# Copyright (C) 2020 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # Detached/external index cross inbox search indexing support # read-write counterpart to PublicInbox::ExtSearch # # It's based on the same ideas as public-inbox-v2-format(5) using # over.sqlite3 for dedupe and sharded Xapian. msgmap.sqlite3 is # missing, so there is no Message-ID conflict resolution, meaning # no NNTP support for now. # # v2 has a 1:1 mapping of index:inbox or msgmap for NNTP support. # This is intended to be an M:N index:inbox mapping, but it'll likely # be 1:N in common practice (M==1) package PublicInbox::ExtSearchIdx; use strict; use v5.10.1; use parent qw(PublicInbox::ExtSearch PublicInbox::Lock); use Carp qw(croak carp); use PublicInbox::Search; use PublicInbox::SearchIdx qw(crlf_adjust prepare_stack is_ancestor is_bad_blob); use PublicInbox::OverIdx; use PublicInbox::MiscIdx; use PublicInbox::MID qw(mids); use PublicInbox::V2Writable; use PublicInbox::InboxWritable; use PublicInbox::ContentHash qw(content_hash); use PublicInbox::Eml; use File::Spec; use DBI qw(:sql_types); # SQL_BLOB sub new { my (undef, $dir, $opt) = @_; $dir = File::Spec->canonpath($dir); my $l = $opt->{indexlevel} // 'full'; $l !~ $PublicInbox::SearchIdx::INDEXLEVELS and die "invalid indexlevel=$l\n"; $l eq 'basic' and die "E: indexlevel=basic not yet supported\n"; my $self = bless { xpfx => "$dir/ei".PublicInbox::Search::SCHEMA_VERSION, topdir => $dir, creat => $opt->{creat}, ibx_map => {}, # (newsgroup//inboxdir) => $ibx ibx_list => [], indexlevel => $l, transact_bytes => 0, total_bytes => 0, current_info => '', parallel => 1, lock_path => "$dir/ei.lock", }, __PACKAGE__; $self->{shards} = $self->count_shards || nproc_shards($opt->{creat}); my $oidx = PublicInbox::OverIdx->new("$self->{xpfx}/over.sqlite3"); $oidx->{-no_fsync} = 1 if $opt->{-no_fsync}; $self->{oidx} = $oidx; $self } sub attach_inbox { my ($self, $ibx) = @_; $ibx = PublicInbox::InboxWritable->new($ibx); my $key = $ibx->eidx_key; if (!$ibx->over || !$ibx->mm) { warn "W: skipping $key (unindexed)\n"; return; } if (!defined($ibx->uidvalidity)) { warn "W: skipping $key (no UIDVALIDITY)\n"; return; } my $ibxdir = File::Spec->canonpath($ibx->{inboxdir}); if ($ibxdir ne $ibx->{inboxdir}) { warn "W: `$ibx->{inboxdir}' canonicalized to `$ibxdir'\n"; $ibx->{inboxdir} = $ibxdir; } $ibx = PublicInbox::InboxWritable->new($ibx); $self->{ibx_map}->{$key} //= do { push @{$self->{ibx_list}}, $ibx; $ibx; } } sub _ibx_attach { # each_inbox callback my ($ibx, $self) = @_; attach_inbox($self, $ibx); } sub attach_config { my ($self, $cfg) = @_; $self->{cfg} = $cfg; $cfg->each_inbox(\&_ibx_attach, $self); } sub check_batch_limit ($) { my ($req) = @_; my $self = $req->{self}; my $new_smsg = $req->{new_smsg}; # {raw_bytes} may be unset, so just use {bytes} my $n = $self->{transact_bytes} += $new_smsg->{bytes}; # set flag for PublicInbox::V2Writable::index_todo: ${$req->{need_checkpoint}} = 1 if $n >= $self->{batch_bytes}; } sub do_xpost ($$) { my ($req, $smsg) = @_; my $self = $req->{self}; my $docid = $smsg->{num}; my $idx = $self->idx_shard($docid); my $oid = $req->{oid}; my $xibx = $req->{ibx}; my $eml = $req->{eml}; my $eidx_key = $xibx->eidx_key; if (my $new_smsg = $req->{new_smsg}) { # 'm' on cross-posted message my $xnum = $req->{xnum}; $self->{oidx}->add_xref3($docid, $xnum, $oid, $eidx_key); $idx->shard_add_eidx_info($docid, $eidx_key, $eml); check_batch_limit($req); } else { # 'd' my $rm_eidx_info; my $nr = $self->{oidx}->remove_xref3($docid, $oid, $eidx_key, \$rm_eidx_info); if ($nr == 0) { $self->{oidx}->eidxq_del($docid); $idx->shard_remove($docid); } elsif ($rm_eidx_info) { $idx->shard_remove_eidx_info($docid, $eidx_key, $eml); $self->{oidx}->eidxq_add($docid); # yes, add } } } # called by V2Writable::sync_prepare sub artnum_max { $_[0]->{oidx}->eidx_max } sub index_unseen ($) { my ($req) = @_; my $new_smsg = $req->{new_smsg} or die 'BUG: {new_smsg} unset'; my $eml = delete $req->{eml}; $new_smsg->populate($eml, $req); my $self = $req->{self}; my $docid = $self->{oidx}->adj_counter('eidx_docid', '+'); $new_smsg->{num} = $docid; my $idx = $self->idx_shard($docid); $self->{oidx}->add_overview($eml, $new_smsg); my $oid = $new_smsg->{blob}; my $ibx = delete $req->{ibx} or die 'BUG: {ibx} unset'; $self->{oidx}->add_xref3($docid, $req->{xnum}, $oid, $ibx->eidx_key); $idx->index_raw(undef, $eml, $new_smsg, $ibx); check_batch_limit($req); } sub do_finalize ($) { my ($req) = @_; if (my $indexed = $req->{indexed}) { do_xpost($req, $_) for @$indexed; } elsif (exists $req->{new_smsg}) { # totally unseen messsage index_unseen($req); } else { # `d' message was already unindexed in the v1/v2 inboxes, # so it's too noisy to warn, here. } # cur_cmt may be undef for unindex_oid, set by V2Writable::index_todo if (defined(my $cur_cmt = $req->{cur_cmt})) { ${$req->{latest_cmt}} = $cur_cmt; } } sub do_step ($) { # main iterator for adding messages to the index my ($req) = @_; my $self = $req->{self} // die 'BUG: {self} missing'; while (1) { if (my $next_arg = $req->{next_arg}) { if (my $smsg = $self->{oidx}->next_by_mid(@$next_arg)) { $req->{cur_smsg} = $smsg; $self->git->cat_async($smsg->{blob}, \&ck_existing, $req); return; # ck_existing calls do_step } delete $req->{cur_smsg}; delete $req->{next_arg}; } my $mid = shift(@{$req->{mids}}); last unless defined $mid; my ($id, $prev); $req->{next_arg} = [ $mid, \$id, \$prev ]; # loop again } do_finalize($req); } sub _blob_missing ($) { # called when req->{cur_smsg}->{blob} is bad my ($req) = @_; my $smsg = $req->{cur_smsg} or die 'BUG: {cur_smsg} missing'; my $self = $req->{self}; my $xref3 = $self->{oidx}->get_xref3($smsg->{num}); my @keep = grep(!/:$smsg->{blob}\z/, @$xref3); if (@keep) { $keep[0] =~ /:([a-f0-9]{40,}+)\z/ or die "BUG: xref $keep[0] has no OID"; my $oidhex = $1; $self->{oidx}->remove_xref3($smsg->{num}, $smsg->{blob}); my $upd = $self->{oidx}->update_blob($smsg, $oidhex); my $saved = $self->{oidx}->get_art($smsg->{num}); } else { $self->{oidx}->delete_by_num($smsg->{num}); } } sub ck_existing { # git->cat_async callback my ($bref, $oid, $type, $size, $req) = @_; my $smsg = $req->{cur_smsg} or die 'BUG: {cur_smsg} missing'; if ($type eq 'missing') { _blob_missing($req); } elsif (!is_bad_blob($oid, $type, $size, $smsg->{blob})) { my $self = $req->{self} // die 'BUG: {self} missing'; local $self->{current_info} = "$self->{current_info} $oid"; my $cur = PublicInbox::Eml->new($bref); if (content_hash($cur) eq $req->{chash}) { push @{$req->{indexed}}, $smsg; # for do_xpost } # else { index_unseen later } } do_step($req); } # is the messages visible in the inbox currently being indexed? # return the number if so sub cur_ibx_xnum ($$) { my ($req, $bref) = @_; my $ibx = $req->{ibx} or die 'BUG: current {ibx} missing'; $req->{eml} = PublicInbox::Eml->new($bref); $req->{chash} = content_hash($req->{eml}); $req->{mids} = mids($req->{eml}); my @q = @{$req->{mids}}; # copy while (defined(my $mid = shift @q)) { my ($id, $prev); while (my $x = $ibx->over->next_by_mid($mid, \$id, \$prev)) { return $x->{num} if $x->{blob} eq $req->{oid}; } } undef; } sub index_oid { # git->cat_async callback for 'm' my ($bref, $oid, $type, $size, $req) = @_; my $self = $req->{self}; local $self->{current_info} = "$self->{current_info} $oid"; return if is_bad_blob($oid, $type, $size, $req->{oid}); my $new_smsg = $req->{new_smsg} = bless { blob => $oid, }, 'PublicInbox::Smsg'; $new_smsg->{bytes} = $size + crlf_adjust($$bref); defined($req->{xnum} = cur_ibx_xnum($req, $bref)) or return; ++${$req->{nr}}; do_step($req); } sub unindex_oid { # git->cat_async callback for 'd' my ($bref, $oid, $type, $size, $req) = @_; my $self = $req->{self}; local $self->{current_info} = "$self->{current_info} $oid"; return if is_bad_blob($oid, $type, $size, $req->{oid}); return if defined(cur_ibx_xnum($req, $bref)); # was re-added do_step($req); } # overrides V2Writable::last_commits, called by sync_ranges via sync_prepare sub last_commits { my ($self, $sync) = @_; my $heads = []; my $ekey = $sync->{ibx}->eidx_key; my $uv = $sync->{ibx}->uidvalidity; for my $i (0..$sync->{epoch_max}) { $heads->[$i] = $self->{oidx}->eidx_meta("lc-v2:$ekey//$uv;$i"); } $heads; } sub _sync_inbox ($$$) { my ($self, $sync, $ibx) = @_; $sync->{ibx} = $ibx; $sync->{nr} = \(my $nr = 0); my $v = $ibx->version; my $ekey = $ibx->eidx_key; if ($v == 2) { my $epoch_max; defined($ibx->git_dir_latest(\$epoch_max)) or return; $sync->{epoch_max} = $epoch_max; sync_prepare($self, $sync); # or return # TODO: once MiscIdx is stable } elsif ($v == 1) { my $uv = $ibx->uidvalidity; my $lc = $self->{oidx}->eidx_meta("lc-v1:$ekey//$uv"); my $head = $ibx->mm->last_commit; unless (defined $head) { warn "E: $ibx->{inboxdir} is not indexed\n"; return; } my $stk = prepare_stack($sync, $lc ? "$lc..$head" : $head); my $unit = { stack => $stk, git => $ibx->git }; push @{$sync->{todo}}, $unit; } else { warn "E: $ekey unsupported inbox version (v$v)\n"; return; } for my $unit (@{delete($sync->{todo}) // []}) { last if $sync->{quit}; index_todo($self, $sync, $unit); } $self->{midx}->index_ibx($ibx) unless $sync->{quit}; $ibx->git->cleanup; # done with this inbox, now } sub gc_unref_doc ($$$$) { my ($self, $ibx_id, $eidx_key, $docid) = @_; my $dbh = $self->{oidx}->dbh; # for debug/info purposes, oids may no longer be accessible my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached(<<'', undef, 1); SELECT oidbin FROM xref3 WHERE docid = ? AND ibx_id = ? $sth->execute($docid, $ibx_id); my @oid = map { unpack('H*', $_->[0]) } @{$sth->fetchall_arrayref}; $dbh->prepare_cached(<<'')->execute($docid, $ibx_id); DELETE FROM xref3 WHERE docid = ? AND ibx_id = ? my $remain = $self->{oidx}->get_xref3($docid); if (scalar(@$remain)) { $self->{oidx}->eidxq_add($docid); # enqueue for reindex for my $oid (@oid) { warn "I: unref #$docid $eidx_key $oid\n"; } } else { warn "I: remove #$docid $eidx_key @oid\n"; $self->idx_shard($docid)->shard_remove($docid); } } sub eidx_gc { my ($self, $opt) = @_; $self->{cfg} or die "E: GC requires ->attach_config\n"; $opt->{-idx_gc} = 1; $self->idx_init($opt); # acquire lock via V2Writable::_idx_init my $dbh = $self->{oidx}->dbh; my $x3_doc = $dbh->prepare('SELECT docid FROM xref3 WHERE ibx_id = ?'); my $ibx_ck = $dbh->prepare('SELECT ibx_id,eidx_key FROM inboxes'); my $lc_i = $dbh->prepare('SELECT key FROM eidx_meta WHERE key LIKE ?'); $ibx_ck->execute; while (my ($ibx_id, $eidx_key) = $ibx_ck->fetchrow_array) { next if $self->{ibx_map}->{$eidx_key}; $self->{midx}->remove_eidx_key($eidx_key); warn "I: deleting messages for $eidx_key...\n"; $x3_doc->execute($ibx_id); while (defined(my $docid = $x3_doc->fetchrow_array)) { gc_unref_doc($self, $ibx_id, $eidx_key, $docid); } $dbh->prepare_cached(<<'')->execute($ibx_id); DELETE FROM inboxes WHERE ibx_id = ? # drop last_commit info my $pat = $eidx_key; $pat =~ s/([_%])/\\$1/g; $lc_i->execute("lc-%:$pat//%"); while (my ($key) = $lc_i->fetchrow_array) { next if $key !~ m!\Alc-v[1-9]+:\Q$eidx_key\E//!; warn "I: removing $key\n"; $dbh->prepare_cached(<<'')->execute($key); DELETE FROM eidx_meta WHERE key = ? } warn "I: $eidx_key removed\n"; } # it's not real unless it's in `over', we use parallelism here, # shards will be reading directly from over, so commit $self->{oidx}->commit_lazy; $self->{oidx}->begin_lazy; for my $idx (@{$self->{idx_shards}}) { warn "I: cleaning up shard #$idx->{shard}\n"; $idx->shard_over_check($self->{oidx}); } my $nr = $dbh->do(<<''); DELETE FROM xref3 WHERE docid NOT IN (SELECT num FROM over) warn "I: eliminated $nr stale xref3 entries\n" if $nr != 0; done($self); } sub _reindex_finalize ($$$) { my ($req, $smsg, $eml) = @_; my $sync = $req->{sync}; my $self = $sync->{self}; my $by_chash = $req->{by_chash}; my $nr = scalar(keys(%$by_chash)) or die 'BUG: no content hashes'; my $orig_smsg = $req->{orig_smsg} // die 'BUG: no {orig_smsg}'; my $docid = $smsg->{num} = $orig_smsg->{num}; $self->{oidx}->add_overview($eml, $smsg); # may rethread $self->{transact_bytes} += $smsg->{bytes}; if ($nr == 1) { # likely, all good $self->idx_shard($docid)->shard_reindex_docid($docid); return; } warn "W: #$docid split into $nr due to deduplication change\n"; my $chash0 = $smsg->{chash} // die "BUG: $smsg->{blob} no {chash}"; delete($by_chash->{$chash0}) // die "BUG: $smsg->{blob} chash missing"; my @todo; for my $ary (values %$by_chash) { for my $x (reverse @$ary) { warn "removing #$docid xref3 $x->{blob}\n"; my $n = $self->{oidx}->remove_xref3($docid, $x->{blob}); die "BUG: $x->{blob} invalidated #$docid" if $n == 0; } my $x = $ary->[-1] // die "BUG: #$docid {by_chash} empty"; $x->{num} = delete($x->{xnum}) // die '{xnum} unset'; my $ibx_id = delete($x->{ibx_id}) // die '{ibx_id} unset'; my $pos = $sync->{id2pos}->{$ibx_id} // die "$ibx_id no pos"; my $ibx = $self->{ibx_list}->[$pos] // die "BUG: ibx for $x->{blob} not mapped"; my $e = $ibx->over->get_art($x->{num}); $e->{blob} eq $x->{blob} or die <{blob} != $e->{blob} (${\$ibx->eidx_key}:$e->{num}); EOF push @todo, $ibx, $e; } $self->{oidx}->commit_lazy; # ensure shard workers can see xref removals $self->{oidx}->begin_lazy; $self->idx_shard($docid)->shard_reindex_docid($docid); while (my ($ibx, $e) = splice(@todo, 0, 2)) { reindex_unseen($self, $sync, $ibx, $e); } } sub _reindex_oid { # git->cat_async callback my ($bref, $oid, $type, $size, $req) = @_; my $sync = $req->{sync}; my $self = $sync->{self}; my $orig_smsg = $req->{orig_smsg} // die 'BUG: no {orig_smsg}'; my $expect_oid = $req->{xr3}->[$req->{ix}]->[2]; my $docid = $orig_smsg->{num}; if (is_bad_blob($oid, $type, $size, $expect_oid)) { my $remain = $self->{oidx}->remove_xref3($docid, $expect_oid); if ($remain == 0) { warn "W: #$docid gone or corrupted\n"; $self->idx_shard($docid)->shard_remove($docid); } elsif (my $next_oid = $req->{xr3}->[++$req->{ix}]->[2]) { $self->git->cat_async($next_oid, \&_reindex_oid, $req); } else { warn "BUG: #$docid gone (UNEXPECTED)\n"; $self->idx_shard($docid)->shard_remove($docid); } return; } my $ci = $self->{current_info}; local $self->{current_info} = "$ci #$docid $oid"; my $re_smsg = bless { blob => $oid }, 'PublicInbox::Smsg'; $re_smsg->{bytes} = $size + crlf_adjust($$bref); my $eml = PublicInbox::Eml->new($bref); $re_smsg->populate($eml, { autime => $orig_smsg->{ds}, cotime => $orig_smsg->{ts} }); my $chash = content_hash($eml); $re_smsg->{chash} = $chash; $re_smsg->{xnum} = $req->{xr3}->[$req->{ix}]->[1]; $re_smsg->{ibx_id} = $req->{xr3}->[$req->{ix}]->[0]; push @{$req->{by_chash}->{$chash}}, $re_smsg; if (my $next_oid = $req->{xr3}->[++$req->{ix}]->[2]) { $self->git->cat_async($next_oid, \&_reindex_oid, $req); } else { # last $re_smsg is the highest priority xref3 local $self->{current_info} = "$ci #$docid"; _reindex_finalize($req, $re_smsg, $eml); } } sub _reindex_smsg ($$$) { my ($self, $sync, $smsg) = @_; my $docid = $smsg->{num}; my $xr3 = $self->{oidx}->get_xref3($docid, 1); if (scalar(@$xr3) == 0) { # _reindex_check_stale should've covered this warn <<""; BUG? #$docid $smsg->{blob} is not referenced by inboxes during reindex $self->{oidx}->delete_by_num($docid); $self->idx_shard($docid)->shard_remove($docid); return; } # we sort {xr3} in the reverse order of {ibx_list} so we can # hit the common case in _reindex_finalize without rereading # from git (or holding multiple messages in memory). my $id2pos = $sync->{id2pos}; # index in {ibx_list} @$xr3 = sort { $id2pos->{$b->[0]} <=> $id2pos->{$a->[0]} || $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] # break ties with {xnum} } @$xr3; @$xr3 = map { [ $_->[0], $_->[1], unpack('H*', $_->[2]) ] } @$xr3; my $req = { orig_smsg => $smsg, sync => $sync, xr3 => $xr3, ix => 0 }; $self->git->cat_async($xr3->[$req->{ix}]->[2], \&_reindex_oid, $req); } sub eidxq_process ($$) { # for reindexing my ($self, $sync) = @_; $self->{oidx}->commit_lazy; # ensure shard workers can see it $self->{oidx}->begin_lazy; my $dbh = $self->{oidx}->dbh; my $tot = $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM eidxq') or return; ${$sync->{nr}} = 0; $sync->{-regen_fmt} = "%u/$tot\n"; my $pr = $sync->{-opt}->{-progress}; if ($pr) { my $min = $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT MIN(docid) FROM eidxq'); my $max = $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT MAX(docid) FROM eidxq'); $pr->("Xapian indexing $min..$max (total=$tot)\n"); } my %id2pos; my $pos = 0; $id2pos{$_->{-ibx_id}} = $pos++ for @{$self->{ibx_list}}; $sync->{id2pos} = \%id2pos; my $del = $dbh->prepare('DELETE FROM eidxq WHERE docid = ?'); my $iter = $dbh->prepare('SELECT docid FROM eidxq ORDER BY docid ASC'); $iter->execute; while (defined(my $docid = $iter->fetchrow_array)) { last if $sync->{quit}; if (my $smsg = $self->{oidx}->get_art($docid)) { _reindex_smsg($self, $sync, $smsg); } else { warn "E: #$docid does not exist in over\n"; } $del->execute($docid); my $cur = ++${$sync->{nr}}; # shards flush on their own, just don't queue up too many # deletes if ($self->{transact_bytes} >= $self->{batch_bytes}) { $self->git->async_wait_all; $self->{oidx}->commit_lazy; $self->{oidx}->begin_lazy; $pr->("reindexed $cur/$tot\n") if $pr; $self->{transact_bytes} = 0; } # this is only for SIGUSR1, shards do their own accounting: reindex_checkpoint($self, $sync) if ${$sync->{need_checkpoint}}; } $self->git->async_wait_all; $pr->("reindexed ${$sync->{nr}}/$tot\n") if $pr; } sub _reindex_unseen { # git->cat_async callback my ($bref, $oid, $type, $size, $req) = @_; return if is_bad_blob($oid, $type, $size, $req->{oid}); my $self = $req->{self} // die 'BUG: {self} unset'; local $self->{current_info} = "$self->{current_info} $oid"; my $new_smsg = bless { blob => $oid, }, 'PublicInbox::Smsg'; $new_smsg->{bytes} = $size + crlf_adjust($$bref); my $eml = $req->{eml} = PublicInbox::Eml->new($bref); $req->{new_smsg} = $new_smsg; $req->{chash} = content_hash($eml); $req->{mids} = mids($eml); # do_step iterates through this do_step($req); # enter the normal indexing flow } # --reindex may catch totally unseen messages, this handles them sub reindex_unseen ($$$$) { my ($self, $sync, $ibx, $xsmsg) = @_; my $req = { %$sync, # has {self} autime => $xsmsg->{ds}, cotime => $xsmsg->{ts}, oid => $xsmsg->{blob}, ibx => $ibx, xnum => $xsmsg->{num}, # {mids} and {chash} will be filled in at _reindex_unseen }; warn "I: reindex_unseen ${\$ibx->eidx_key}:$req->{xnum}:$req->{oid}\n"; $self->git->cat_async($xsmsg->{blob}, \&_reindex_unseen, $req); } sub _reindex_check_unseen ($$$) { my ($self, $sync, $ibx) = @_; my $ibx_id = $ibx->{-ibx_id}; my ($beg, $end) = (1, 1000); # first, check if we missed any messages in target $ibx my $inx3 = $self->{oidx}->dbh->prepare(<<''); SELECT DISTINCT(docid) FROM xref3 WHERE ibx_id = ? AND xnum = ? AND oidbin = ? my $msgs; while (scalar(@{$msgs = $ibx->over->query_xover($beg, $end)})) { $beg = $msgs->[-1]->{num} + 1; $end = $beg + 1000; for my $xsmsg (@$msgs) { my $oidbin = pack('H*', $xsmsg->{blob}); $inx3->bind_param(1, $ibx_id); $inx3->bind_param(2, $xsmsg->{num}); $inx3->bind_param(3, $oidbin, SQL_BLOB); $inx3->execute; my $docids = $inx3->fetchall_arrayref; # index messages which were totally missed # the first time around ASAP: if (scalar(@$docids) == 0) { reindex_unseen($self, $sync, $ibx, $xsmsg); } else { # already seen, reindex later for my $r (@$docids) { $self->{oidx}->eidxq_add($r->[0]); } } last if $sync->{quit}; } last if $sync->{quit}; } } sub _reindex_check_stale ($$$) { my ($self, $sync, $ibx) = @_; # now, check if there's stale xrefs my $get_xnum = $self->{oidx}->dbh->prepare(<<''); SELECT docid,xnum,oidbin FROM xref3 WHERE ibx_id = ? ORDER BY docid ASC $get_xnum->execute($ibx->{-ibx_id}); my $del_xref3 = $self->{oidx}->dbh->prepare(<<''); DELETE FROM xref3 WHERE ibx_id = ? AND xnum = ? AND oidbin = ? while (my ($docid, $xnum, $oidbin) = $get_xnum->fetchrow_array) { last if $sync->{quit}; my $smsg = $ibx->over->get_art($xnum); my $oidhex = unpack('H*', $oidbin); my $err; if (!$smsg) { $err = 'stale'; } elsif ($smsg->{blob} ne $oidhex) { $err = "mismatch (!= $smsg->{blob})"; } else { next; # likely, all good } warn $ibx->eidx_key . ":$xnum:$oidhex (#$docid): $err\n"; $del_xref3->bind_param(1, $ibx->{-ibx_id}); $del_xref3->bind_param(2, $xnum); $del_xref3->bind_param(3, $oidbin, SQL_BLOB); $del_xref3->execute; # get_xref3 over-fetches, but this is a rare path: my $xr3 = $self->{oidx}->get_xref3($docid); my $idx = $self->idx_shard($docid); if (scalar(@$xr3) == 0) { # all gone $self->{oidx}->delete_by_num($docid); $self->{oidx}->eidxq_del($docid); $idx->shard_remove($docid); } else { # enqueue for reindex of remaining messages $idx->shard_remove_eidx_info($docid, $ibx->eidx_key); $self->{oidx}->eidxq_add($docid); # yes, add } } } sub _reindex_inbox ($$$) { my ($self, $sync, $ibx) = @_; _reindex_check_unseen($self, $sync, $ibx); _reindex_check_stale($self, $sync, $ibx) unless $sync->{quit}; delete @$ibx{qw(over mm search git)}; # won't need these for a bit } sub eidx_reindex { my ($self, $sync) = @_; for my $ibx (@{$self->{ibx_list}}) { _reindex_inbox($self, $sync, $ibx); last if $sync->{quit}; } $self->git->async_wait_all; # ensure eidxq gets filled completely eidxq_process($self, $sync) unless $sync->{quit}; } sub eidx_sync { # main entry point my ($self, $opt) = @_; my $warn_cb = $SIG{__WARN__} || sub { print STDERR @_ }; local $self->{current_info} = ''; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn_cb->($self->{current_info}, ': ', @_); }; $self->idx_init($opt); # acquire lock via V2Writable::_idx_init $self->{oidx}->rethread_prepare($opt); my $sync = { need_checkpoint => \(my $need_checkpoint = 0), -opt => $opt, # DO NOT SET {reindex} here, it's incompatible with reused # V2Writable code, reindex is totally different here # compared to v1/v2 inboxes because we have multiple histories self => $self, -regen_fmt => "%u/?\n", }; local $SIG{USR1} = sub { $need_checkpoint = 1 }; my $quit = PublicInbox::SearchIdx::quit_cb($sync); local $SIG{QUIT} = $quit; local $SIG{INT} = $quit; local $SIG{TERM} = $quit; for my $ibx (@{$self->{ibx_list}}) { $ibx->{-ibx_id} //= $self->{oidx}->ibx_id($ibx->eidx_key); } eidx_reindex($self, $sync) if delete($opt->{reindex}); # don't use $_ here, it'll get clobbered by reindex_checkpoint for my $ibx (@{$self->{ibx_list}}) { last if $sync->{quit}; _sync_inbox($self, $sync, $ibx); } $self->{oidx}->rethread_done($opt) unless $sync->{quit}; eidxq_process($self, $sync) unless $sync->{quit}; PublicInbox::V2Writable::done($self); } sub update_last_commit { # overrides V2Writable my ($self, $sync, $stk) = @_; my $unit = $sync->{unit} // return; my $latest_cmt = $stk ? $stk->{latest_cmt} : ${$sync->{latest_cmt}}; defined($latest_cmt) or return; my $ibx = $sync->{ibx} or die 'BUG: {ibx} missing'; my $ekey = $ibx->eidx_key; my $uv = $ibx->uidvalidity; my $epoch = $unit->{epoch}; my $meta_key; my $v = $ibx->version; if ($v == 2) { die 'No {epoch} for v2 unit' unless defined $epoch; $meta_key = "lc-v2:$ekey//$uv;$epoch"; } elsif ($v == 1) { die 'Unexpected {epoch} for v1 unit' if defined $epoch; $meta_key = "lc-v1:$ekey//$uv"; } else { die "Unsupported inbox version: $v"; } my $last = $self->{oidx}->eidx_meta($meta_key); if (defined $last && is_ancestor($self->git, $last, $latest_cmt)) { my @cmd = (qw(rev-list --count), "$last..$latest_cmt"); chomp(my $n = $unit->{git}->qx(@cmd)); return if $n ne '' && $n == 0; } $self->{oidx}->eidx_meta($meta_key, $latest_cmt); } sub _idx_init { # with_umask callback my ($self, $opt) = @_; PublicInbox::V2Writable::_idx_init($self, $opt); $self->{midx} = PublicInbox::MiscIdx->new($self); } sub idx_init { # similar to V2Writable my ($self, $opt) = @_; return if $self->{idx_shards}; $self->git->cleanup; my $ALL = $self->git->{git_dir}; # ALL.git PublicInbox::Import::init_bare($ALL) unless -d $ALL; my $info_dir = "$ALL/objects/info"; my $alt = "$info_dir/alternates"; my $mode = 0644; my (@old, @new, %seen); # seen: st_dev + st_ino if (-e $alt) { open(my $fh, '<', $alt) or die "open $alt: $!"; $mode = (stat($fh))[2] & 07777; while (my $line = <$fh>) { chomp(my $d = $line); if (my @st = stat($d)) { next if $seen{"$st[0]\0$st[1]"}++; } else { warn "W: stat($d) failed (from $alt): $!\n"; next if $opt->{-idx_gc}; } push @old, $line; } } for my $ibx (@{$self->{ibx_list}}) { my $line = $ibx->git->{git_dir} . "/objects\n"; chomp(my $d = $line); if (my @st = stat($d)) { next if $seen{"$st[0]\0$st[1]"}++; } else { warn "W: stat($d) failed (from $ibx->{inboxdir}): $!\n"; next if $opt->{-idx_gc}; } push @new, $line; } if (scalar @new) { push @old, @new; my $o = \@old; PublicInbox::V2Writable::write_alternates($info_dir, $mode, $o); } $self->parallel_init($self->{indexlevel}); $self->umask_prepare; $self->with_umask(\&_idx_init, $self, $opt); $self->{oidx}->begin_lazy; $self->{oidx}->eidx_prep; $self->{midx}->begin_txn; } no warnings 'once'; *done = \&PublicInbox::V2Writable::done; *umask_prepare = \&PublicInbox::InboxWritable::umask_prepare; *with_umask = \&PublicInbox::InboxWritable::with_umask; *parallel_init = \&PublicInbox::V2Writable::parallel_init; *nproc_shards = \&PublicInbox::V2Writable::nproc_shards; *sync_prepare = \&PublicInbox::V2Writable::sync_prepare; *index_todo = \&PublicInbox::V2Writable::index_todo; *count_shards = \&PublicInbox::V2Writable::count_shards; *atfork_child = \&PublicInbox::V2Writable::atfork_child; *idx_shard = \&PublicInbox::V2Writable::idx_shard; *reindex_checkpoint = \&PublicInbox::V2Writable::reindex_checkpoint; 1;