#!perl -w # Copyright (C) 2021 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use strict; use v5.10.1; use PublicInbox::TestCommon; require_mods(qw(lei -imapd Mail::IMAPClient)); my ($ro_home, $cfg_path) = setup_public_inboxes; my ($tmpdir, $for_destroy) = tmpdir; my $sock = tcp_server; my $cmd = [ '-imapd', '-W0', "--stdout=$tmpdir/1", "--stderr=$tmpdir/2" ]; my $env = { PI_CONFIG => $cfg_path }; my $td = start_script($cmd, $env, { 3 => $sock }) or BAIL_OUT("-imapd: $?"); my $host_port = tcp_host_port($sock); undef $sock; test_lei({ tmpdir => $tmpdir }, sub { my $url = "imap://$host_port/t.v2.0"; lei_ok(qw(q z:1..)); my $out = json_utf8->decode($lei_out); is_deeply($out, [ undef ], 'nothing imported, yet'); lei_ok('inspect', $url); is_deeply(json_utf8->decode($lei_out), {}, 'no inspect stats, yet'); lei_ok('import', $url); lei_ok('inspect', $url); my $res = json_utf8->decode($lei_out); is(scalar keys %$res, 1, 'got one key in inspect URL'); my $re = qr!\Aimap://;AUTH=ANONYMOUS\@\Q$host_port\E /t\.v2\.0;UIDVALIDITY=\d+!x; like((keys %$res)[0], qr/$re\z/, 'got expanded key'); lei_ok 'ls-mail-sync'; like($lei_out, qr!$re\n\z!, 'ls-mail-sync'); chomp(my $u = $lei_out); lei_ok('import', $u, \'UIDVALIDITY match in URL'); $url = $u; $u =~ s/;UIDVALIDITY=(\d+)\s*/;UIDVALIDITY=9$1/s; ok(!lei('import', $u), 'UIDVALIDITY mismatch in URL rejected'); lei_ok('inspect', $url); my $inspect = json_utf8->decode($lei_out); my @k = keys %$inspect; is(scalar(@k), 1, 'one URL resolved'); is($k[0], $url, 'inspect URL matches'); my $stats = $inspect->{$k[0]}; is_deeply([ sort keys %$stats ], [ qw(uid.count uid.max uid.min) ], 'keys match'); ok($stats->{'uid.min'} < $stats->{'uid.max'}, 'min < max'); ok($stats->{'uid.count'} > 0, 'count > 0'); lei_ok(qw(q z:1..)); $out = json_utf8->decode($lei_out); ok(scalar(@$out) > 1, 'got imported messages'); is(pop @$out, undef, 'trailing JSON null element was null'); my %r; for (@$out) { $r{ref($_)}++ } is_deeply(\%r, { 'HASH' => scalar(@$out) }, 'all hashes'); lei_ok([qw(tag +kw:seen), $url], undef, undef); my $f = "$ENV{HOME}/.local/share/lei/store/mail_sync.sqlite3"; ok(-s $f, 'mail_sync tracked for redundant imports'); lei_ok('inspect', "blob:$out->[5]->{blob}"); my $x = json_utf8->decode($lei_out); is(ref($x->{'lei/store'}), 'ARRAY', 'lei/store in inspect'); is(ref($x->{'mail-sync'}), 'HASH', 'sync in inspect'); is(ref($x->{'mail-sync'}->{$k[0]}), 'ARRAY', 'UID arrays in inspect') or diag explain($x); my $psgi_attach = 'cfa3622cbeffc9bd6b0fc66c4d60d420ba74f60d'; lei_ok('blob', $psgi_attach); like($lei_out, qr!^Content-Type: multipart/mixed;!sm, 'got full blob'); lei_ok('blob', "$psgi_attach:2"); is($lei_out, "b64\xde\xad\xbe\xef\n", 'got attachment'); lei_ok 'forget-mail-sync', $url; lei_ok 'ls-mail-sync'; unlike($lei_out, qr!\Q$host_port\E!, 'sync info gone after forget'); my $uid_url = "$url/;UID=".$stats->{'uid.max'}; lei_ok 'import', $uid_url; lei_ok 'inspect', $uid_url; $lei_out =~ /([a-f0-9]{40,})/ or xbail 'inspect missed blob with UID URL'; my $blob = $1; lei_ok 'lcat', $uid_url; like $lei_out, qr/^Subject: /sm, 'lcat shows mail text with UID URL'; like $lei_out, qr/\bblob:$blob\b/, 'lcat showed blob'; my $orig = $lei_out; lei_ok 'lcat', "blob:$blob"; is($lei_out, $orig, 'lcat understands blob:...'); ok(!lei('lcat', $url), "lcat doesn't work on IMAP URL w/o UID"); }); done_testing;