, sub { $more = $_[0] }); $s->solve($psgi_env, $log, $oid, {}); is($more->[1], $expect, 'resolved blob to long OID '.$i); chop($oid); } $solver = undef; $res = undef; my $wt_git_dir = $wt_git->{git_dir}; $wt_git = undef; ok(!-d $wt_git_dir, 'no references to WT held'); $solver = PublicInbox::SolverGit->new($ibx, sub { $res = $_[0] }); $solver->solve($psgi_env, $log, '0'x40, {}); is($res, undef, 'no error on z40'); my $git_v2_20_1_tag = '7a95a1cd084cb665c5c2586a415e42df0213af74'; $solver = PublicInbox::SolverGit->new($ibx, sub { $res = $_[0] }); $solver->solve($psgi_env, $log, $git_v2_20_1_tag, {}); is($res, undef, 'no error on a tag not in our repo'); $solver = PublicInbox::SolverGit->new($ibx, sub { $res = $_[0] }); $solver->solve($psgi_env, $log, '0a92431', {}); ok($res, 'resolved without hints'); my $hints = { oid_a => '3435775', path_a => 'HACKING', path_b => 'CONTRIBUTING' }; $solver = PublicInbox::SolverGit->new($ibx, sub { $res = $_[0] }); $solver->solve($psgi_env, $log, '0a92431', $hints); my $hinted = $res; # don't compare ::Git objects: shift @$res; shift @$hinted; is_deeply($res, $hinted, 'hints work (or did not hurt :P'); my @psgi = qw(HTTP::Request::Common Plack::Test URI::Escape Plack::Builder); SKIP: { require_mods(@psgi, 7 + scalar(@psgi)); use_ok($_) for @psgi; my $binfoo = "$ibx->{inboxdir}/binfoo.git"; my $l = "$ibx->{inboxdir}/inbox.lock"; -f $l or BAIL_OUT "BUG: $l missing: $!"; require_ok 'PublicInbox::ViewVCS'; my $big_size = do { no warnings 'once'; $PublicInbox::ViewVCS::MAX_SIZE + 1; }; my %bin = (big => $big_size, small => 1); my %oid; # (small|big) => OID my $lk = bless { lock_path => $l }, 'PublicInbox::Lock'; my $acq = $lk->lock_for_scope; my $stamp = "$binfoo/stamp"; if (open my $fh, '<', $stamp) { %oid = map { chomp; split(/=/, $_) } (<$fh>); } else { PublicInbox::Import::init_bare($binfoo); my $cmd = [ qw(git hash-object -w --stdin) ]; my $env = { GIT_DIR => $binfoo }; open my $fh, '>', "$stamp.$$" or BAIL_OUT; while (my ($label, $size) = each %bin) { pipe(my ($rin, $win)) or BAIL_OUT; my $rout = popen_rd($cmd , $env, { 0 => $rin }); $rin = undef; print { $win } ("\0" x $size) or BAIL_OUT; close $win or BAIL_OUT; chomp(my $x = <$rout>); close $rout or BAIL_OUT "$?"; print $fh "$label=$x\n" or BAIL_OUT; $oid{$label} = $x; } close $fh or BAIL_OUT; rename("$stamp.$$", $stamp) or BAIL_OUT; } undef $acq; # ensure the PSGI frontend (ViewVCS) works: my $name = $ibx->{name}; my $cfgpfx = "publicinbox.$name"; my $cfgpath = "$tmpdir/httpd-config"; open my $cfgfh, '>', $cfgpath or die; print $cfgfh <{-primary_address} inboxdir = $ibx->{inboxdir} coderepo = public-inbox coderepo = binfoo url = http://example.com/$name [coderepo "public-inbox"] dir = $git_dir cgiturl = http://example.com/public-inbox [coderepo "binfoo"] dir = $binfoo cgiturl = http://example.com/binfoo EOF close $cfgfh or die; my $cfg = PublicInbox::Config->new($cfgpath); my $www = PublicInbox::WWW->new($cfg); my $client = sub { my ($cb) = @_; my $mid = '20190401081523.16213-1-BOFH@YHBT.net'; my @warn; my $res = do { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warn, @_ }; $cb->(GET("/$name/$mid/")); }; is_deeply(\@warn, [], 'no warnings from rendering diff'); like($res->content, qr!>Ω!, 'omega escaped'); $res = $cb->(GET("/$name/3435775/s/")); is($res->code, 200, 'success with existing blob'); $res = $cb->(GET("/$name/".('0'x40).'/s/')); is($res->code, 404, 'failure with null OID'); $res = $cb->(GET("/$name/$non_existent/s/")); is($res->code, 404, 'failure with null OID'); $res = $cb->(GET("/$name/$v1_0_0_tag/s/")); is($res->code, 200, 'shows commit (unabbreviated)'); $res = $cb->(GET("/$name/$v1_0_0_tag_short/s/")); is($res->code, 200, 'shows commit (abbreviated)'); while (my ($label, $size) = each %bin) { $res = $cb->(GET("/$name/$oid{$label}/s/")); is($res->code, 200, "$label binary file"); ok(index($res->content, "blob $size bytes") >= 0, "showed $label binary blob size"); $res = $cb->(GET("/$name/$oid{$label}/s/raw")); is($res->code, 200, "$label raw binary download"); is($res->content, "\0" x $size, "$label content matches"); } }; test_psgi(sub { $www->call(@_) }, $client); SKIP: { require_mods(qw(Plack::Test::ExternalServer), 7); my $env = { PI_CONFIG => $cfgpath }; my $sock = tcp_server() or die; my ($out, $err) = map { "$tmpdir/std$_.log" } qw(out err); my $cmd = [ qw(-httpd -W0), "--stdout=$out", "--stderr=$err" ]; my $td = start_script($cmd, $env, { 3 => $sock }); my ($h, $p) = tcp_host_port($sock); my $url = "http://$h:$p"; local $ENV{PLACK_TEST_EXTERNALSERVER_URI} = $url; Plack::Test::ExternalServer::test_psgi(client => $client); skip 'no curl', 1 unless which('curl'); mkdir "$tmpdir/ext" // xbail "mkdir $!"; test_lei({tmpdir => "$tmpdir/ext"}, sub { my $rurl = "$url/$name"; lei_ok(qw(blob --no-mail 69df7d5 -I), $rurl); is(git_sha(1, \$lei_out)->hexdigest, $expect, 'blob contents output'); ok(!lei(qw(blob -I), $rurl, $non_existent), 'non-existent blob fails'); }); } } done_testing();