# Copyright (C) 2020 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # cf. RFC 5092, which the `URI' package doesn't support # # This depends only on the documented public API of the `URI' dist, # not on internal `_'-prefixed subclasses such as `URI::_server' # # exists, but it's not in # common distros. # # RFC 2192 also describes ";TYPE=" package PublicInbox::URIimap; use strict; use URI::Split qw(uri_split uri_join); # part of URI use URI::Escape qw(uri_unescape); my %default_ports = (imap => 143, imaps => 993); sub new { my ($class, $url) = @_; $url =~ m!\Aimaps?://! ? bless \$url, $class : undef; } sub canonical { my ($self) = @_; # no #frag in RFC 5092 from what I can tell my ($scheme, $auth, $path, $query, $_frag) = uri_split($$self); $path =~ s!\A/+!/!; # excessive leading slash # lowercase the host portion $auth =~ s#\A(.*@)?(.*?)(?::([0-9]+))?\z# my $ret = ($1//'').lc($2); if (defined(my $port = $3)) { if ($default_ports{lc($scheme)} != $port) { $ret .= ":$port"; } } $ret#ei; ref($self)->new(uri_join(lc($scheme), $auth, $path, $query)); } sub host { my ($self) = @_; my (undef, $auth) = uri_split($$self); $auth =~ s!\A.*?@!!; $auth =~ s!:[0-9]+\z!!; $auth =~ s!\A\[(.*)\]\z!$1!; # IPv6 uri_unescape($auth); } # unescaped, may be used for globbing sub path { my ($self) = @_; my (undef, undef, $path) = uri_split($$self); $path =~ s!\A/+!!; $path =~ s/;.*\z//; # ;UIDVALIDITY=nz-number $path eq '' ? undef : $path; } sub mailbox { my ($self) = @_; my $path = path($self); defined($path) ? uri_unescape($path) : undef; } # TODO: UIDVALIDITY, search, and other params sub port { my ($self) = @_; my ($scheme, $auth) = uri_split($$self); $auth =~ /:([0-9]+)\z/ ? $1 + 0 : $default_ports{lc($scheme)}; } sub authority { my ($self) = @_; my (undef, $auth) = uri_split($$self); $auth } sub user { my ($self) = @_; my (undef, $auth) = uri_split($$self); $auth =~ s/@.*\z// or return undef; # drop host:port $auth =~ s/;.*\z//; # drop ;AUTH=... $auth =~ s/:.*\z//; # drop password uri_unescape($auth); } sub password { my ($self) = @_; my (undef, $auth) = uri_split($$self); $auth =~ s/@.*\z// or return undef; # drop host:port $auth =~ s/;.*\z//; # drop ;AUTH=... $auth =~ s/\A[^:]+:// ? uri_unescape($auth) : undef; # drop ->user } sub auth { my ($self) = @_; my (undef, $auth) = uri_split($$self); $auth =~ s/@.*\z//; # drop host:port $auth =~ /;AUTH=(.+)\z/i ? uri_unescape($1) : undef; } sub scheme { my ($self) = @_; (uri_split($$self))[0]; } sub as_string { ${$_[0]} } 1;