# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # # internal class used by PublicInbox::Git + PublicInbox::DS # This parses the output pipe of "git cat-file --batch" package PublicInbox::GitAsyncCat; use strict; use parent qw(PublicInbox::DS Exporter); use POSIX qw(WNOHANG); use PublicInbox::Syscall qw(EPOLLIN EPOLLET); our @EXPORT = qw(git_async_cat git_async_prefetch); use PublicInbox::Git (); our $GCF2C; # singleton PublicInbox::Gcf2Client sub close { my ($self) = @_; if (my $gitish = delete $self->{gitish}) { PublicInbox::Git::cat_async_abort($gitish); } $self->SUPER::close; # PublicInbox::DS::close } sub event_step { my ($self) = @_; my $gitish = $self->{gitish} or return; return $self->close if ($gitish->{in} // 0) != ($self->{sock} // 1); my $inflight = $gitish->{inflight}; if ($inflight && @$inflight) { $gitish->cat_async_step($inflight); # child death? if (($gitish->{in} // 0) != ($self->{sock} // 1)) { $self->close; } elsif (@$inflight || exists $gitish->{cat_rbuf}) { # ok, more to do, requeue for fairness $self->requeue; } } elsif ((my $pid = waitpid($gitish->{pid}, WNOHANG)) > 0) { # May happen if the child process is killed by a BOFH # (or segfaults) delete $gitish->{pid}; warn "E: gitish $pid exited with \$?=$?\n"; $self->close; } } sub git_async_cat ($$$$) { my ($git, $oid, $cb, $arg) = @_; my $gitish = $GCF2C //= eval { require PublicInbox::Gcf2; require PublicInbox::Gcf2Client; PublicInbox::Gcf2Client::new(); } // 0; # 0: do not retry if libgit2 or Inline::C are missing if ($gitish) { # Gcf2 active, {inflight} may be unset due to errors $GCF2C->{inflight} or $gitish = $GCF2C = PublicInbox::Gcf2Client::new(); $oid .= " $git->{git_dir}"; } else { $gitish = $git; } $gitish->cat_async($oid, $cb, $arg); $gitish->{async_cat} //= do { # read-only end of pipe (Gcf2Client is write-only end) my $self = bless { gitish => $gitish }, __PACKAGE__; $gitish->{in}->blocking(0); $self->SUPER::new($gitish->{in}, EPOLLIN|EPOLLET); \undef; # this is a true ref() }; } # this is safe to call inside $cb, but not guaranteed to enqueue # returns true if successful, undef if not. sub git_async_prefetch { my ($git, $oid, $cb, $arg) = @_; if ($GCF2C) { if ($GCF2C->{async_cat} && !$GCF2C->{wbuf}) { $oid .= " $git->{git_dir}"; return $GCF2C->cat_async($oid, $cb, $arg); } } elsif ($git->{async_cat} && (my $inflight = $git->{inflight})) { # we could use MAX_INFLIGHT here w/o the halving, # but lets not allow one client to monopolize a git process if (@$inflight < int(PublicInbox::Git::MAX_INFLIGHT/2)) { print { $git->{out} } $oid, "\n" or $git->fail("write error: $!"); return push(@$inflight, $oid, $cb, $arg); } } undef; } 1;