# Copyright (C) 2016-2019 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # Tests for binding Unix domain sockets use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; require './t/common.perl'; use Errno qw(EADDRINUSE); foreach my $mod (qw(Plack::Util Plack::Builder HTTP::Date HTTP::Status)) { eval "require $mod"; plan skip_all => "$mod missing for httpd-unix.t" if $@; } use IO::Socket::UNIX; my ($tmpdir, $for_destroy) = tmpdir(); my $unix = "$tmpdir/unix.sock"; my $psgi = './t/httpd-corner.psgi'; my $out = "$tmpdir/out.log"; my $err = "$tmpdir/err.log"; my $td; my $spawn_httpd = sub { my (@args) = @_; push @args, '-W0'; my $cmd = [ '-httpd', @args, "--stdout=$out", "--stderr=$err", $psgi ]; $td = start_script($cmd); }; { require PublicInbox::Daemon; my $l = "$tmpdir/named.sock"; my $s = IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Listen => 5, Local => $l, Type => SOCK_STREAM); is(PublicInbox::Daemon::sockname($s), $l, 'sockname works for UNIX'); } ok(!-S $unix, 'UNIX socket does not exist, yet'); $spawn_httpd->("-l$unix"); my %o = (Peer => $unix, Type => SOCK_STREAM); for (1..1000) { last if -S $unix && IO::Socket::UNIX->new(%o); select undef, undef, undef, 0.02 } ok(-S $unix, 'UNIX socket was bound by -httpd'); sub check_sock ($) { my ($unix) = @_; my $sock = IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Peer => $unix, Type => SOCK_STREAM); warn "E: $! connecting to $unix\n" unless defined $sock; ok($sock, 'client UNIX socket connected'); ok($sock->write("GET /host-port HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"), 'wrote req to server'); ok($sock->read(my $buf, 4096), 'read response'); like($buf, qr!\r\n\r\n127\.0\.0\.1:0\z!, 'set REMOTE_ADDR and REMOTE_PORT for Unix socket'); } check_sock($unix); { # do not clobber existing socket my %err = ( 'linux' => EADDRINUSE, 'freebsd' => EADDRINUSE ); open my $out, '>>', "$tmpdir/1" or die "redirect failed: $!"; open my $err, '>>', "$tmpdir/2" or die "redirect failed: $!"; my $cmd = ['-httpd', '-l', $unix, '-W0', $psgi]; my $ftd = start_script($cmd, undef, { 1 => $out, 2 => $err }); $ftd->join; isnt($?, 0, 'httpd failure set $?'); SKIP: { my $ec = $err{$^O} or skip("not sure if $^O fails with EADDRINUSE", 1); is($? >> 8, $ec, 'httpd failed with EADDRINUSE'); }; open my $fh, "$tmpdir/2" or die "failed to open $tmpdir/2: $!"; local $/; my $e = <$fh>; like($e, qr/no listeners bound/i, 'got error message'); is(-s "$tmpdir/1", 0, 'stdout was empty'); } { is($td->kill, 1, 'terminate existing process'); $td->join; is($?, 0, 'existing httpd exited successfully'); ok(-S $unix, 'unix socket still exists'); } SKIP: { eval 'require Net::Server::Daemonize'; skip('Net::Server missing for pid-file/daemonization test', 10) if $@; # wait for daemonization $spawn_httpd->("-l$unix", '-D', '-P', "$tmpdir/pid"); $td->join; is($?, 0, 'daemonized process OK'); check_sock($unix); ok(-f "$tmpdir/pid", 'pid file written'); open my $fh, '<', "$tmpdir/pid" or die "open failed: $!"; local $/ = "\n"; my $rpid = <$fh>; chomp $rpid; like($rpid, qr/\A\d+\z/s, 'pid file looks like a pid'); is(kill('TERM', $rpid), 1, 'signalled daemonized process'); for (1..100) { kill(0, $rpid) or last; select undef, undef, undef, 0.02; } is(kill(0, $rpid), 0, 'daemonized process exited') } done_testing();