#!perl -w # Copyright (C) 2017-2021 all contributors # License: AGPL-3+ use strict; use Test::More; use PublicInbox::Config; use PublicInbox::Eml; use_ok 'PublicInbox::Reply'; my @q = ( 'foo@bar', 'foo@bar', 'a b', "'a b'", "a'b", "'a'\\''b'", ); while (@q) { my $input = shift @q; my $expect = shift @q; my $res = PublicInbox::Config::squote_maybe($input); is($res, $expect, "quote $input => $res"); } my $mime = PublicInbox::Eml->new(<<'EOF'); From: from To: to Cc: cc@example.com Message-Id: Subject: hihi EOF my $hdr = $mime->header_obj; my $ibx = { -primary_address => 'primary@example.com' }; my ($arg, $link) = PublicInbox::Reply::mailto_arg_link($ibx, $hdr); my $exp = [ '--in-reply-to=blah@example.com', '--to=from@example.com', '--cc=cc@example.com', '--cc=to@example.com', "--subject='Re: hihi'" ]; is_deeply($arg, $exp, 'default reply is to :all'); $ibx->{replyto} = ':all'; ($arg, $link) = PublicInbox::Reply::mailto_arg_link($ibx, $hdr); is_deeply($arg, $exp, '":all" also works'); $exp = [ '--in-reply-to=blah@example.com', '--to=primary@example.com', "--subject='Re: hihi'" ]; $ibx->{replyto} = ':list'; ($arg, $link) = PublicInbox::Reply::mailto_arg_link($ibx, $hdr); is_deeply($arg, $exp, '":list" works for centralized lists'); $exp = [ '--in-reply-to=blah@example.com', '--to=primary@example.com', '--cc=cc@example.com', '--cc=to@example.com', "--subject='Re: hihi'" ]; $ibx->{replyto} = ':list,Cc,To'; ($arg, $link) = PublicInbox::Reply::mailto_arg_link($ibx, $hdr); is_deeply($arg, $exp, '":list,Cc,To" works for kinda centralized lists'); $ibx->{replyto} = 'new@example.com'; ($arg, $link) = PublicInbox::Reply::mailto_arg_link($ibx, $hdr); $exp = [ '--in-reply-to=blah@example.com', '--to=new@example.com', "--subject='Re: hihi'" ]; is_deeply($arg, $exp, 'explicit address works, too'); $ibx->{replyto} = ':all'; $ibx->{obfuscate} = 1; ($arg, $link) = PublicInbox::Reply::mailto_arg_link($ibx, $hdr); $exp = [ '--in-reply-to=blah@example.com', '--to=from@example$(echo .)com', '--cc=cc@example$(echo .)com', '--cc=to@example$(echo .)com', "--subject='Re: hihi'" ]; is_deeply($arg, $exp, 'address obfuscation works'); is($link, '', 'no mailto: link given'); $ibx->{replyto} = ':none=dead list'; $ibx->{obfuscate} = 1; ($arg, $link) = PublicInbox::Reply::mailto_arg_link($ibx, $hdr); is($$arg, 'dead list', ':none= works'); done_testing();