# Copyright (C) 2015 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ package PublicInbox::RepoGitSrc; use strict; use warnings; use base qw(PublicInbox::RepoBase); use PublicInbox::Hval qw(utf8_html); use PublicInbox::Qspawn; my %GIT_MODE = ( '100644' => ' ', # blob '100755' => 'x', # executable blob '040000' => 'd', # tree '120000' => 'l', # symlink '160000' => 'g', # commit (gitlink) ); my $BINARY_MSG = "Binary file, save using the 'raw' link above"; my $TOOBIG_MSG = "File is too big to display, save using the 'raw' link above"; my $MAX_ASYNC = 65536; # same as pipe size on Linux my $BIN_DETECT = 8000; # same as git (buffer_is_binary in git.git) sub call_git_src { my ($self, $req) = @_; my $repo = $req->{-repo}; my $git = $repo->{git}; my $tip = $req->{tip} or return $self->r(302, $req, $repo->tip); sub { my ($res) = @_; $git->check_async($req->{env}, "$tip:$req->{expath}", sub { my ($info) = @_; my ($hex, $type, $size) = @$info; unless (defined $type) { $res->($self->rt(404, 'plain', 'Not Found')); } show_tree($self, $req, $res, $hex, $type, $size); }); } } sub show_tree { my ($self, $req, $res, $hex, $type, $size) = @_; my $opts = { nofollow => 1 }; my $title = "tree: ".utf8_html($req->{expath}); $req->{thtml} = $self->html_start($req, $title, $opts) . "\n"; if ($type eq 'tree') { $opts->{noindex} = 1; git_tree_show($self, $req, $res, $hex); } elsif ($type eq 'blob') { git_blob_show($self, $req, $res, $hex, $size); } else { $res->($self->rt(404, 'plain', "Unrecognized type ($type) for $hex\n")); } } sub cur_path { my ($req) = @_; my @ex = @{$req->{extra}} or return 'root'; my $s; my $tip = $req->{tip}; my $rel = $req->{relcmd}; # avoid relative paths, here, we don't want to propagate # trailing-slash URLs although we tolerate them $s = "root/"; my $cur = pop @ex; my @t; $s .= join('/', (map { push @t, $_; my $e = PublicInbox::Hval->utf8($_, join('/', @t)); my $ep = $e->as_path; my $eh = $e->as_html; "$eh"; } @ex), ''.utf8_html($cur).''); } sub git_blob_sed ($$$) { my ($req, $hex, $size) = @_; my $pfx = $req->{tpfx}; my $nl = 0; my $bytes = 0; my @lines; my $buf = ''; my $end = ''; my $s; sub { my $dst = delete $req->{thtml} || ''; if (defined $_[0]) { return '' if $bytes < 0; # binary if ($bytes <= $BIN_DETECT) { if (index($_[0], "\0") >= 0) { $bytes = -1; $s = delete $req->{lstart} and $dst .= $s; $dst .= "\n"; $dst .= $BINARY_MSG; return $dst .= ''; } } $bytes += bytes::length($_[0]); $buf .= $_[0]; $_[0] = ''; # save some memory $s = delete $req->{lstart} and $dst .= $s; @lines = split(/\r?\n/, $buf, -1); $buf = pop @lines; # last line, careful... } else { # EOF $s = delete $req->{lstart} and $dst .= $s; @lines = split(/\r?\n/, $buf, -1); $buf = pop @lines; $end .= ''; } foreach (@lines) { ++$nl; $dst .= ""; $dst .= sprintf("% 5u\t", $nl); $dst .= utf8_html($_); $dst .= "\n"; } @lines = (); if ($end && defined $buf && $buf ne '') { ++$nl; $dst .= ""; $dst .= sprintf("% 5u\t", $nl); $dst .= utf8_html($buf); $buf = undef; $dst .= "\n\\ No newline at end of file"; } $dst .= $end; } } sub git_blob_show { my ($self, $req, $res, $hex, $size) = @_; my $t = cur_path($req); my $rel = $req->{relcmd}; my $raw = join('/', "${rel}raw", $req->{tip}, @{$req->{extra}}); $raw = PublicInbox::Hval->utf8($raw)->as_path; $req->{thtml} .= qq{\npath: $t\n\nblob $hex} . qq{\t$size bytes (raw)}; $req->{lstart} = '
	my $git = $req->{-repo}->{git};
	if ($size > $MAX_ASYNC) {
		my $html = delete($req->{thtml}) . delete($req->{lstart});
		$html .= $TOOBIG_MSG;
		$html .= '
'; return $res->($self->rt(200, 'html', $html)); } my $buf = ''; # we slurp small files $git->cat_async($req->{env}, $hex, sub { my ($r) = @_; my $ref = ref($r); return if $ref eq 'ARRAY'; # redundant info if ($ref eq 'SCALAR') { $buf .= $$r; if (bytes::length($buf) == $size) { my $fh = $res->($self->rt(200, 'html')); my $sed = git_blob_sed($req, $hex, $size); $fh->write($sed->($buf)); $fh->write($sed->(undef)); $fh->close; } return; } my $cb = $res or return; $res = undef; $cb->($self->rt(500, 'plain', "Error\n")); }); } sub git_tree_sed ($) { my ($req) = @_; my @lines; my $buf = ''; my $pfx = $req->{tpfx}; my $end; sub { my $dst = delete $req->{thtml} || ''; if (defined $_[0]) { @lines = split(/\0/, $buf .= $_[0]); $buf = pop @lines if @lines; } else { @lines = split(/\0/, $buf); $end = ''; } for (@lines) { my ($m, $x, $s, $path) = (/\A(\S+) \S+ (\S+)( *\S+)\t(.+)\z/s); $m = $GIT_MODE{$m} or next; $path = PublicInbox::Hval->utf8($path); my $ref = $path->as_path; $path = $path->as_html; if ($m eq 'g') { # TODO: support cross-repository gitlinks $dst .= 'g' . (' ' x 15) . "$path @ $x\n"; next; } elsif ($m eq 'd') { $path = "$path/" } elsif ($m eq 'x') { $path = "$path" } elsif ($m eq 'l') { $path = "$path" } $s =~ s/\s+//g; # 'raw' and 'log' links intentionally omitted # for brevity and speed $dst .= qq($m\t). qq($s\t$path\n); } $dst; } } sub git_tree_show { my ($self, $req, $res, $hex) = @_; my $git = $req->{-repo}->{git}; my $cmd = $git->cmd(qw(ls-tree -l -z --no-abbrev), $hex); my $rdr = { 2 => $git->err_begin }; my $qsp = PublicInbox::Qspawn->new($cmd, undef, $rdr); my $t = cur_path($req); my $pfx; $req->{thtml} .= "\npath: $t\n\nmode\tsize\tname\n"; if (defined(my $last = $req->{extra}->[-1])) { $pfx = PublicInbox::Hval->utf8($last)->as_path; } else { $pfx = 'src/' . $req->{tip}; } $req->{tpfx} = $pfx; my $env = $req->{env}; $env->{'qspawn.response'} = $res; $qsp->psgi_return($env, undef, sub { my ($r) = @_; if (defined $r) { $env->{'qspawn.filter'} = git_tree_sed($req); $self->rt(200, 'html'); } else { $self->rt(500, 'plain', $git->err); } }); } 1;