#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright (C) 2013-2018 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # # One-off script to convert an slrnpull news spool to Maildir =begin usage ./slrnspool2maildir SLRNPULL_ROOT/news/foo/bar /path/to/maildir/ =cut use strict; use warnings; use Email::Filter; use Email::LocalDelivery; sub usage { "Usage:\n".join('',grep(/\t/, `head -n 12 $0`)) } my $spool = shift @ARGV or die usage(); my $dir = shift @ARGV or die usage(); -d $dir or die "$dir is not a directory\n"; $dir .= '/' unless $dir =~ m!/\z!; foreach my $sub (qw(cur new tmp)) { my $nd = "$dir/$sub"; -d $nd and next; mkdir $nd or die "mkdir $nd failed: $!\n"; } foreach my $n (grep(/\d+\z/, glob("$spool/*"))) { if (open my $fh, '<', $n) { my $f = Email::Filter->new(data => eval { local $/; <$fh> }); my $s = $f->simple; # gmane rewrites Received headers, which increases spamminess # Some older archives set Original-To foreach my $x (qw(Received To)) { my @h = $s->header("Original-$x"); if (@h) { $s->header_set($x, @h); $s->header_set("Original-$x"); } } # triggers for the SA HEADER_SPAM rule foreach my $drop (qw(Approved)) { $s->header_set($drop) } # appears to be an old gmane bug: $s->header_set('connect()'); $f->exit(0); $f->accept($dir); } else { warn "Failed to open $n: $!\n"; } }