# Copyright (C) 2019-2020 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # edit frontend behavior test (t/replace.t for backend) use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use PublicInbox::TestCommon; require_git(2.6); require PublicInbox::Inbox; require PublicInbox::InboxWritable; require PublicInbox::Config; use PublicInbox::MID qw(mid_clean); require_mods('DBD::SQLite'); my ($tmpdir, $for_destroy) = tmpdir(); my $inboxdir = "$tmpdir/v2"; my $ibx = PublicInbox::Inbox->new({ inboxdir => $inboxdir, name => 'test-v2edit', version => 2, -primary_address => 'test@example.com', indexlevel => 'basic', }); $ibx = PublicInbox::InboxWritable->new($ibx, {nproc=>1}); my $cfgfile = "$tmpdir/config"; local $ENV{PI_CONFIG} = $cfgfile; my $file = 't/data/0001.patch'; open my $fh, '<', $file or die "open: $!"; my $raw = do { local $/; <$fh> }; my $im = $ibx->importer(0); my $mime = PublicInbox::Eml->new($raw); my $mid = mid_clean($mime->header('Message-Id')); ok($im->add($mime), 'add message to be edited'); $im->done; my ($in, $out, $err, $cmd, $cur, $t); my $git = PublicInbox::Git->new("$ibx->{inboxdir}/git/0.git"); my $opt = { 0 => \$in, 1 => \$out, 2 => \$err }; $t = '-F FILE'; { $in = $out = $err = ''; local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/boolean prefix/bool pfx/'"; $cmd = [ '-edit', "-F$file", $inboxdir ]; ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), "$t edit OK"); $cur = PublicInbox::Eml->new($ibx->msg_by_mid($mid)); like($cur->header('Subject'), qr/bool pfx/, "$t message edited"); like($out, qr/[a-f0-9]{40}/, "$t shows commit on success"); } $t = '-m MESSAGE_ID'; { $in = $out = $err = ''; local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/bool pfx/boolean prefix/'"; $cmd = [ '-edit', "-m$mid", $inboxdir ]; ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), "$t edit OK"); $cur = PublicInbox::Eml->new($ibx->msg_by_mid($mid)); like($cur->header('Subject'), qr/boolean prefix/, "$t message edited"); like($out, qr/[a-f0-9]{40}/, "$t shows commit on success"); } $t = 'no-op -m MESSAGE_ID'; { $in = $out = $err = ''; my $before = $git->qx(qw(rev-parse HEAD)); local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/bool pfx/boolean prefix/'"; $cmd = [ '-edit', "-m$mid", $inboxdir ]; ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), "$t succeeds"); my $prev = $cur; $cur = PublicInbox::Eml->new($ibx->msg_by_mid($mid)); is_deeply($cur, $prev, "$t makes no change"); like($cur->header('Subject'), qr/boolean prefix/, "$t does not change message"); like($out, qr/NONE/, 'noop shows NONE'); my $after = $git->qx(qw(rev-parse HEAD)); is($after, $before, 'git head unchanged'); } $t = 'no-op -m MESSAGE_ID w/Status: header'; { # because mutt does it $in = $out = $err = ''; my $before = $git->qx(qw(rev-parse HEAD)); local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/^Subject:.*/Status: RO\\n\$&/'"; $cmd = [ '-edit', "-m$mid", $inboxdir ]; ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), "$t succeeds"); my $prev = $cur; $cur = PublicInbox::Eml->new($ibx->msg_by_mid($mid)); is_deeply($cur, $prev, "$t makes no change"); like($cur->header('Subject'), qr/boolean prefix/, "$t does not change message"); is($cur->header('Status'), undef, 'Status header not added'); like($out, qr/NONE/, 'noop shows NONE'); my $after = $git->qx(qw(rev-parse HEAD)); is($after, $before, 'git head unchanged'); } $t = '-m MESSAGE_ID can change Received: headers'; { $in = $out = $err = ''; local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/^Subject:.*/Received: x\\n\$&/'"; $cmd = [ '-edit', "-m$mid", $inboxdir ]; ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), "$t succeeds"); $cur = PublicInbox::Eml->new($ibx->msg_by_mid($mid)); like($cur->header('Subject'), qr/boolean prefix/, "$t does not change Subject"); is($cur->header('Received'), 'x', 'added Received header'); } $t = '-m miss'; { $in = $out = $err = ''; local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/boolean/FAIL/'"; $cmd = [ '-edit', "-m$mid-miss", $inboxdir ]; ok(!run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), "$t fails on invalid MID"); like($err, qr/No message found/, "$t shows error"); } $t = 'non-interactive editor failure'; { $in = $out = $err = ''; local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 'END { exit 1 }'"; $cmd = [ '-edit', "-m$mid", $inboxdir ]; ok(!run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), "$t detected"); like($err, qr/END \{ exit 1 \}' failed:/, "$t shows error"); } $t = 'mailEditor set in config'; { $in = $out = $err = ''; my $rc = xsys(qw(git config), "--file=$cfgfile", 'publicinbox.maileditor', "$^X -i -p -e 's/boolean prefix/bool pfx/'"); is($rc, 0, 'set publicinbox.mailEditor'); local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR}; delete $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR}; local $ENV{GIT_EDITOR} = 'echo should not run'; $cmd = [ '-edit', "-m$mid", $inboxdir ]; ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), "$t edited message"); $cur = PublicInbox::Eml->new($ibx->msg_by_mid($mid)); like($cur->header('Subject'), qr/bool pfx/, "$t message edited"); unlike($out, qr/should not run/, 'did not run GIT_EDITOR'); } $t = '--raw and mbox escaping'; { $in = $out = $err = ''; local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/^\$/\\nFrom not mbox\\n/'"; $cmd = [ '-edit', "-m$mid", '--raw', $inboxdir ]; ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), "$t succeeds"); $cur = PublicInbox::Eml->new($ibx->msg_by_mid($mid)); like($cur->body, qr/^From not mbox/sm, 'put "From " line into body'); local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/^>From not/\$& an/'"; $cmd = [ '-edit', "-m$mid", $inboxdir ]; ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), "$t succeeds with mbox escaping"); $cur = PublicInbox::Eml->new($ibx->msg_by_mid($mid)); like($cur->body, qr/^From not an mbox/sm, 'changed "From " line unescaped'); local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/^From not an mbox\\n//s'"; $cmd = [ '-edit', "-m$mid", '--raw', $inboxdir ]; ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), "$t succeeds again"); $cur = PublicInbox::Eml->new($ibx->msg_by_mid($mid)); unlike($cur->body, qr/^From not an mbox/sm, "$t restored body"); } $t = 'reuse Message-ID'; { my @warn; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warn, @_ }; ok($im->add($mime), "$t and re-add"); $im->done; like($warn[0], qr/reused for mismatched content/, "$t got warning"); } $t = 'edit ambiguous Message-ID with -m'; { $in = $out = $err = ''; local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/bool pfx/boolean prefix/'"; $cmd = [ '-edit', "-m$mid", $inboxdir ]; ok(!run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), "$t fails w/o --force"); like($err, qr/Multiple messages with different content found matching/, "$t shows matches"); like($err, qr/GIT_DIR=.*git show/is, "$t shows git commands"); } $t .= ' and --force'; { $in = $out = $err = ''; local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/^Subject:.*/Subject:x/i'"; $cmd = [ '-edit', "-m$mid", '--force', $inboxdir ]; ok(run_script($cmd, undef, $opt), "$t succeeds"); like($err, qr/Will edit all of them/, "$t notes all will be edited"); my @dump = $git->qx(qw(cat-file --batch --batch-all-objects)); chomp @dump; is_deeply([grep(/^Subject:/i, @dump)], [qw(Subject:x Subject:x)], "$t edited both messages"); } done_testing();