# Copyright (C) 2016-2018 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use PublicInbox::Linkify; { my $l = PublicInbox::Linkify->new; my $u = 'http://example.com/url-with-trailing-period'; my $s = $u . '.'; $s = $l->linkify_1($s); $s = $l->linkify_2($s); is($s, qq($u.), 'trailing period not in URL'); } { my $l = PublicInbox::Linkify->new; my $u = 'http://i-forgot-trailing-slash.example.com'; my $s = $u; $s = $l->linkify_1($s); $s = $l->linkify_2($s); is($s, qq($u), 'missing trailing slash OK'); } # handle URLs in parenthesized statements { my $l = PublicInbox::Linkify->new; my $u = 'http://example.com/'; my $s = "(see: $u)"; $s = $l->linkify_1($s); $s = $l->linkify_2($s); is($s, qq{(see: $u)}, 'trailing ) not in URL'); } { my $l = PublicInbox::Linkify->new; my $u = 'http://example.com/url-with-trailing-semicolon'; my $s = $u . ';'; $s = $l->linkify_1($s); $s = $l->linkify_2($s); is($s, qq($u;), 'trailing semicolon not in URL'); } { my $l = PublicInbox::Linkify->new; my $u = 'http://example.com/url-with-(parens)'; my $s = "hello $u world"; $s = $l->linkify_1($s); $s = $l->linkify_2($s); is($s, qq(hello $u world), 'URL preserved'); $s = "$u. hi"; $s = $l->linkify_1($s); $s = $l->linkify_2($s); is($s, qq($u. hi), 'paired () in URL OK'); $u .= "?query=a"; $s = "hello $u world"; $s = $l->linkify_1($s); $s = $l->linkify_2($s); is($s, qq(hello $u world), 'query preserved'); $u .= "#fragment"; $s = "hello $u world"; $s = $l->linkify_1($s); $s = $l->linkify_2($s); is($s, qq(hello $u world), 'query + fragment preserved'); $u = "http://example.com/"; $s = "hello $u world"; $s = $l->linkify_1($s); $s = $l->linkify_2($s); is($s, qq(hello $u world), "root URL preserved"); $u = "http://example.com/#fragment"; $s = "hello $u world"; $s = $l->linkify_1($s); $s = $l->linkify_2($s); is($s, qq(hello $u world), "root + fragment"); } # Markdown compatibility { my $l = PublicInbox::Linkify->new; my $u = 'http://example.com/'; my $s = "[markdown]($u)"; $s = $l->linkify_1($s); $s = $l->linkify_2($s); is($s, qq![markdown]($u)!, 'Markdown-compatible'); $s = qq![markdown]($u "title")!; $s = $l->linkify_1($s); $s = $l->linkify_2($s); is($s, qq![markdown]($u "title")!, 'Markdown title compatible'); $s = qq![markdown]($u).!; $s = $l->linkify_1($s); $s = $l->linkify_2($s); is($s, qq![markdown]($u).!, 'Markdown-compatible end of sentence'); } # Perl and Ruby code compatibility { my $l = PublicInbox::Linkify->new; my $u = 'http://example.com/'; foreach my $q ("'%s'", '"%s"', 'q!%s!', 'q(%s)') { # Perl my $s = sprintf("my \$var = $q;", $u); $s = $l->linkify_1($s); $s = $l->linkify_2($s); like($s, qr/>\Q$u\Elinkify_1($s); $s = $l->linkify_2($s); like($s, qr/>\Q$u\Enew; my $s = '(see http://example.com/).'; $s = $l->linkify_1($s); $s = $l->linkify_2($s); like($s, qr!\(see ]+>http://example\.com/\)\.!s, 'punctuation with unpaired ) OK') } if ('IDN example: ') { my $hc = '月'; my $u = "http://www.\x{6708}.example.com/"; my $s = $u; my $l = PublicInbox::Linkify->new; $s = $l->linkify_1($s); $s = $l->linkify_2($s); my $expect = qq{http://www.$hc.example.com/}; is($s, $expect, 'IDN message escaped properly'); } done_testing();