#!perl -w # Copyright (C) 2020-2021 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use strict; use v5.10.1; use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt no_ignore_case auto_abbrev); my $help = < -1, compact => 0, fsync => 1, scan => 1 }; GetOptions($opt, qw(verbose|v+ reindex rethread compact|c+ jobs|j=i fsync|sync! indexlevel|index-level|L=s max_size|max-size=s batch_size|batch-size=s dedupe:s@ gc commit-interval=i watch scan! dry-run|n all C=s@ help|h)) or die $help; if ($opt->{help}) { print $help; exit 0 }; die "--jobs must be >= 0\n" if defined $opt->{jobs} && $opt->{jobs} < 0; require IO::Handle; STDOUT->autoflush(1); STDERR->autoflush(1); local $SIG{USR1} = 'IGNORE'; # to be overridden in eidx_sync # require lazily to speed up --help require PublicInbox::Admin; PublicInbox::Admin::do_chdir(delete $opt->{C}); my $cfg = PublicInbox::Config->new; my $eidx_dir = shift(@ARGV); unless (defined $eidx_dir) { if ($opt->{all} && $cfg->ALL) { $eidx_dir = $cfg->ALL->{topdir}; } else { die "E: $help"; } } my @ibxs; if ($opt->{gc}) { die "E: inbox paths must not be specified with --gc\n" if @ARGV; for my $sw (qw(all watch dry-run dedupe)) { die "E: --$sw is not compatible with --gc\n" if $opt->{$sw}; } } else { @ibxs = PublicInbox::Admin::resolve_inboxes(\@ARGV, $opt, $cfg); } if ($opt->{'dry-run'} && !$opt->{dedupe}) { die "E: --dry-run only affects --dedupe\n"; } PublicInbox::Admin::require_or_die(qw(-search)); PublicInbox::Config::json() or die "Cpanel::JSON::XS or similar missing\n"; PublicInbox::Admin::progress_prepare($opt); my $env = PublicInbox::Admin::index_prepare($opt, $cfg); local %ENV = (%ENV, %$env) if $env; require PublicInbox::ExtSearchIdx; my $eidx = PublicInbox::ExtSearchIdx->new($eidx_dir, $opt); if ($opt->{gc}) { $eidx->attach_config($cfg); $eidx->eidx_gc($opt); } else { if ($opt->{all}) { $eidx->attach_config($cfg); } else { $eidx->attach_config($cfg, \@ibxs); } if ($opt->{watch}) { $cfg = undef; # save memory only after SIGHUP $eidx->eidx_watch($opt); } else { $eidx->eidx_sync($opt); } }