# Copyright (C) 2016 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # common git diff-related code package PublicInbox::RepoGitDiffCommon; use strict; use warnings; use PublicInbox::RepoGit qw/git_unquote git_commit_title/; use PublicInbox::Hval qw/utf8_html to_attr/; use base qw/Exporter/; our @EXPORT = qw/git_diff_sed_init git_diff_sed_close git_diff_sed_run DSTATE_INIT DSTATE_STAT DSTATE_LINES/; # index abcdef89..01234567 sub git_diff_ab_index ($$$) { my ($xa, $xb, $end) = @_; # not wasting bandwidth on links here, yet # links in hunk headers are far more useful with line offsets $end = utf8_html($end); "index $xa..$xb$end"; } # diff --git a/foo.c b/bar.c sub git_diff_ab_hdr ($$$) { my ($req, $fa, $fb) = @_; my $html_a = utf8_html($fa); my $html_b = utf8_html($fb); $fa = git_unquote($fa); $fb = git_unquote($fb); $fa =~ s!\Aa/!!; $fb =~ s!\Ab/!!; my $anchor = to_attr($fb); delete $req->{anchors}->{$anchor}; $fa = $req->{fa} = PublicInbox::Hval->utf8($fa); $fb = $req->{fb} = PublicInbox::Hval->utf8($fb); $req->{path_a} = $fa->as_path; $req->{path_b} = $fb->as_path; # not wasting bandwidth on links here # links in hunk headers are far more useful with line offsets qq(diff --git $html_a $html_b); } # diff (--cc|--combined) sub git_diff_cc_hdr { my ($req, $combined, $path) = @_; my $html_path = utf8_html($path); $path = git_unquote($path); my $anchor = to_attr($path); delete $req->{anchors}->{$anchor}; my $cc = $req->{cc} = PublicInbox::Hval->utf8($path); $req->{path_cc} = $cc->as_path; qq(diff --$combined $html_path); } # @@ -1,2 +3,4 @@ (regular diff) sub git_diff_ab_hunk ($$$$) { my ($req, $ca, $cb, $ctx) = @_; my ($na) = ($ca =~ /\A-(\d+)/); my ($nb) = ($cb =~ /\A\+(\d+)/); # we add "rel=nofollow" here to reduce load on search engines, here my $rel = $req->{relcmd}; my $rv = '@@ '; if (defined($na) && $na == 0) { # new file $rv .= $ca; } else { $na = defined $na ? "#n$na" : ''; my $p = $req->{p}->[0]; $rv .= qq({path_a}$na">); $rv .= "$ca"; } $rv .= ' '; if (defined($nb) && $nb == 0) { # deleted file $rv .= $cb; } else { $nb = defined $nb ? "#n$nb" : ''; $rv .= qq({-tip}/$req->{path_b}$nb">); $rv .= "$cb"; } $rv . ' @@' . utf8_html($ctx); } # index abcdef09,01234567..76543210 sub git_diff_cc_index { my ($req, $before, $last, $end) = @_; $end = utf8_html($end); my @before = split(',', $before); $req->{pobj_cc} = \@before; # not wasting bandwidth on links here, yet # links in hunk headers are far more useful with line offsets "index $before..$last$end"; } # @@@ -1,2 -3,4 +5,6 @@@ (combined diff) sub git_diff_cc_hunk { my ($req, $at, $offs, $ctx) = @_; my @offs = split(' ', $offs); my $last = pop @offs; my @p = @{$req->{p}}; my @pobj = @{$req->{pobj_cc}}; my $path = $req->{path_cc}; my $rel = $req->{relcmd}; my $rv = $at; # special 'cc' action as we don't have reliable paths from parents my $ppath = "${rel}cc/$path"; foreach my $off (@offs) { my $p = shift @p; my $obj = shift @pobj; # blob SHA-1 my ($n) = ($off =~ /\A-(\d+)/); # line number if ($n == 0) { # new file (does this happen with --cc?) $rv .= " $off"; } else { $rv .= " "; $rv .= "$off"; } } # we can use the normal 'src' endpoint for the result my ($n) = ($last =~ /\A\+(\d+)/); # line number if ($n == 0) { # deleted file (does this happen with --cc?) $rv .= " $last"; } else { my $H = $req->{H}; $rv .= qq( $last); } $rv .= " $at" . utf8_html($ctx); } sub git_diffstat_rename ($$$) { my ($req, $from, $to) = @_; my $anchor = to_attr(git_unquote($to)); $req->{anchors}->{$anchor} = $to; my @from = split('/', $from); my @to = split('/', $to); my $orig_to = $to; my ($base, @base); while (@to && @from && $to[0] eq $from[0]) { push @base, shift(@to); shift @from; } $base = utf8_html(join('/', @base)) if @base; $from = utf8_html(join('/', @from)); $to = PublicInbox::Hval->utf8(join('/', @to), $orig_to); my $tp = $to->as_path; my $th = $to->as_html; $to = qq($th); @base ? "$base/{$from => $to}" : "$from => $to"; } sub DSTATE_INIT () { 0 } sub DSTATE_STAT () { 1 } sub DSTATE_LINES () { 2 } sub git_diff_sed_init ($) { my ($req) = @_; $req->{dbuf} = ''; $req->{-tip} = $req->{-repo}->tip; $req->{ndiff} = $req->{nchg} = $req->{nadd} = $req->{ndel} = 0; $req->{dstate} = DSTATE_INIT; } sub git_diff_sed_stat ($$) { my ($dst, $req) = @_; my @stat = split(/\0/, $req->{dbuf}, -1); my $eos; my $nchg = \($req->{nchg}); my $nadd = \($req->{nadd}); my $ndel = \($req->{ndel}); if (!$req->{dstat_started}) { $req->{dstat_started} = 1; # merges start with an extra '\0' before the diffstat # non-merge commits start with an extra '\n', instead if ($req->{mhelp}) { if ($stat[0] eq '') { shift @stat; } else { warn 'initial merge diffstat line was not empty'; } } else { # for commits, only (not diff-tree) $stat[0] =~ s/\A\n//s; } } while (defined(my $l = shift @stat)) { if ($l eq '') { $eos = 1 if $stat[0] && $stat[0] =~ /\Ad/; # "diff --" last; } elsif ($l =~ /\Adiff /) { unshift @stat, $l; $eos = 1; last; } $l =~ /\A(\S+)\t+(\S+)\t+(.*)/ or next; my ($add, $del, $fn) = ($1, $2, $3); if ($fn ne '') { # normal modification # TODO: discard diffs if they are too big # gigantic changes with many files may still OOM us my $anchor = to_attr(git_unquote($fn)); $req->{anchors}->{$anchor} = $fn; $l = utf8_html($fn); $l = qq($l); } else { # rename # incomplete... if (scalar(@stat) < 2) { unshift @stat, $l; last; } my $from = shift @stat; my $to = shift @stat; $l = git_diffstat_rename($req, $from, $to); } # text changes show numerically, Binary does not if ($add =~ /\A\d+\z/) { $$nadd += $add; $$ndel += $del; $add = "+$add"; $del = "-$del"; } ++$$nchg; my $num = sprintf('% 6s/%-6s', $del, $add); $$dst .= " $num\t$l\n"; } $req->{dbuf} = join("\0", @stat); return unless $eos; $req->{dstate} = DSTATE_LINES; $$dst .= "\n $$nchg "; $$dst .= $$nchg == 1 ? 'file changed, ' : 'files changed, '; $$dst .= $$nadd; $$dst .= $$nadd == 1 ? ' insertion(+), ' : ' insertions(+), '; $$dst .= $$ndel; $$dst .= $$ndel == 1 ? " deletion(-)\n\n" : " deletions(-)\n\n"; } sub git_diff_sed_lines ($$) { my ($dst, $req) = @_; # TODO: discard diffs if they are too big my @dlines = split(/\n/, $req->{dbuf}, -1); $req->{dbuf} = ''; if (my $help = delete $req->{mhelp}) { $$dst .= $help; # CC_MERGE } # don't touch the last line, it may not be terminated $req->{dbuf} .= pop @dlines; my $ndiff = \($req->{ndiff}); my $cmt = '[a-f0-9]+'; while (defined(my $l = shift @dlines)) { if ($l =~ m{\Adiff --git ("?a/.+) ("?b/.+)\z}) { # regular $$dst .= git_diff_ab_hdr($req, $1, $2) . "\n"; } elsif ($l =~ m{\Adiff --(cc|combined) (.+)\z}) { $$dst .= git_diff_cc_hdr($req, $1, $2) . "\n"; } elsif ($l =~ /\Aindex ($cmt)\.\.($cmt)(.*)\z/o) { # regular $$dst .= git_diff_ab_index($1, $2, $3) . "\n"; } elsif ($l =~ /\A@@ (\S+) (\S+) @@(.*)\z/) { # regular $$dst .= git_diff_ab_hunk($req, $1, $2, $3) . "\n"; } elsif ($l =~ /\Aindex ($cmt,[^\.]+)\.\.($cmt)(.*)$/o) { #--cc $$dst .= git_diff_cc_index($req, $1, $2, $3) . "\n"; } elsif ($l =~ /\A(@@@+) (\S+.*\S+) @@@+(.*)\z/) { # --cc $$dst .= git_diff_cc_hunk($req, $1, $2, $3) . "\n"; } else { $$dst .= utf8_html($l) . "\n"; } ++$$ndiff; } } sub git_diff_sed_run ($$) { my ($dst, $req) = @_; $req->{dstate} == DSTATE_STAT and git_diff_sed_stat($dst, $req); $req->{dstate} == DSTATE_LINES and git_diff_sed_lines($dst, $req); undef; } sub git_diff_sed_close ($$) { my ($dst, $req) = @_; $$dst .= utf8_html(delete $req->{dbuf}); undef; } 1;