# Copyright (C) all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # Read-only external (detached) index for cross inbox search. # This is a read-only counterpart to PublicInbox::ExtSearchIdx # and behaves like PublicInbox::Inbox AND PublicInbox::Search package PublicInbox::ExtSearch; use strict; use v5.10.1; use PublicInbox::Over; use PublicInbox::Inbox; use PublicInbox::MiscSearch; use DBI qw(:sql_types); # SQL_BLOB # for ->reopen, ->mset, ->mset_to_artnums use parent qw(PublicInbox::Search); sub new { my ($class, $topdir) = @_; bless { topdir => $topdir, -primary_address => 'unknown@example.com', # xpfx => 'ei15' xpfx => "$topdir/ei".PublicInbox::Search::SCHEMA_VERSION }, $class; } sub misc { my ($self) = @_; $self->{misc} //= PublicInbox::MiscSearch->new("$self->{xpfx}/misc"); } # same as per-inbox ->over, for now... sub over { my ($self) = @_; $self->{over} // eval { PublicInbox::Inbox::_cleanup_later($self); my $over = PublicInbox::Over->new("$self->{xpfx}/over.sqlite3"); $over->dbh; # may die $self->{over} = $over; }; } sub git { my ($self) = @_; $self->{git} //= do { PublicInbox::Inbox::_cleanup_later($self); PublicInbox::Git->new("$self->{topdir}/ALL.git"); }; } # returns a hashref of { $NEWSGROUP_NAME => $ART_NO } using the `xref3' table sub nntp_xref_for { # NNTP only my ($self, $xibx, $xsmsg) = @_; my $dbh = over($self)->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached(<<'', undef, 1); SELECT ibx_id FROM inboxes WHERE eidx_key = ? LIMIT 1 $sth->execute($xibx->{newsgroup}); my $xibx_id = $sth->fetchrow_array // do { warn "W: `$xibx->{newsgroup}' not found in $self->{topdir}\n"; return; }; $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached(<<'', undef, 1); SELECT docid FROM xref3 WHERE oidbin = ? AND xnum = ? AND ibx_id = ? LIMIT 1 $sth->bind_param(1, $xsmsg->oidbin, SQL_BLOB); # NNTP::cmd_over can set {num} to zero according to RFC 3977 8.3.2 $sth->bind_param(2, $xsmsg->{num} || $xsmsg->{-orig_num}); $sth->bind_param(3, $xibx_id); $sth->execute; my $docid = $sth->fetchrow_array // do { warn <{newsgroup}:$xsmsg->{num}' not found in $self->{topdir}" EOF return; }; # LIMIT is number of newsgroups on server: $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached(<<'', undef, 1); SELECT ibx_id,xnum FROM xref3 WHERE docid = ? AND ibx_id != ? $sth->execute($docid, $xibx_id); my $rows = $sth->fetchall_arrayref; my $eidx_key_sth = $dbh->prepare_cached(<<'', undef, 1); SELECT eidx_key FROM inboxes WHERE ibx_id = ? LIMIT 1 my %xref = map { my ($ibx_id, $xnum) = @$_; $eidx_key_sth->execute($ibx_id); my $eidx_key = $eidx_key_sth->fetchrow_array; # only include if there's a newsgroup name $eidx_key && index($eidx_key, '/') >= 0 ? () : ($eidx_key => $xnum) } @$rows; $xref{$xibx->{newsgroup}} = $xsmsg->{num}; \%xref; } sub mm { undef } sub altid_map { {} } sub description { my ($self) = @_; ($self->{description} //= PublicInbox::Git::cat_desc("$self->{topdir}/description")) // '$EXTINDEX_DIR/description missing'; } sub search { PublicInbox::Inbox::_cleanup_later($_[0]); $_[0]; } sub thing_type { 'external index' } no warnings 'once'; *base_url = \&PublicInbox::Inbox::base_url; *smsg_eml = \&PublicInbox::Inbox::smsg_eml; *smsg_by_mid = \&PublicInbox::Inbox::smsg_by_mid; *msg_by_mid = \&PublicInbox::Inbox::msg_by_mid; *modified = \&PublicInbox::Inbox::modified; *max_git_epoch = *nntp_usable = *msg_by_path = \&mm; # undef *isrch = \&search; 1;