# Copyright (C) 2019 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # I have no idea how stable or safe this is for handling untrusted # input, but it seems to have been around for a while, and the # highlight(1) executable is supported by gitweb and cgit. # # I'm also unsure about API stability, but highlight 3.x seems to # have been around a few years and ikiwiki (apparently the only # user of the SWIG/Perl bindings, at least in Debian) hasn't needed # major changes to support it in recent years. # # Some code stolen from ikiwiki (GPL-2.0+) # wrapper for SWIG-generated highlight.pm bindings package PublicInbox::HlMod; use strict; use warnings; use highlight; # SWIG-generated stuff sub _parse_filetypes ($) { my $ft_conf = $_[0]->searchFile('filetypes.conf') or die 'filetypes.conf not found by highlight'; open my $fh, '<', $ft_conf or die "failed to open($ft_conf): $!"; local $/; my $cfg = <$fh>; my %ext2lang; my @shebang; # order matters # Hrm... why isn't this exposed by the highlight API? # highlight >= 3.2 format (bind-style) (from ikiwiki) while ($cfg =~ /\bLang\s*=\s*\"([^"]+)\"[,\s]+ Extensions\s*=\s*{([^}]+)}/sgx) { my $lang = $1; foreach my $bit (split(/,/, $2)) { $bit =~ s/.*"(.*)".*/$1/s; $ext2lang{$bit} = $lang; } } # AFAIK, all the regexps used by in filetypes.conf distributed # by highlight work as Perl REs while ($cfg =~ /\bLang\s*=\s*\"([^"]+)\"[,\s]+ Shebang\s*=\s*\[\s*\[([^}]+)\s*\]\s*\]\s*}\s*,/sgx) { my ($lang, $re) = ($1, $2); eval { my $perl_re = qr/$re/; push @shebang, [ $lang, $perl_re ]; }; if ($@) { warn "$lang shebang=[[$re]] did not work in Perl: $@"; } } (\%ext2lang, \@shebang); } sub new { my ($class) = @_; my $dir = highlight::DataDir->new; $dir->initSearchDirectories(''); my ($ext2lang, $shebang) = _parse_filetypes($dir); bless { -dir => $dir, -ext2lang => $ext2lang, -shebang => $shebang, }, $class; } sub _shebang2lang ($$) { my ($self, $str) = @_; my $shebang = $self->{-shebang}; foreach my $s (@$shebang) { return $s->[0] if $$str =~ $s->[1]; } undef; } sub _path2lang ($$) { my ($self, $path) = @_; my ($ext) = ($path =~ m!([^\\/\.]+)\z!); $ext = lc($ext); $self->{-ext2lang}->{$ext} || $ext; } sub do_hl { my ($self, $str, $path) = @_; my $lang = _path2lang($self, $path) if defined $path; my $dir = $self->{-dir}; my $langpath; if (defined $lang) { $langpath = $dir->getLangPath("$lang.lang") or return; $langpath = undef unless -f $langpath; } unless (defined $langpath) { $lang = _shebang2lang($self, $str) or return; $langpath = $dir->getLangPath("$lang.lang") or return; $langpath = undef unless -f $langpath; } return unless defined $langpath; my $gen = $self->{$langpath} ||= do { my $g = highlight::CodeGenerator::getInstance($highlight::HTML); $g->setFragmentCode(1); # generate html fragment $g->setHTMLEnclosePreTag(1); # include

		# whatever theme works
		my $themepath = $dir->getThemePath('print.theme');

# SWIG instances aren't reference-counted, but $self is;
# so we need to delete all the CodeGenerator instances manually
# at our own destruction
	my ($self) = @_;
	foreach my $gen (values %$self) {
		if (ref($gen) eq 'highlight::CodeGenerator') {
