# Copyright (C) all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # Backend for `lei' (local email interface). Unlike the C10K-oriented # PublicInbox::Daemon, this is designed exclusively to handle trusted # local clients with read/write access to the FS and use as many # system resources as the local user has access to. package PublicInbox::LEI; use v5.12; use parent qw(PublicInbox::DS PublicInbox::LeiExternal PublicInbox::LeiQuery); use autodie qw(bind chdir open pipe socket socketpair syswrite unlink); use Getopt::Long (); use Socket qw(AF_UNIX SOCK_SEQPACKET pack_sockaddr_un); use Errno qw(EPIPE EAGAIN ECONNREFUSED ENOENT ECONNRESET); use Cwd qw(getcwd); use POSIX qw(strftime); use IO::Handle (); use Fcntl qw(SEEK_SET); use PublicInbox::Config; use PublicInbox::Syscall qw(EPOLLIN); use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(run_wait popen_rd run_qx); use PublicInbox::Lock; use PublicInbox::Eml; use PublicInbox::Import; use PublicInbox::ContentHash qw(git_sha); use PublicInbox::OnDestroy; use PublicInbox::IPC; use Time::HiRes qw(stat); # ctime comparisons for config cache use File::Path (); use File::Spec; use Carp qw(carp); use Sys::Syslog qw(openlog syslog closelog); our $quit = \&CORE::exit; our ($current_lei, $errors_log, $listener, $oldset, $dir_idle); my $GLP = Getopt::Long::Parser->new; $GLP->configure(qw(gnu_getopt no_ignore_case auto_abbrev)); my $GLP_PASS = Getopt::Long::Parser->new; $GLP_PASS->configure(qw(gnu_getopt no_ignore_case auto_abbrev pass_through)); our (%PATH2CFG, # persistent for socket daemon $MDIR2CFGPATH, # location => { /path/to/config => [ ino watches ] } $OPT, # shared between optparse and opt_dash callback (for Getopt::Long) $daemon_pid ); # TBD: this is a documentation mechanism to show a subcommand # (may) pass options through to another command: sub pass_through { $GLP_PASS } sub opt_dash ($$) { # callback runs inside optparse my ($spec, $re_str) = @_; # 'limit|n=i', '([0-9]+)' my ($key) = ($spec =~ m/\A([a-z]+)/g); my $cb = sub { # Getopt::Long "<>" catch-all handler my ($arg) = @_; if ($arg =~ /\A-($re_str)\z/) { $OPT->{$key} = $1; } elsif ($arg eq '--') { # "--" arg separator, ignore first push @{$OPT->{-argv}}, $arg if $OPT->{'--'}++; # lone (single) dash is handled elsewhere } elsif (substr($arg, 0, 1) eq '-') { if ($OPT->{'--'}) { push @{$OPT->{-argv}}, $arg; } else { die "bad argument: $arg\n"; } } else { push @{$OPT->{-argv}}, $arg; } }; ($spec, '<>' => $cb, $GLP_PASS) # for Getopt::Long } # rel2abs preserves symlinks in parent, unlike abs_path sub rel2abs { my ($self, $p) = @_; if (index($p, '/') == 0) { # already absolute $p =~ tr!/!/!s; # squeeze redundant slashes chop($p) if substr($p, -1, 1) eq '/'; return $p; } my $pwd = $self->{env}->{PWD}; if (defined $pwd) { if (my @st_pwd = stat($pwd)) { my @st_cwd = stat($self->{3}) or die "stat({3}): $!"; "@st_pwd[1,0]" eq "@st_cwd[1,0]" or $self->{env}->{PWD} = $pwd = undef; } else { # PWD was invalid $self->{env}->{PWD} = $pwd = undef; } } $pwd //= $self->{env}->{PWD} = getcwd() // die "getcwd: $!"; File::Spec->rel2abs($p, $pwd); } # abs_path resolves symlinks in parent iff all parents exist sub abs_path { Cwd::abs_path($_[1]) // rel2abs(@_) } sub canonpath_harder { my $p = $_[-1]; # $_[0] may be self $p = File::Spec->canonpath($p); $p =~ m!(?:/*|\A)\.\.(?:/*|\z)! && -e $p ? Cwd::abs_path($p) : $p; } sub share_path ($) { # $HOME/.local/share/lei/$FOO my ($self) = @_; rel2abs($self, ($self->{env}->{XDG_DATA_HOME} // ($self->{env}->{HOME} // '/nonexistent').'/.local/share') .'/lei'); } sub store_path ($) { share_path($_[0]) . '/store' } sub _config_path ($) { my ($self) = @_; rel2abs($self, ($self->{env}->{XDG_CONFIG_HOME} // ($self->{env}->{HOME} // '/nonexistent').'/.config') .'/lei/config'); } sub cache_dir ($) { my ($self) = @_; rel2abs($self, ($self->{env}->{XDG_CACHE_HOME} // ($self->{env}->{HOME} // '/nonexistent').'/.cache') .'/lei'); } sub url_folder_cache { my ($self) = @_; require PublicInbox::SharedKV; # URI => updated_at_sec_ PublicInbox::SharedKV->new(cache_dir($self).'/uri_folder'); } sub ale { my ($self) = @_; $self->{ale} // do { require PublicInbox::LeiALE; my $cfg = $self->_lei_cfg(1); $self->{ale} = $cfg->{ale} //= PublicInbox::LeiALE->new($self); }; } sub index_opt { # TODO: drop underscore variants everywhere, they're undocumented qw(fsync|sync! jobs|j=i indexlevel|L=s compact max_size|max-size=s sequential-shard batch_size|batch-size=s skip-docdata) } my @c_opt = qw(c=s@ C=s@ quiet|q); my @net_opt = (qw(no-torsocks torsocks=s), PublicInbox::LeiQuery::curl_opt()); my @lxs_opt = qw(remote! local! external! include|I=s@ exclude=s@ only|O=s@ import-remote!); # we don't support -C as an alias for --find-copies since it's already # used for chdir our @diff_opt = qw(unified|U=i output-indicator-new=s output-indicator-old=s output-indicator-context=s indent-heuristic! minimal patience histogram anchored=s@ diff-algorithm=s color-moved:s color-moved-ws=s no-color-moved no-color-moved-ws word-diff:s word-diff-regex=s color-words:s no-renames rename-empty! check ws-error-highlight=s full-index binary abbrev:i break-rewrites|B:s find-renames|M:s find-copies:s find-copies-harder irreversible-delete|D l=i diff-filter=s S=s G=s find-object=s pickaxe-all pickaxe-regex R relative:s text|a ignore-cr-at-eol ignore-space-at-eol ignore-space-change|b ignore-all-space|w ignore-blank-lines inter-hunk-context=i function-context|W exit-code ext-diff no-ext-diff textconv! src-prefix=s dst-prefix=s no-prefix line-prefix=s); # we generate shell completion + help using %CMD and %OPTDESC, # see lei__complete() and PublicInbox::LeiHelp # command => [ positional_args, 1-line description, Getopt::Long option spec ] our %CMD = ( # sorted in order of importance/use: 'q' => [ '--stdin|SEARCH_TERMS...', 'search for messages matching terms', 'stdin|', # /|\z/ must be first for lone dash @lxs_opt, @net_opt, qw(save! output|mfolder|o=s format|f=s dedupe|d=s threads|t+ thread-id|T=s sort|s=s reverse|r offset=i pretty jobs|j=s globoff|g augment|a import-before! lock=s@ rsyncable alert=s@ mua=s verbose|v+ shared color! mail-sync!), @c_opt, opt_dash('limit|n=i', '[0-9]+') ], 'up' => [ 'OUTPUT...|--all', 'update saved search', qw(jobs|j=s lock=s@ alert=s@ mua=s verbose|v+ exclude=s@ remote-fudge-time=s all:s remote! local! external!), @net_opt, @c_opt ], 'lcat' => [ '--stdin|MSGID_OR_URL...', 'display local copy of message(s)', 'stdin|', # /|\z/ must be first for lone dash # some of these options are ridiculous for lcat @lxs_opt, @net_opt, qw(output|mfolder|o=s format|f=s dedupe|d=s threads|t+ sort|s=s reverse|r offset=i jobs|j=s globoff|g augment|a import-before! lock=s@ rsyncable alert=s@ mua=s verbose|v+ color!), @c_opt, opt_dash('limit|n=i', '[0-9]+') ], 'blob' => [ 'OID', 'show a git blob, reconstructing from mail if necessary', qw(git-dir=s@ cwd! verbose|v+ mail! oid-a|A=s path-a|a=s path-b|b=s), @lxs_opt, @net_opt, @c_opt ], 'rediff' => [ '--stdin|LOCATION...', 'regenerate a diff with different options', 'stdin|', # /|\z/ must be first for lone dash qw(git-dir=s@ cwd! verbose|v+ color:s no-color drq:1 dequote-only:1 order-file=s), @diff_opt, @lxs_opt, @net_opt, @c_opt ], 'mail-diff' => [ '--stdin|LOCATION...', 'diff the contents of emails', 'stdin|', # /|\z/ must be first for lone dash qw(verbose|v+ in-format|F=s color:s no-color raw-header), @diff_opt, @net_opt, @c_opt ], 'add-external' => [ 'LOCATION', 'add/set priority of a publicinbox|extindex for extra matches', qw(boost=i mirror=s inbox-version=i epoch=s verbose|v+), @c_opt, index_opt(), @net_opt ], 'ls-external' => [ '[FILTER]', 'list publicinbox|extindex locations', qw(format|f=s z|0 globoff|g invert-match|v local remote), @c_opt ], 'ls-label' => [ '', 'list labels', qw(z|0 stats:s), @c_opt ], 'ls-mail-sync' => [ '[FILTER]', 'list mail sync folders', qw(z|0 globoff|g invert-match|v local remote), @c_opt ], 'ls-mail-source' => [ 'URL', 'list IMAP or NNTP mail source folders', qw(z|0 ascii l pretty url), @net_opt, @c_opt ], 'forget-external' => [ 'LOCATION...|--prune', 'exclude further results from a publicinbox|extindex', qw(prune), @c_opt ], 'ls-search' => [ '[PREFIX]', 'list saved search queries', qw(format|f=s pretty l ascii z|0), @c_opt ], 'forget-search' => [ 'OUTPUT...|--prune', 'forget a saved search', qw(verbose|v+ prune:s), @c_opt ], 'edit-search' => [ 'OUTPUT', "edit saved search via `git config --edit'", @c_opt ], 'rm' => [ '--stdin|LOCATION...', 'remove a message from the index and prevent reindexing', 'stdin|', # /|\z/ must be first for lone dash qw(in-format|F=s lock=s@ commit-delay=i), @net_opt, @c_opt ], 'plonk' => [ '--threads|--from=IDENT', 'exclude mail matching From: or threads from non-Message-ID searches', qw(stdin| threads|t from|f=s mid=s oid=s), @c_opt ], tag => [ 'KEYWORDS... LOCATION...|--stdin', 'set/unset keywords and/or labels on message(s)', qw(stdin| in-format|F=s input|i=s@ oid=s@ mid=s@ commit-delay=i), @net_opt, @c_opt, pass_through('-kw:foo for delete') ], 'purge-mailsource' => [ 'LOCATION|--all', 'remove imported messages from IMAP, Maildirs, and MH', qw(exact! all jobs:i indexed), @c_opt ], 'add-watch' => [ 'LOCATION... [LABELS...]', 'watch for new messages and flag changes', qw(poll-interval=s state=s recursive|r), @c_opt ], 'rm-watch' => [ 'LOCATION...', 'remove specified watch(es)', qw(recursive|r), @c_opt ], 'ls-watch' => [ '[FILTER...]', 'list active watches with numbers and status', qw(l z|0), @c_opt ], 'pause-watch' => [ '[WATCH_NUMBER_OR_FILTER]', qw(all local remote), @c_opt ], 'resume-watch' => [ '[WATCH_NUMBER_OR_FILTER]', qw(all local remote), @c_opt ], 'forget-watch' => [ '{WATCH_NUMBER|--prune}', 'stop and forget a watch', qw(prune), @c_opt ], 'reindex' => [ '', 'reindex all locally-indexed messages', @c_opt ], 'index' => [ 'LOCATION... [LABELS...]', 'one-time index from URL or filesystem', qw(in-format|F=s kw! offset=i recursive|r exclude=s include|I=s verbose|v+ incremental!), @net_opt, # mainly for --proxy= @c_opt ], import => [ 'LOCATION...|--stdin [LABELS...]', 'one-time import/update from URL or filesystem', qw(stdin| offset=i recursive|r exclude=s include|I=s new-only lock=s@ in-format|F=s kw! verbose|v+ incremental! mail-sync! commit-delay=i sort|s:s@), @net_opt, @c_opt ], 'forget-mail-sync' => [ 'LOCATION...', 'forget sync information for a mail folder', @c_opt ], 'refresh-mail-sync' => [ 'LOCATION...|--all', 'prune dangling sync data for a mail folder', 'all:s', @net_opt, @c_opt ], 'export-kw' => [ 'LOCATION...|--all', 'one-time export of keywords of sync sources', qw(all:s mode=s), @net_opt, @c_opt ], 'convert' => [ 'LOCATION...|--stdin', 'one-time conversion from URL or filesystem to another format', qw(stdin| in-format|F=s out-format|f=s output|mfolder|o=s lock=s@ kw! rsyncable sort|s:s@), @net_opt, @c_opt ], 'p2q' => [ 'LOCATION_OR_COMMIT...|--stdin', "use a patch to generate a query for `lei q --stdin'", qw(stdin| in-format|F=s want|w=s@ uri debug), @net_opt, @c_opt ], 'config' => [ '[...]', sub { 'git-config(1) wrapper for '._config_path($_[0]). "\n" . '-l/--list and other common git-config uses are supported' }, qw(config-file|system|global|file|f=s), # for conflict detection qw(edit|e c=s@ C=s@), pass_through('git config') ], 'inspect' => [ 'ITEMS...|--stdin', 'inspect lei/store and/or local external', qw(stdin| pretty ascii dir|d=s), @c_opt ], 'init' => [ '[DIRNAME]', sub { "initialize storage, default: ".store_path($_[0]); }, @c_opt ], 'daemon-kill' => [ '[-SIGNAL]', 'signal the lei-daemon', # "-C DIR" conflicts with -CHLD, here, and chdir makes no sense, here opt_dash('signal|s=s', '[0-9]+|(?:[A-Z][A-Z0-9]+)') ], 'daemon-pid' => [ '', 'show the PID of the lei-daemon' ], 'help' => [ '[SUBCOMMAND]', 'show help' ], # TODO #'reorder-local-store-and-break-history' => [ '[REFNAME]', # 'rewrite git history in an attempt to improve compression', # qw(gc!), @c_opt ], #'fuse-mount' => [ 'PATHNAME', 'expose lei/store as Maildir(s)', @c_opt ], # # internal commands are prefixed with '_' '_complete' => [ '[...]', 'internal shell completion helper', pass_through('everything') ], ); # @CMD # switch descriptions, try to keep consistent across commands # $spec: Getopt::Long option specification # $spec => [@ALLOWED_VALUES (default is first), $description], # $spec => $description # "$SUB_COMMAND TAB $spec" => as above my $stdin_formats = [ 'MAIL_FORMAT|eml|mboxrd|mboxcl2|mboxcl|mboxo', 'specify message input format' ]; my $ls_format = [ 'OUT|plain|json|null', 'listing output format' ]; my $sort_out = [ 'VAL|received|relevance|docid', "order of results is `--output'-dependent"]; my $sort_in = [ 'sequence|mtime|size', 'sort input (format-dependent)' ]; # we use \x{a0} (non-breaking SP) to avoid wrapping in PublicInbox::LeiHelp my %OPTDESC = ( 'help|h' => 'show this built-in help', 'c=s@' => [ 'NAME=VALUE', 'set config option' ], 'C=s@' => [ 'DIR', 'chdir to specify to directory' ], 'quiet|q' => 'be quiet', 'lock=s@' => [ 'METHOD|dotlock|fcntl|flock|none', 'mbox(5) locking method(s) to use (default: fcntl,dotlock)' ], 'incremental! import' => 'import already seen IMAP and NNTP articles', 'globoff|g' => "do not match locations using '*?' wildcards ". "and\xa0'[]'\x{a0}ranges", 'invert-match|v' => 'select non-matching lines', 'color!' => 'disable color (for --format=text)', 'verbose|v+' => 'be more verbose', 'external!' => 'do not use externals', 'mail!' => 'do not look in mail storage for OID', 'cwd!' => 'do not look in git repo of current working directory', 'oid-a|A=s' => 'pre-image OID', 'path-a|a=s' => 'pre-image pathname associated with OID', 'path-b|b=s' => 'post-image pathname associated with OID', 'git-dir=s@' => 'additional git repository to scan', 'dir|d=s inspect' => 'specify a inboxdir, extindex topdir or Xapian shard', 'proxy=s' => [ 'PROTO://HOST[:PORT]', # shared with curl(1) "proxy for (e.g. `socks5h://0:9050')" ], 'torsocks=s' => ['VAL|auto|no|yes', 'whether or not to wrap git and curl commands with torsocks'], 'no-torsocks' => 'alias for --torsocks=no', 'save!' => "do not save a search for `lei up'", 'import-remote!' => 'do not memoize remote messages into local store', 'import-before!' => 'do not import before writing to output (DANGEROUS)', 'type=s' => [ 'any|mid|git', 'disambiguate type' ], 'dedupe|d=s' => ['STRATEGY|content|oid|mid|none', 'deduplication strategy'], 'threads|t+' => 'return all messages in the same threads as the actual match(es)', 'want|w=s@' => [ 'PREFIX|dfpost|dfn', # common ones in help... 'search prefixes to extract (default: dfpost7)' ], 'uri p2q' => [ 'URI escape output' ], 'alert=s@' => ['CMD,:WINCH,:bell,', 'run command(s) or perform ops when done writing to output ' . '(default: ":WINCH,:bell" with --mua and Maildir/IMAP output, ' . 'nothing otherwise)' ], 'augment|a' => 'augment --output destination instead of clobbering', 'output|mfolder|o=s' => [ 'MFOLDER', "destination (e.g.\xa0`/path/to/Maildir', ". "or\xa0`-'\x{a0}for\x{a0}stdout)" ], 'mua=s' => [ 'CMD', "MUA to run on --output Maildir or mbox (e.g.\xa0`mutt\xa0-f\xa0%f')" ], 'new-only import' => 'only import new messages from IMAP source', 'inbox-version=i' => [ 'NUM|1|2', 'force a public-inbox version with --mirror'], 'mirror=s' => [ 'URL', 'mirror a public-inbox'], # public-inbox-index options 'fsync!' => 'speed up indexing after --mirror, risk index corruption', 'compact' => 'run compact index after mirroring', 'indexlevel|L=s' => [ 'LEVEL|full|medium|basic', "indexlevel with --mirror (default: full)" ], 'max_size|max-size=s' => [ 'SIZE', 'do not index messages larger than SIZE (default: infinity)' ], 'batch_size|batch-size=s' => [ 'SIZE', 'flush changes to OS after given number of bytes (default: 1m)' ], 'sequential-shard' => 'index Xapian shards sequentially for slow storage', 'skip-docdata' => 'drop compatibility w/ public-inbox <1.6 to save ~1.5% space', 'format|f=s q' => [ 'OUT|maildir|mboxrd|mboxcl2|mboxcl|mboxo|html|json|jsonl|concatjson', 'specify output format, default depends on --output'], 'exclude=s@ q' => [ 'LOCATION', 'exclude specified external(s) from search' ], 'include|I=s@ q' => [ 'LOCATION', 'include specified external(s) in search' ], 'only|O=s@ q' => [ 'LOCATION', 'only use specified external(s) for search' ], 'jobs|j=s' => [ 'JOBSPEC', 'control number of query and writer jobs' . "integers delimited by `,', either of which may be omitted" ], 'jobs|j=i add-external' => 'set parallelism when indexing after --mirror', 'in-format|F=s' => $stdin_formats, 'format|f=s ls-search' => ['OUT|json|jsonl|concatjson', 'listing output format' ], 'l ls-search' => 'long listing format', 'l ls-watch' => 'long listing format', 'l ls-mail-source' => 'long listing format', 'url ls-mail-source' => 'show full URL of newsgroup or IMAP folder', 'format|f=s ls-external' => $ls_format, 'prune:s forget-search' => ['TYPE|local|remote', 'prune all, remote or local folders' ], 'limit|n=i@' => ['NUM', 'limit on number of matches (default: 10000)' ], 'offset=i' => ['OFF', 'search result offset (default: 0)'], 'sort|s=s q' => $sort_out, 'sort|s=s lcat' => $sort_out, 'sort|s:s@ convert' => $sort_in, 'sort|s:s@ import' => $sort_in, 'reverse|r' => 'reverse search results', # like sort(1) 'boost=i' => 'increase/decrease priority of results (default: 0)', 'local' => 'limit operations to the local filesystem', 'local!' => 'exclude results from the local filesystem', 'remote' => 'limit operations to those requiring network access', 'remote!' => 'prevent operations requiring network access', # up, refresh-mail-sync, export-kw 'all:s' => ['TYPE|local|remote', 'all remote or local folders' ], 'remote-fudge-time=s' => [ 'INTERVAL', 'look for mail INTERVAL older than the last successful query' ], 'mid=s' => 'specify the Message-ID of a message', 'oid=s' => 'specify the git object ID of a message', 'recursive|r' => 'scan directories/mailboxes/newsgroups recursively', 'exclude=s' => 'exclude mailboxes/newsgroups based on pattern', 'include=s' => 'include mailboxes/newsgroups based on pattern', 'exact' => 'operate on exact header matches only', 'exact!' => 'rely on content match instead of exact header matches', 'by-mid|mid:s' => [ 'MID', 'match only by Message-ID, ignoring contents' ], 'kw!' => 'disable/enable importing keywords (aka "flags")', # xargs, env, use "-0", git(1) uses "-z". We support z|0 everywhere 'z|0' => 'use NUL \\0 instead of newline (CR) to delimit lines', 'signal|s=s' => [ 'SIG', 'signal to send lei-daemon (default: TERM)' ], 'edit|e config' => 'open an editor to modify the lei config file', ); # %OPTDESC my %CONFIG_KEYS = ( 'leistore.dir' => 'top-level storage location', ); my @WQ_KEYS = qw(lxs l2m ikw pmd wq1 lne v2w); # internal workers sub _drop_wq { my ($self) = @_; for my $wq (grep(defined, delete(@$self{@WQ_KEYS}))) { $wq->wq_kill(-POSIX::SIGTERM()); $wq->DESTROY; } } # pronounced "exit": x_it(1 << 8) => exit(1); x_it(13) => SIGPIPE sub x_it ($$) { my ($self, $code) = @_; # make sure client sees stdout before exit $self->{1}->autoflush(1) if $self->{1}; stop_pager($self); if ($self->{pkt_op_p}) { # worker => lei-daemon $self->{pkt_op_p}->pkt_do('x_it', $code); exit($code >> 8) if $$ != $daemon_pid; } elsif ($self->{sock}) { # lei->daemon => lei(1) client send($self->{sock}, "x_it $code", 0); } elsif ($quit == \&CORE::exit) { # an admin (one-shot) command exit($code >> 8); } # else ignore if client disconnected $self->dclose if $$ == $daemon_pid; } sub err ($;@) { my $self = shift; my $err = $self->{2} // ($self->{pgr} // [])->[2] // *STDERR{GLOB}; my @eor = (substr($_[-1]//'', -1, 1) eq "\n" ? () : ("\n")); print $err @_, @eor and return; my $old_err = delete $self->{2}; $old_err->close if $! == EPIPE && $old_err; $err = $self->{2} = ($self->{pgr} // [])->[2] // *STDERR{GLOB}; print $err @_, @eor or print STDERR @_, @eor; } sub qerr ($;@) { $_[0]->{opt}->{quiet} or err(shift, @_) } sub qfin { # show message on finalization (LeiFinmsg) my ($lei, $msg) = @_; return if $lei->{opt}->{quiet}; $lei->{fmsg} ? push(@{$lei->{fmsg}}, "$msg\n") : qerr($lei, $msg); } sub fail_handler ($;$$) { my ($lei, $code, $io) = @_; $io->close if $io; # needed to avoid warnings on SIGPIPE _drop_wq($lei); x_it($lei, $code // (1 << 8)); } sub sigpipe_handler { # handles SIGPIPE from @WQ_KEYS workers fail_handler($_[0], 13, delete $_[0]->{1}); } sub fail ($;@) { my ($lei, @msg) = @_; my $exit_code = ($msg[0]//'') =~ /\A-?[0-9]+\z/ ? shift(@msg) : undef; local $current_lei = $lei; $lei->{failed}++; if (@msg) { push @msg, "\n" if substr($msg[-1], -1, 1); warn @msg; } $lei->{pkt_op_p}->pkt_do('fail_handler') if $lei->{pkt_op_p}; x_it($lei, $exit_code // (1 << 8)); undef; } sub out ($;@) { my $self = shift; return if print { $self->{1} // return } @_; # likely return note_sigpipe($self, 1) if $! == EPIPE; my $err = "error writing to output: $!"; delete $self->{1}; fail($self, $err); } sub puts ($;@) { out(shift, map { "$_\n" } @_) } sub child_error { # passes non-fatal curl exit codes to user my ($self, $child_error, $msg) = @_; # child_error is $? local $current_lei = $self; $child_error ||= 1 << 8; warn(substr($msg, -1, 1) eq "\n" ? $msg : "$msg\n") if defined $msg; $self->{child_error} ||= $child_error; if ($self->{pkt_op_p}) { # to top lei-daemon $self->{pkt_op_p}->pkt_do('child_error', $child_error); } elsif ($self->{sock}) { # to lei(1) client send($self->{sock}, "child_error $child_error", 0); } # else noop if client disconnected } sub note_sigpipe { # triggers sigpipe_handler my ($self, $fd) = @_; delete($self->{$fd})->close; # explicit close silences Perl warning $self->{pkt_op_p}->pkt_do('sigpipe_handler') if $self->{pkt_op_p}; x_it($self, 13); } sub _lei_atfork_child { my ($self, $persist) = @_; # we need to explicitly close things which are on stack my $cfg = $self->{cfg}; delete @$cfg{qw(-watches -lei_note_event)}; if ($persist) { open $self->{3}, '<', '/'; fchdir($self); close($_) for (grep(defined, delete @$self{qw(0 1 2 sock)})); delete $cfg->{-lei_store}; } else { # worker, Net::NNTP (Net::Cmd) uses STDERR directly open STDERR, '+>&='.fileno($self->{2}); # idempotent w/ fileno STDERR->autoflush(1); $self->{2} = \*STDERR; POSIX::setpgid(0, $$) // die "setpgid(0, $$): $!"; } close($_) for (grep(defined, delete @$self{qw(old_1 au_done)})); close($_) for (@{delete($self->{-socks}) // []}); if (my $op_c = delete $self->{pkt_op_c}) { close(delete $op_c->{sock}); } if (my $pgr = delete $self->{pgr}) { close($_) for (@$pgr[1,2]); } close $listener if $listener; undef $listener; $dir_idle->force_close if $dir_idle; undef $dir_idle; %PATH2CFG = (); $MDIR2CFGPATH = undef; eval 'no warnings; undef $PublicInbox::LeiNoteEvent::to_flush'; undef $errors_log; $quit = \&CORE::exit; if (!$self->{-eml_noisy}) { # only "lei import" sets this atm my $cb = $SIG{__WARN__} // \&CORE::warn; $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $cb->(@_) unless PublicInbox::Eml::warn_ignore(@_) }; } $SIG{TERM} = sub { exit(128 + 15) }; $current_lei = $persist ? undef : $self; # for SIG{__WARN__} } sub _delete_pkt_op { # OnDestroy callback to prevent leaks on die my ($self) = @_; if (my $op = delete $self->{pkt_op_c}) { # in case of die $op->close; # PublicInbox::PktOp::close } my $pkt_op_p = delete($self->{pkt_op_p}) or return; close $pkt_op_p->{op_p}; } sub pkt_op_pair { my ($self) = @_; require PublicInbox::PktOp; my $end = on_destroy \&_delete_pkt_op, $self; @$self{qw(pkt_op_c pkt_op_p)} = PublicInbox::PktOp->pair; $end; } sub incr { my $lei = shift; $lei->{incr_pid} = $$ if @_; while (my ($f, $n) = splice(@_, 0, 2)) { $lei->{$f} += $n } } sub pkt_ops { my ($lei, $ops) = @_; $ops->{fail_handler} = [ $lei ]; $ops->{sigpipe_handler} = [ $lei ]; $ops->{x_it} = [ $lei ]; $ops->{child_error} = [ $lei ]; $ops->{incr} = [ $lei ]; $ops; } sub workers_start { my ($lei, $wq, $jobs, $ops, $flds) = @_; $ops //= {}; ($wq->can('net_merge_all_done') && $lei->{auth}) and $lei->{auth}->op_merge($ops, $wq, $lei); pkt_ops($lei, $ops); $ops->{''} //= [ $wq->can('_lei_wq_eof') || \&wq_eof, $lei ]; my $end = $lei->pkt_op_pair; my $ident = $wq->{-wq_ident} // "lei-$lei->{cmd} worker"; $flds->{lei} = $lei; $wq->wq_workers_start($ident, $jobs, $lei->oldset, $flds, $wq->can('_wq_done_wait') // \&wq_done_wait, $lei); delete $lei->{pkt_op_p}; my $op_c = delete $lei->{pkt_op_c}; @$end = (); $lei->event_step_init; ($op_c, $ops); } # call this when we're ready to wait on events and yield to other clients sub wait_wq_events { my ($lei, $op_c, $ops) = @_; my $wq1 = $lei->{wq1}; ($wq1 && $wq1->can('net_merge_all_done') && !$lei->{auth}) and $wq1->net_merge_all_done; for my $wq (grep(defined, @$lei{qw(ikw pmd)})) { # auxiliary WQs $wq->wq_close; } $wq1->{lei_sock} = $lei->{sock} if $wq1; $op_c->{ops} = $ops; } sub wq1_start { my ($lei, $wq, $jobs) = @_; my ($op_c, $ops) = workers_start($lei, $wq, $jobs // 1); $lei->{wq1} = $wq; wait_wq_events($lei, $op_c, $ops); # net_merge_all_done if !{auth} } sub _help { require PublicInbox::LeiHelp; PublicInbox::LeiHelp::call($_[0], $_[1], \%CMD, \%OPTDESC); } sub optparse ($$$) { my ($self, $cmd, $argv) = @_; # allow _complete --help to complete, not show help return 1 if substr($cmd, 0, 1) eq '_'; $self->{cmd} = $cmd; local $OPT = $self->{opt} //= {}; my $info = $CMD{$cmd} // [ '[...]' ]; my ($proto, undef, @spec) = @$info; my $glp = ref($spec[-1]) eq ref($GLP) ? pop(@spec) : $GLP; push @spec, qw(help|h); my $lone_dash; if ($spec[0] =~ s/\|\z//s) { # "stdin|" or "clear|" allows "-" alias $lone_dash = $spec[0]; $OPT->{$spec[0]} = \(my $var); push @spec, '' => \$var; } $glp->getoptionsfromarray($argv, $OPT, @spec) or return _help($self, "bad arguments or options for $cmd"); return _help($self) if $OPT->{help}; push @$argv, @{$OPT->{-argv}} if defined($OPT->{-argv}); # "-" aliases "stdin" or "clear" $OPT->{$lone_dash} = ${$OPT->{$lone_dash}} if defined $lone_dash; if ($proto =~ s/\s*\[?(?:KEYWORDS|LABELS)\.\.\.\]?\s*//g) { require PublicInbox::LeiInput; my @err = PublicInbox::LeiInput::vmd_mod_extract($self, $argv); return $self->fail(join("\n", @err)) if @err; } my $i = 0; my $POS_ARG = '[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+'; my ($err, $inf); my @args = split(/ /, $proto); for my $var (@args) { if ($var =~ /\A$POS_ARG\.\.\.\z/o) { # >= 1 args; $inf = defined($argv->[$i]) and last; $var =~ s/\.\.\.\z//; $err = "$var not supplied"; } elsif ($var =~ /\A$POS_ARG\z/o) { # required arg at $i $argv->[$i++] // ($err = "$var not supplied"); } elsif ($var =~ /\.\.\.\]\z/) { # optional args start $inf = 1; last; } elsif ($var =~ /\A\[-?$POS_ARG\]\z/) { # one optional arg $i++; } elsif ($var =~ /\A.+?\|/) { # required FOO|--stdin $inf = 1 if index($var, '...') > 0; my @or = split(/\|/, $var); my $ok; for my $o (@or) { if ($o =~ /\A--([a-z0-9\-]+)/) { my $sw = $1; # assume pipe/regular file on stdin # w/o args means stdin if ($sw eq 'stdin' && !@$argv && (-p $self->{0} || -f _)) { $OPT->{stdin} //= 1; } $ok = defined($OPT->{$sw}) and last; } elsif (defined($argv->[$i])) { $ok = 1; $i++; last; } # else continue looping } last if $ok; my $last = pop @or; $err = join(', ', @or) . " or $last must be set"; } else { warn "BUG: can't parse `$var' in $proto"; } last if $err; } if (!$inf && scalar(@$argv) > scalar(@args)) { $err //= 'too many arguments'; } $err ? fail($self, "usage: lei $cmd $proto\nE: $err") : 1; } sub lazy_cb ($$$) { # $pfx is _complete_ or lei_ my ($self, $cmd, $pfx) = @_; my $ucmd = $cmd; $ucmd =~ tr/-/_/; my $cb; $cb = $self->can($pfx.$ucmd) and return $cb; my $base = $ucmd; $base =~ s/_([a-z])/\u$1/g; my $pkg = "PublicInbox::Lei\u$base"; ($INC{"PublicInbox/Lei\u$base.pm"} // eval("require $pkg")) ? $pkg->can($pfx.$ucmd) : undef; } sub do_env { my $lei = shift; fchdir($lei); my $cb = shift // return ($lei, %{$lei->{env}}) ; local ($current_lei, %ENV) = ($lei, %{$lei->{env}}); $cb = $lei->can($cb) if !ref($cb); # $cb may be a scalar sub name eval { $cb->($lei, @_) }; $lei->fail($@) if $@; } sub dispatch { my ($self, $cmd, @argv) = @_; local ($current_lei, %ENV) = do_env($self); $self->{2}->autoflush(1); # keep stdout buffered until x_it|DESTROY return _help($self, 'no command given') unless defined($cmd); # do not support Getopt bundling for this while ($cmd eq '-C' || $cmd eq '-c') { my $v = shift(@argv) // return fail($self, $cmd eq '-C' ? '-C DIRECTORY' : '-c ='); push @{$self->{opt}->{substr($cmd, 1, 1)}}, $v; $cmd = shift(@argv) // return _help($self, 'no command given'); } if (my $cb = lazy_cb(__PACKAGE__, $cmd, 'lei_')) { optparse($self, $cmd, \@argv) or return; if (my $chdir = $self->{opt}->{C}) { for my $d (@$chdir) { next if $d eq ''; # same as git(1) chdir $d; } open($self->{3}, '<', '.'); } $cb->($self, @argv); } elsif (grep(/\A-/, $cmd, @argv)) { # --help or -h only $GLP->getoptionsfromarray([$cmd, @argv], {}, qw(help|h C=s@)) or return _help($self, 'bad arguments or options'); _help($self); } else { fail($self, "`$cmd' is not an lei command"); } } sub _lei_cfg ($;$) { my ($self, $creat) = @_; return $self->{cfg} if $self->{cfg}; my $f = _config_path($self); my @st = stat($f); my $cur_st = @st ? pack('dd', $st[10], $st[7]) : ''; # 10:ctime, 7:size my ($sto, $sto_dir, $watches, $lne, $cfg); if ($cfg = $PATH2CFG{$f}) { # reuse existing object in common case ($cur_st eq $cfg->{-st} && !$self->{opt}->{c}) and return ($self->{cfg} = $cfg); # reuse some fields below if they match: ($sto, $sto_dir, $watches, $lne) = @$cfg{qw(-lei_store leistore.dir -watches -lei_note_event)}; } if (!@st) { unless ($creat) { # any commands which write to cfg must creat $cfg = PublicInbox::Config->git_config_dump( '/dev/null', $self); return ($self->{cfg} = $cfg); } my ($cfg_dir) = ($f =~ m!(.*?/)[^/]+\z!); File::Path::mkpath($cfg_dir); open my $fh, '>>', $f; @st = stat($fh) or die "fstat($f): $!\n"; $cur_st = pack('dd', $st[10], $st[7]); qerr($self, "# $f created") if $self->{cmd} ne 'config'; } $cfg = PublicInbox::Config->git_config_dump($f, $self); $cfg->{-st} = $cur_st; if ($sto && canonpath_harder($sto_dir // store_path($self)) eq canonpath_harder($cfg->{'leistore.dir'} // store_path($self))) { $cfg->{-lei_store} = $sto; $cfg->{-lei_note_event} = $lne; $cfg->{-watches} = $watches if $watches; } if (scalar(keys %PATH2CFG) > 5) { # FIXME: use inotify/EVFILT_VNODE to detect unlinked configs delete(@PATH2CFG{grep(!-f, keys %PATH2CFG)}); } $self->{cfg} = $self->{opt}->{c} ? $cfg : ($PATH2CFG{$f} = $cfg); refresh_watches($self); $cfg; } sub _lei_store ($;$) { my ($self, $creat) = @_; my $cfg = _lei_cfg($self, $creat) // return; $cfg->{-lei_store} //= do { require PublicInbox::LeiStore; my $dir = $cfg->{'leistore.dir'} // store_path($self); return unless $creat || -d $dir; PublicInbox::LeiStore->new($dir, { creat => $creat }); }; } # returns true on success, undef # argv[0] eq `+e' means errors do not ->fail # (like `sh +e') sub _config { my ($self, @argv) = @_; my $err_ok = ($argv[0] // '') eq '+e' ? shift(@argv) : undef; my %env; my %opt = map { $_ => $self->{$_} } (0..2); my $cfg = _lei_cfg($self, 1); my $opt_c = delete local $cfg->{-opt_c}; my @file_arg; if ($opt_c) { my ($set, $get, $nondash); for (@argv) { # order matters for git-config if (!$nondash) { if (/\A--(?:add|rename-section|remove-section| replace-all| unset-all|unset)\z/x) { ++$set; } elsif ($_ eq '-l' || $_ eq '--list' || /\A--get/) { ++$get; } elsif (/\A-/) { # -z and such } else { ++$nondash; } } else { ++$nondash; } } if ($set || ($nondash//0) > 1 && !$get) { @file_arg = ('-f', $cfg->{-f}); $env{GIT_CONFIG} = $file_arg[1]; } else { # OK, we can use `-c n=v' for read-only $cfg->{-opt_c} = $opt_c; $env{GIT_CONFIG} = undef; } } my $cmd = $cfg->config_cmd(\%env, \%opt); push @$cmd, @file_arg, @argv; run_wait($cmd, \%env, \%opt) ? ($err_ok ? undef : fail($self, $?)) : 1; } sub lei_daemon_pid { puts shift, $daemon_pid } sub lei_daemon_kill { my ($self) = @_; my $sig = $self->{opt}->{signal} // 'TERM'; kill($sig, $$) or fail($self, "kill($sig, $$): $!"); } # Shell completion helper. Used by lei-completion.bash and hopefully # other shells. Try to do as much here as possible to avoid redundancy # and improve maintainability. sub lei__complete { my ($self, @argv) = @_; # argv = qw(lei and any other args...) shift @argv; # ignore "lei", the entire command is sent @argv or return puts $self, grep(!/^_/, keys %CMD), qw(--help -h -C); my $cmd = shift @argv; my $info = $CMD{$cmd} // do { # filter matching commands @argv or puts $self, grep(/\A\Q$cmd\E/, keys %CMD); return; }; my ($proto, undef, @spec) = @$info; my $cur = pop @argv; my $re = defined($cur) ? qr/\A\Q$cur\E/ : qr/./; if (substr(my $_cur = $cur // '-', 0, 1) eq '-') { # --switches # gross special case since the only git-config options # Consider moving to a table if we need more special cases # we use Getopt::Long for are the ones we reject, so these # are the ones we don't reject: if ($cmd eq 'config') { puts $self, grep(/$re/, keys %CONFIG_KEYS); @spec = qw(add z|null get get-all unset unset-all replace-all get-urlmatch remove-section rename-section name-only list|l edit|e get-color-name get-colorbool); # fall-through } # generate short/long names from Getopt::Long specs puts $self, grep(/$re/, qw(--help -h -C), map { if (s/[:=].+\z//) { # req/optional args, e.g output|o=i } elsif (s/\+\z//) { # verbose|v+ } elsif (s/!\z//) { # negation: mail! => no-mail|mail s/([\w\-]+)/$1|no-$1/g } map { my $x = length > 1 ? "--$_" : "-$_"; $x eq $_cur ? () : $x; } grep(!/_/, split(/\|/, $_, -1)) # help|h } grep { $OPTDESC{"$_\t$cmd"} || $OPTDESC{$_} } @spec); } elsif ($cmd eq 'config' && !@argv && !$CONFIG_KEYS{$cur}) { puts $self, grep(/$re/, keys %CONFIG_KEYS); } # switch args (e.g. lei q -f mbox) if (($argv[-1] // $cur // '') =~ /\A--?([\w\-]+)\z/) { my $opt = quotemeta $1; puts $self, map { my $v = $OPTDESC{$_}; my @v = ref($v) ? split(/\|/, $v->[0]) : (); # get rid of ALL CAPS placeholder (e.g "OUT") # (TODO: completion for external paths) shift(@v) if scalar(@v) && uc($v[0]) eq $v[0]; @v; } grep(/\A(?:[\w-]+\|)*$opt\b.*?(?:\t$cmd)?\z/, keys %OPTDESC); } if (my $cb = lazy_cb($self, $cmd, '_complete_')) { puts $self, $cb->($self, @argv, $cur ? ($cur) : ()); } # TODO: URLs, pathnames, OIDs, MIDs, etc... See optparse() for # proto parsing. } sub exec_buf ($$) { my ($argv, $env) = @_; my $argc = scalar @$argv; my $buf = 'exec '.join("\0", scalar(@$argv), @$argv); while (my ($k, $v) = each %$env) { $buf .= "\0$k=$v" }; $buf; } sub start_mua { my ($self) = @_; if ($self->{ovv}->{fmt} =~ /\A(?:maildir)\z/) { # TODO: IMAP refresh_watches($self); } my $mua = $self->{opt}->{mua} // return; my $mfolder = $self->{ovv}->{dst}; my (@cmd, $replaced); if ($mua =~ /\A(?:mutt|mailx|mail|neomutt)\z/) { @cmd = ($mua, '-f'); # TODO: help wanted: other common FOSS MUAs } else { require Text::ParseWords; @cmd = Text::ParseWords::shellwords($mua); # mutt uses '%f' for open-hook with compressed mbox, we follow @cmd = map { $_ eq '%f' ? ($replaced = $mfolder) : $_ } @cmd; } push @cmd, $mfolder unless defined($replaced); if ($self->{sock}) { # lei(1) client process runs it # restore terminal: echo $query | lei q --stdin --mua=... my $io = []; $io->[0] = $self->{1} if $self->{opt}->{stdin} && -t $self->{1}; send_exec_cmd($self, $io, \@cmd, {}); } # kick wait_startq: syswrite($self->{au_done}, 'q') if $self->{lxs} && $self->{au_done}; return unless -t $self->{2}; # XXX how to determine non-TUI MUAs? $self->{opt}->{quiet} = 1; delete $self->{-progress}; delete $self->{opt}->{verbose}; } sub send_exec_cmd { # tell script/lei to execute a command my ($self, $io, $cmd, $env) = @_; $PublicInbox::IPC::send_cmd->( $self->{sock} // die('lei client gone'), [ map { fileno($_) } @$io ], exec_buf($cmd, $env), 0) // Carp::croak("sendmsg: $!"); } sub poke_mua { # forces terminal MUAs to wake up and hopefully notice new mail my ($self) = @_; my $alerts = $self->{opt}->{alert} // return; my $sock = $self->{sock}; while (my $op = shift(@$alerts)) { if ($op eq ':WINCH') { # hit the process group that started the MUA send($sock, '-WINCH', 0) if $sock; } elsif ($op eq ':bell') { out($self, "\a"); } elsif ($op =~ /(? 0, '/dev/stdout' => 1, '/dev/stderr' => 2); $path_to_fd{"/dev/fd/$_"} = $_ for (0..2); # this also normalizes the path sub path_to_fd { my ($self, $path) = @_; $path = rel2abs($self, $path); $path =~ tr!/!/!s; $path_to_fd{$path} // ( ($path =~ m!\A/(?:dev|proc/self)/fd/[0-9]+\z!) ? fail($self, "cannot open $path from daemon") : -1 ); } # caller needs to "-t $self->{1}" to check if tty sub start_pager { my ($self, $new_env) = @_; chomp(my $pager = run_qx([qw(git var GIT_PAGER)])); warn "`git var PAGER' error: \$?=$?" if $?; return if $pager eq 'cat' || $pager eq ''; $new_env //= {}; $new_env->{LESS} //= 'FRX'; $new_env->{LV} //= '-c'; $new_env->{MORE} = $new_env->{LESS} if $^O eq 'freebsd'; my $rdr = { 1 => $self->{1}, 2 => $self->{2} }; CORE::pipe($rdr->{0}, my $wpager) or return warn "pipe: $!"; my $pgr = [ undef, @$rdr{1, 2} ]; my $env = $self->{env}; if ($self->{sock}) { # lei(1) process runs it delete @$new_env{keys %$env}; # only set iff unset send_exec_cmd($self, [ @$rdr{0..2} ], [$pager], $new_env); } else { die 'BUG: start_pager w/o socket'; } $self->{1} = $wpager; $self->{2} = $wpager if -t $self->{2}; $env->{GIT_PAGER_IN_USE} = 'true'; # we may spawn git $self->{pgr} = $pgr; } # display a message for user before spawning full-screen $VISUAL sub pgr_err { my ($self, @msg) = @_; return warn(@msg) unless $self->{sock} && -t $self->{2}; start_pager($self, { LESS => 'RX' }); # no 'F' so we prompt say { $self->{2} } @msg, '# -quit pager to continue-'; $self->{2}->autoflush(1); stop_pager($self); send($self->{sock}, 'wait', 0); # wait for user to quit pager } sub stop_pager { my ($self) = @_; my $pgr = delete($self->{pgr}) or return; $self->{2} = $pgr->[2]; delete($self->{1})->close if $self->{1}; $self->{1} = $pgr->[1]; } sub accept_dispatch { # Listener {post_accept} callback my ($sock) = @_; # ignore other $sock->autoflush(1); my $self = bless { sock => $sock }, __PACKAGE__; vec(my $rvec = '', fileno($sock), 1) = 1; select($rvec, undef, undef, 60) or return send($sock, 'timed out waiting to recv FDs', 0); # (4096 * 33) >MAX_ARG_STRLEN my @fds = $PublicInbox::IPC::recv_cmd->($sock, my $buf, 4096 * 33) or return; # EOF if (!defined($fds[0])) { warn(my $msg = "recv_cmd failed: $!"); return send($sock, $msg, 0); } else { my $i = 0; open($self->{$i++}, '+<&=', $_) for @fds; $i == 4 or return send($sock, 'not enough FDs='.($i-1), 0) } # $ENV_STR = join('', map { "\0$_=$ENV{$_}" } keys %ENV); # $buf = "$argc\0".join("\0", @ARGV).$ENV_STR."\0\0"; substr($buf, -2, 2, '') eq "\0\0" or # s/\0\0\z// return send($sock, 'request command truncated', 0); my ($argc, @argv) = split(/\0/, $buf, -1); undef $buf; my %env = map { split(/=/, $_, 2) } splice(@argv, $argc); $self->{env} = \%env; eval { dispatch($self, @argv) }; $self->fail($@) if $@; } sub dclose { my ($self) = @_; local $current_lei = $self; delete $self->{-progress}; _drop_wq($self) if $self->{failed}; $self->close if $self->{-event_init_done}; # PublicInbox::DS::close } # for long-running results sub event_step { my ($self) = @_; local %ENV = %{$self->{env}}; local $current_lei = $self; eval { my @fds = $PublicInbox::IPC::recv_cmd->( $self->{sock} // return, my $buf, 4096); if (scalar(@fds) == 1 && !defined($fds[0])) { return if $! == EAGAIN; die "recvmsg: $!" if $! != ECONNRESET; @fds = (); # for open loop below: } for (@fds) { open my $rfh, '+<&=', $_ } if ($buf eq '') { _drop_wq($self); # EOF, client disconnected dclose($self); $buf = 'TERM'; } if ($buf =~ /\A(?:STOP|CONT|TERM)\z/) { my $sig = "-$buf"; for my $wq (grep(defined, @$self{@WQ_KEYS})) { $wq->wq_kill($sig); } } else { die "unrecognized client signal: $buf"; } my $s = $self->{-socks} // []; # lei up --all @$s = grep { send($_, $buf, 0) } @$s; }; if (my $err = $@) { eval { $self->fail($err) }; dclose($self); } } sub event_step_init { my ($self) = @_; my $sock = $self->{sock} or return; $self->{-event_init_done} // do { # persist til $ops done $sock->blocking(0); $self->SUPER::new($sock, EPOLLIN); $self->{-event_init_done} = $sock; }; } sub oldset { $oldset } sub dump_and_clear_log { if (defined($errors_log) && -s STDIN && seek(STDIN, 0, SEEK_SET)) { openlog('lei-daemon', 'pid,nowait,nofatal,ndelay', 'user'); chomp(my @lines = ); truncate(STDIN, 0) or syslog('warning', "ftruncate (%s): %m", $errors_log); for my $l (@lines) { syslog('warning', '%s', $l) } closelog(); # don't share across fork } } sub cfg2lei ($) { my ($cfg) = @_; my $lei = bless { env => { %{$cfg->{-env}} } }, __PACKAGE__; open($lei->{0}, '<&', \*STDIN); open($lei->{1}, '>>&', \*STDOUT); open($lei->{2}, '>>&', \*STDERR); open($lei->{3}, '<', '/'); socketpair(my $x, my $y, AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0); $lei->{sock} = $x; require PublicInbox::LeiSelfSocket; PublicInbox::LeiSelfSocket->new($y); # adds to event loop $lei; } sub note_event ($@) { # runs lei_note_event for a given config file my ($cfg_f, @args) = @_; my $cfg = $PATH2CFG{$cfg_f} // return; eval { cfg2lei($cfg)->dispatch('note-event', @args) }; carp "E: note-event $cfg_f: $@\n" if $@; } sub dir_idle_handler ($) { # PublicInbox::DirIdle callback my ($ev) = @_; # Linux::Inotify2::Event or duck type my $fn = $ev->fullname; if ($fn =~ m!\A(.+)/(new|cur)/([^/]+)\z!) { # Maildir file my ($loc, $new_cur, $bn) = ("maildir:$1", $2, $3); $new_cur = '' if $ev->IN_DELETE || $ev->IN_MOVED_FROM; for my $cfg_f (keys %{$MDIR2CFGPATH->{$loc} // {}}) { note_event($cfg_f, $loc, $new_cur, $bn, $fn); } } elsif ($fn =~ m!\A(.+)/([0-9]+)\z!) { # MH mail message file my ($loc, $n, $new_cur) = ("mh:$1", $2, '+'); $new_cur = '' if $ev->IN_DELETE || $ev->IN_MOVED_FROM; for my $cfg_f (keys %{$MDIR2CFGPATH->{$loc} // {}}) { note_event($cfg_f, $loc, $new_cur, $n, $fn); } } elsif ($fn =~ m!\A(.+)/\.mh_sequences\z!) { # reread flags my $loc = "mh:$1"; for my $cfg_f (keys %{$MDIR2CFGPATH->{$loc} // {}}) { note_event($cfg_f, $loc, '.mh_sequences') } } # else we don't care if ($ev->can('cancel') && ($ev->IN_IGNORE || $ev->IN_UNMOUNT)) { $ev->cancel; } if ($fn =~ m!\A(.+)/(?:new|cur)\z! && !-e $fn) { delete $MDIR2CFGPATH->{"maildir:$1"}; } if (!-e $fn) { # config file, Maildir, or MH dir gone delete $_->{$fn} for values %$MDIR2CFGPATH; # config file delete @$MDIR2CFGPATH{"maildir:$fn", "mh:$fn"}; delete $PATH2CFG{$fn}; } } sub can_stay_alive { # PublicInbox::DS::post_loop_do cb my ($path, $dev_ino_expect) = @_; if (my @st = defined($$path) ? stat($$path) : ()) { if ($dev_ino_expect ne pack('dd', $st[0], $st[1])) { warn "$$path dev/ino changed, quitting\n"; $$path = undef; } } elsif (defined($$path)) { # ENOENT is common warn "stat($$path): $!, quitting ...\n" if $! != ENOENT; undef $$path; $quit->(); } return 1 if defined($$path); my $n = PublicInbox::DS::close_non_busy() or do { eval 'PublicInbox::LeiNoteEvent::flush_task()'; # drop stores only if no clients for my $cfg (values %PATH2CFG) { my $lne = delete($cfg->{-lei_note_event}); $lne->wq_close if $lne; my $sto = delete($cfg->{-lei_store}) // next; eval { $sto->wq_do('done') if $sto->{-wq_s1} }; warn "E: $@ (dropping store for $cfg->{-f})" if $@; $sto->wq_close; } }; # returns true: continue, false: stop $n + scalar(keys(%PublicInbox::DS::AWAIT_PIDS)); } # lei(1) calls this when it can't connect sub lazy_start { my ($path, $errno, $narg) = @_; local ($errors_log, $listener); my ($sock_dir) = ($path =~ m!\A(.+?)/[^/]+\z!); $errors_log = "$sock_dir/errors.log"; my $addr = pack_sockaddr_un($path); my $lk = PublicInbox::Lock->new($errors_log); umask(077) // die("umask(077): $!"); $lk->lock_acquire; socket($listener, AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0); if ($errno == ECONNREFUSED || $errno == ENOENT) { return if connect($listener, $addr); # another process won unlink($path) if $errno == ECONNREFUSED && -S $path; } else { $! = $errno; # allow interpolation to stringify in die die "connect($path): $!"; } bind($listener, $addr); $lk->lock_release; undef $lk; my @st = stat($path) or die "stat($path): $!"; my $dev_ino_expect = pack('dd', $st[0], $st[1]); # dev+ino local $oldset = PublicInbox::DS::block_signals(POSIX::SIGALRM); die "incompatible narg=$narg" if $narg != 5; $PublicInbox::IPC::send_cmd or die <<""; (Socket::MsgHdr || Inline::C) missing/unconfigured (narg=$narg); require PublicInbox::Listener; require PublicInbox::PktOp; (-p STDOUT) or die "E: stdout must be a pipe\n"; open(STDIN, '+>>', $errors_log); STDIN->autoflush(1); dump_and_clear_log(); POSIX::setsid() > 0 or die "setsid: $!"; my $pid = PublicInbox::OnDestroy::fork_tmp; return if $pid; $0 = "lei-daemon $path"; local (%PATH2CFG, $MDIR2CFGPATH); local $daemon_pid = $$; $listener->blocking(0); my $exit_code; my $pil = PublicInbox::Listener->new($listener, \&accept_dispatch); local $quit = do { my (undef, $eof_p) = PublicInbox::PktOp->pair; sub { $exit_code //= eval("POSIX::SIG$_[0] + 128") if @_; $dir_idle->close if $dir_idle; # EPOLL_CTL_DEL $dir_idle = undef; # let RC take care of it eval 'PublicInbox::LeiNoteEvent::flush_task()'; my $lis = $pil or exit($exit_code // 0); # closing eof_p triggers \&noop wakeup $listener = $eof_p = $pil = $path = undef; $lis->close; # DS::close }; }; my $sig = { CHLD => \&PublicInbox::DS::enqueue_reap }; $sig->{$_} = $quit for qw(QUIT INT TERM); $sig->{$_} = \&PublicInbox::Config::noop for qw(HUP USR1 USR2); require PublicInbox::DirIdle; local $dir_idle = PublicInbox::DirIdle->new(sub { # just rely on wakeup to hit post_loop_do dir_idle_handler($_[0]) if $_[0]->fullname ne $path; }); $dir_idle->add_watches([$sock_dir]); local @PublicInbox::DS::post_loop_do = (\&can_stay_alive, \$path, $dev_ino_expect); # STDIN was redirected to /dev/null above, closing STDERR and # STDOUT will cause the calling `lei' client process to finish # reading the <$daemon> pipe. local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $current_lei ? err($current_lei, @_) : warn( strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', gmtime(time))," $$ ", @_); }; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{ALRM} = 'IGNORE'; open STDERR, '>&STDIN'; open STDOUT, '>&STDIN'; # $daemon pipe to `lei' closed, main loop begins: eval { PublicInbox::DS::event_loop($sig, $oldset) }; warn "event loop error: $@\n" if $@; dump_and_clear_log(); exit($exit_code // 0); } sub busy { 1 } # prevent daemon-shutdown if client is connected # ensures stdout hits the FS before sock disconnects so a client # can immediately reread it sub DESTROY { my ($self) = @_; if (defined($self->{incr_pid}) && $self->{incr_pid} == $$) { for my $k (sort(grep(/\A-nr_/, keys %$self))) { my $nr = $self->{$k}; substr($k, 0, length('-nr_'), ''); $self->child_error(0, "$nr $k messages"); } } $self->{1}->autoflush(1) if $self->{1}; stop_pager($self); dump_and_clear_log(); # preserve $? for ->fail or ->x_it code } sub wq_done_wait { # awaitpid cb (via wq_eof) my ($pid, $wq, $lei) = @_; local $current_lei = $lei; my $err_type = $lei->{-err_type}; $? and $lei->child_error($?, $err_type ? "$err_type errors during $lei->{cmd} \$?=$?" : ()); $lei->dclose; } sub fchdir { my ($lei) = @_; chdir($lei->{3} // die 'BUG: lei->{3} (CWD) gone'); } sub wq_eof { # EOF callback for main daemon my ($lei, $wq_fld) = @_; local $current_lei = $lei; my $wq = delete $lei->{$wq_fld // 'wq1'}; $lei->sto_barrier_request($wq); $wq // $lei->fail; # already failed } sub watch_state_ok ($) { my ($state) = $_[-1]; # $_[0] may be $self $state =~ /\Apause|(?:import|index|tag)-(?:ro|rw)\z/; } sub cancel_dir_watch ($$$) { my ($type, $d, $cfg_f) = @_; my $loc = "$type:".canonpath_harder($d); my $w = delete $MDIR2CFGPATH->{$loc}->{$cfg_f}; delete $MDIR2CFGPATH->{$loc} if !(keys %{$MDIR2CFGPATH->{$loc}}); $_->cancel for @$w; } sub add_dir_watch ($$$) { my ($type, $d, $cfg_f) = @_; $d = canonpath_harder($d); my $loc = "$type:$d"; my @dirs = $type eq 'mh' ? ($d) : ("$d/cur", "$d/new"); if (!exists($MDIR2CFGPATH->{$loc}->{$cfg_f})) { my @w = $dir_idle->add_watches(\@dirs, 1); push @{$MDIR2CFGPATH->{$loc}->{$cfg_f}}, @w if @w; } } sub refresh_watches { my ($lei) = @_; $dir_idle or return; my $cfg = _lei_cfg($lei) or return; my $old = $cfg->{-watches}; my $watches = $cfg->{-watches} //= {}; my %seen; my $cfg_f = $cfg->{'-f'}; for my $w (grep(/\Awatch\..+\.state\z/, keys %$cfg)) { my $loc = substr($w, length('watch.'), -length('.state')); require PublicInbox::LeiWatch; $watches->{$loc} //= PublicInbox::LeiWatch->new($loc); $seen{$loc} = undef; my $state = $cfg->get_1("watch.$loc.state"); if (!watch_state_ok($state)) { warn("watch.$loc.state=$state not supported\n"); } elsif ($loc =~ /\A(maildir|mh):(.+)\z/i) { my ($type, $d) = ($1, $2); $state eq 'pause' ? cancel_dir_watch($type, $d, $cfg_f) : add_dir_watch($type, $d, $cfg_f); } else { # TODO: imap/nntp/jmap $lei->child_error(0, "E: watch $loc not supported, yet") } } # add all known Maildir folders as implicit watches my $lms = $lei->lms; if ($lms) { $lms->lms_write_prepare; for my $loc ($lms->folders(qr/\A(?:maildir|mh):/)) { my $old = $loc; my ($type, $d) = split /:/, $loc, 2; # fixup old bugs while we're iterating: $d = canonpath_harder($d); $loc = "$type:$d"; $lms->rename_folder($old, $loc) if $old ne $loc; next if $watches->{$loc}; # may be set to pause require PublicInbox::LeiWatch; $watches->{$loc} = PublicInbox::LeiWatch->new($loc); $seen{$loc} = undef; add_dir_watch($type, $d, $cfg_f); } } if ($old) { # cull old non-existent entries for my $loc (keys %$old) { next if exists $seen{$loc}; delete $old->{$loc}; if ($loc =~ /\A(maildir|mh):(.+)\z/i) { cancel_dir_watch($1, $2, $cfg_f); } else { # TODO: imap/nntp/jmap $lei->child_error(0, "E: watch $loc TODO"); } } } if (scalar keys %$watches) { $cfg->{-env} //= { %{$lei->{env}}, PWD => '/' }; # for cfg2lei } else { delete $cfg->{-watches}; } } # TODO: support SHA-256 sub git_oid { my $eml = $_[-1]; $eml->header_set($_) for @PublicInbox::Import::UNWANTED_HEADERS; git_sha(1, $eml); } sub lms { my ($lei, $creat) = @_; my $sto = $lei->{sto} // _lei_store($lei) // return; require PublicInbox::LeiMailSync; my $f = "$sto->{priv_eidx}->{topdir}/mail_sync.sqlite3"; (-f $f || $creat) ? PublicInbox::LeiMailSync->new($f) : undef; } sub sto_barrier_request { my ($lei, $wq) = @_; return unless $lei->{sto} && $lei->{sto}->{-wq_s1}; local $current_lei = $lei; if (my $n = $lei->{opt}->{'commit-delay'}) { eval { $lei->{sto}->wq_do('schedule_commit', $n) }; } else { my $s = ($wq ? $wq->{lei_sock} : undef) // $lei->{sock}; my $errfh = $lei->{2} // *STDERR{GLOB}; my @io = $s ? ($errfh, $s) : ($errfh); eval { $lei->{sto}->wq_io_do('barrier', \@io, 1) }; } warn($@) if $@; } sub cfg_dump ($$) { my ($lei, $f) = @_; my $ret = eval { PublicInbox::Config->git_config_dump($f, $lei) }; return $ret if !$@; warn($@); undef; } sub request_umask { my ($lei) = @_; my $s = $lei->{sock} // return; send($s, 'umask', 0) // die "send: $!"; vec(my $rvec = '', fileno($s), 1) = 1; select($rvec, undef, undef, 2) or die 'timeout waiting for umask'; recv($s, my $v, 5, 0) // die "recv: $!"; (my $u, $lei->{client_umask}) = unpack('AV', $v); $u eq 'u' or warn "E: recv $v has no umask"; } sub _stdin_cb { # PublicInbox::InputPipe::consume callback for --stdin my (undef, $lei, $cb) = @_; # $_[-1] = $rbuf $_[1] // return $lei->fail("error reading stdin: $!"); $lei->{stdin_buf} .= $_[-1]; do_env($lei, $cb) if $_[-1] eq ''; } sub slurp_stdin { my ($lei, $cb) = @_; require PublicInbox::InputPipe; my $in = $lei->{0}; if (-t $in) { # run cat via script/lei and read from it $in = undef; pipe($in, my $wr); say { $lei->{2} } '# enter query, Ctrl-D when done'; send_exec_cmd($lei, [ $lei->{0}, $wr ], ['cat'], {}); } PublicInbox::InputPipe::consume($in, \&_stdin_cb, $lei, $cb); } 1;