#!perl -w # Copyright (C) 2016-2021 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use strict; use v5.10.1; use PublicInbox::TestCommon; use PublicInbox::Eml; use Socket qw(IPPROTO_TCP SOL_SOCKET); require_mods(qw(Plack::Util Plack::Builder HTTP::Date HTTP::Status)); # FIXME: too much setup my ($tmpdir, $for_destroy) = tmpdir(); my $home = "$tmpdir/pi-home"; my $err = "$tmpdir/stderr.log"; my $out = "$tmpdir/stdout.log"; my $inboxdir = "$tmpdir/i.git"; my $group = 'test-httpd'; my $addr = $group . '@example.com'; my $sock = tcp_server(); my $td; { create_inbox 'test', tmpdir => $inboxdir, sub { my ($im, $ibx) = @_; $im->add(PublicInbox::Eml->new(< To: You Cc: $addr Message-Id: Subject: hihi Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 06:06:06 +0000 nntp EOF }; my $i2 = create_inbox 'test-2', sub { my ($im, $ibx) = @_; $im->add(eml_load('t/plack-qp.eml')) or xbail '->add'; }; local $ENV{HOME} = $home; my $cmd = [ '-init', $group, $inboxdir, 'http://example.com/', $addr ]; ok(run_script($cmd), 'init ran properly'); $cmd = [ '-httpd', '-W0', "--stdout=$out", "--stderr=$err" ]; $td = start_script($cmd, undef, { 3 => $sock }); my $http_pfx = 'http://'.tcp_host_port($sock); { my $bad = tcp_connect($sock); print $bad "GETT / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" or die; like(<$bad>, qr!\AHTTP/1\.[01] 405\b!, 'got 405 on bad req'); } my $conn = tcp_connect($sock); ok($conn->write("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"), 'wrote data to socket'); { my $buf; ok($conn->read($buf, 4096), 'read some bytes'); like($buf, qr!\AHTTP/1\.[01] 404\b!, 'got 404 response'); is($conn->read($buf, 1), 0, "EOF"); } is(xsys(qw(git clone -q --mirror), "$http_pfx/$group", "$tmpdir/clone.git"), 0, 'smart clone successful'); # ensure dumb cloning works, too: is(xsys('git', "--git-dir=$inboxdir", qw(config http.uploadpack false)), 0, 'disable http.uploadpack'); is(xsys(qw(git clone -q --mirror), "$http_pfx/$group", "$tmpdir/dumb.git"), 0, 'clone successful'); # test config reload my $cfg = "$home/.public-inbox/config"; open my $fh, '>>', $cfg or xbail "open: $!"; print $fh <{inboxdir} address = test-2\@example.com url = https://example.com/test-2 EOM close $fh or xbail "close $!"; $td->kill('HUP') or BAIL_OUT "failed to kill -httpd: $!"; tick; # wait for HUP to take effect my $buf = do { my $c2 = tcp_connect($sock); $c2->write("GET /test-2/qp\@example.com/raw HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n") or xbail "c2 write: $!"; local $/; <$c2> }; like($buf, qr!\AHTTP/1\.0 200\b!s, 'got 200 after reload for test-2'); ok($td->kill, 'killed httpd'); $td->join; is(xsys('git', "--git-dir=$tmpdir/clone.git", qw(fsck --no-verbose)), 0, 'fsck on cloned directory successful'); } SKIP: { skip 'TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT is Linux-only', 1 if $^O ne 'linux'; my $var = eval { Socket::TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT() } // 9; defined(my $x = getsockopt($sock, IPPROTO_TCP, $var)) or die; ok(unpack('i', $x) > 0, 'TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT set'); }; SKIP: { skip 'SO_ACCEPTFILTER is FreeBSD-only', 1 if $^O ne 'freebsd'; if (system('kldstat -m accf_http >/dev/null') != 0) { skip 'accf_http not loaded: kldload accf_http', 1; } require PublicInbox::Daemon; my $var = PublicInbox::Daemon::SO_ACCEPTFILTER(); my $x = getsockopt($sock, SOL_SOCKET, $var); like($x, qr/\Ahttpready\0+\z/, 'got httpready accf for HTTP'); }; done_testing;