# Copyright (C) all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # common stuff for administrative command-line tools # Unstable internal API package PublicInbox::Admin; use v5.12; use parent qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(setup_signals fmt_localtime); use PublicInbox::Config; use PublicInbox::Inbox; use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(run_qx); use PublicInbox::Eml; *rel2abs_collapsed = \&PublicInbox::Config::rel2abs_collapsed; sub setup_signals { my ($cb, $arg) = @_; # optional require POSIX; # we call exit() here instead of _exit() so DESTROY methods # get called (e.g. File::Temp::Dir and PublicInbox::Msgmap) $SIG{INT} = $SIG{HUP} = $SIG{PIPE} = $SIG{TERM} = sub { my ($sig) = @_; # https://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/exitcodes.html eval { $cb->($sig, $arg) } if $cb; $sig = 'SIG'.$sig; exit(128 + POSIX->$sig); }; } sub resolve_any_idxdir ($$) { my ($cd, $lock_bn) = @_; my $try = $cd // '.'; my $root_dev_ino; while (1) { if (-f "$try/$lock_bn") { # inbox.lock, ei.lock, cidx.lock return rel2abs_collapsed($try); } elsif (-d $try) { my @try = stat _; $root_dev_ino //= do { my @root = stat('/') or die "stat /: $!\n"; "$root[0]\0$root[1]"; }; return undef if "$try[0]\0$try[1]" eq $root_dev_ino; $try .= '/..'; # continue, cd up } else { die "`$try' is not a directory\n"; } } } sub resolve_eidxdir ($) { resolve_any_idxdir($_[0], 'ei.lock') } sub resolve_cidxdir ($) { resolve_any_idxdir($_[0], 'cidx.lock') } sub resolve_inboxdir { my ($cd, $ver) = @_; my $dir; if (defined($dir = resolve_any_idxdir($cd, 'inbox.lock'))) { # try v2 $$ver = 2 if $ver; } elsif (defined($dir = resolve_git_dir($cd))) { # try v1 $$ver = 1 if $ver; } # else: not an inbox at all $dir; } sub valid_pwd { my $pwd = $ENV{PWD} // return; my @st_pwd = stat $pwd or return; my @st_cwd = stat '.' or die "stat(.): $!"; "@st_pwd[1,0]" eq "@st_cwd[1,0]" ? $pwd : undef; } sub resolve_git_dir { my ($cd) = @_; # cd may be `undef' for cwd # try v1 bare git dirs my $pwd = valid_pwd(); my $env; defined($pwd) && substr($cd // '/', 0, 1) ne '/' and $env->{PWD} = "$pwd/$cd"; my $cmd = [ qw(git rev-parse --git-dir) ]; my $dir = run_qx($cmd, $env, { -C => $cd }); die "error in @$cmd (cwd:${\($cd // '.')}): $?\n" if $?; chomp $dir; # --absolute-git-dir requires git v2.13.0+, and we want to # respect symlinks when $ENV{PWD} if $ENV{PWD} ne abs_path('.') # since we store absolute GIT_DIR paths in cindex. if (substr($dir, 0, 1) ne '/') { substr($cd // '/', 0, 1) eq '/' or $cd = File::Spec->rel2abs($cd, $pwd); $dir = rel2abs_collapsed($dir, $cd); } $dir; } sub unconfigured_ibx ($$) { my ($dir, $i) = @_; my $name = "unconfigured-$i"; PublicInbox::Inbox->new({ name => $name, address => [ "$name\@example.com" ], inboxdir => $dir, # consumers (-convert) warn on this: -unconfigured => 1, }); } sub resolve_inboxes ($;$$) { my ($argv, $opt, $cfg) = @_; $opt ||= {}; $cfg //= PublicInbox::Config->new; if ($opt->{all}) { my $cfgfile = PublicInbox::Config::default_file(); $cfg or die "--all specified, but $cfgfile not readable\n"; @$argv and die "--all specified, but directories specified\n"; } my (@old, @ibxs, @eidx, @cidx); if ($opt->{-cidx_ok}) { require PublicInbox::CodeSearchIdx; @$argv = grep { if (defined(my $d = resolve_cidxdir($_))) { push @cidx, PublicInbox::CodeSearchIdx->new( $d, $opt); undef; } else { 1; } } @$argv; } if ($opt->{-eidx_ok}) { require PublicInbox::ExtSearchIdx; @$argv = grep { if (defined(my $ei = resolve_eidxdir($_))) { $ei = PublicInbox::ExtSearchIdx->new($ei, $opt); push @eidx, $ei; undef; } else { 1; } } @$argv; } my $min_ver = $opt->{-min_inbox_version} || 0; # lookup inboxes by st_dev + st_ino instead of {inboxdir} pathnames, # pathnames are not unique due to symlinks and bind mounts if ($opt->{all}) { $cfg->each_inbox(sub { my ($ibx) = @_; if (-e $ibx->{inboxdir}) { push(@ibxs, $ibx) if $ibx->version >= $min_ver; } else { warn "W: $ibx->{name} $ibx->{inboxdir}: $!\n"; } }); # TODO: no way to configure cindex in config file, yet } else { # directories specified on the command-line my @dirs = @$argv; push @dirs, '.' if !@dirs && $opt->{-use_cwd}; my %s2i; # "st_dev\0st_ino" => array index for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#dirs; $i++) { my $dir = $dirs[$i]; my @st = stat($dir) or die "stat($dir): $!\n"; $dir = $dirs[$i] = resolve_inboxdir($dir, \(my $ver)); if ($ver >= $min_ver) { $s2i{"$st[0]\0$st[1]"} //= $i; } else { push @old, $dir; } } my $done = \'done'; eval { $cfg->each_inbox(sub { my ($ibx) = @_; return if $ibx->version < $min_ver; my $dir = $ibx->{inboxdir}; if (my @s = stat $dir) { my $i = delete($s2i{"$s[0]\0$s[1]"}) // return; $ibxs[$i] = $ibx; die $done if !keys(%s2i); } else { warn "W: $ibx->{name} $dir: $!\n"; } }); }; die $@ if $@ && $@ ne $done; for my $i (sort { $a <=> $b } values %s2i) { $ibxs[$i] = unconfigured_ibx($dirs[$i], $i); } @ibxs = grep { defined } @ibxs; # duplicates are undef } if (@old) { die "-V$min_ver inboxes not supported by $0\n\t", join("\n\t", @old), "\n"; } ($opt->{-eidx_ok} || $opt->{-cidx_ok}) ? (\@ibxs, \@eidx, \@cidx) : @ibxs; } my @base_mod = (); my @over_mod = qw(DBD::SQLite DBI); my %mod_groups = ( -index => [ @base_mod, @over_mod ], -base => \@base_mod, -search => [ @base_mod, @over_mod, 'Xapian' ], ); sub scan_ibx_modules ($$) { my ($mods, $ibx) = @_; if (!$ibx->{indexlevel} || $ibx->{indexlevel} ne 'basic') { $mods->{'Xapian'} = 1; } else { $mods->{$_} = 1 foreach @over_mod; } } sub check_require { my (@mods) = @_; my $err = {}; while (my $mod = shift @mods) { if (my $groups = $mod_groups{$mod}) { push @mods, @$groups; } elsif ($mod eq 'Xapian') { require PublicInbox::Search; PublicInbox::Search::load_xapian() or $err->{'Xapian || Search::Xapian'} = $@; } else { eval "require $mod"; $err->{$mod} = $@ if $@; } } scalar keys %$err ? $err : undef; } sub missing_mod_msg { my ($err) = @_; my @mods = map { "`$_'" } sort keys %$err; my $last = pop @mods; @mods ? (join(', ', @mods)."' and $last") : $last } sub require_or_die { my $err = check_require(@_) or return; die missing_mod_msg($err)." required for $0\n"; } sub indexlevel_ok_or_die ($) { my ($indexlevel) = @_; my $req; if ($indexlevel eq 'basic') { $req = '-index'; } elsif ($indexlevel =~ /\A(?:medium|full)\z/) { $req = '-search'; } else { die <<""; invalid indexlevel=$indexlevel (must be `basic', `medium', or `full') } my $err = check_require($req) or return; die missing_mod_msg($err) ." required for indexlevel=$indexlevel\n"; } sub index_terminate { my (undef, $ibx) = @_; # $_[0] = signal name $ibx->git->cleanup; } sub index_inbox { my ($ibx, $im, $opt) = @_; require PublicInbox::InboxWritable; my $jobs = delete $opt->{jobs} if $opt; if (my $pr = $opt->{-progress}) { $pr->("indexing $ibx->{inboxdir} ...\n"); } local @SIG{keys %SIG} = values %SIG; setup_signals(\&index_terminate, $ibx); my $idx = { current_info => $ibx->{inboxdir} }; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { return if PublicInbox::Eml::warn_ignore(@_); warn($idx->{current_info}, ': ', @_); }; if ($ibx->version == 2) { eval { require PublicInbox::V2Writable }; die "v2 requirements not met: $@\n" if $@; $ibx->{-creat_opt}->{nproc} = $jobs; my $v2w = $im // $ibx->importer($opt->{reindex} // $jobs); if (defined $jobs) { if ($jobs == 0) { $v2w->{parallel} = 0; } else { my $n = $v2w->{shards}; if ($jobs < ($n + 1) && !$opt->{reshard}) { warn <new($ibx, 1); } $idx->index_sync($opt); $idx->{nidx} // 0; # returns number processed } sub progress_prepare ($;$) { my ($opt, $dst) = @_; # public-inbox-index defaults to quiet, -xcpdb and -compact do not if (defined($opt->{quiet}) && $opt->{quiet} < 0) { $opt->{quiet} = !$opt->{verbose}; } if ($opt->{quiet}) { open my $null, '>', '/dev/null' or die "failed to open /dev/null: $!\n"; $opt->{1} = $null; # suitable for spawn() redirect } else { $opt->{verbose} ||= 1; $dst //= *STDERR{GLOB}; $opt->{-progress} = sub { print $dst '# ', @_ }; } } # same unit factors as git: sub parse_unsigned ($) { my ($val) = @_; $$val =~ /\A([0-9]+)([kmg])?\z/i or return; my ($n, $unit_factor) = ($1, $2 // ''); my %u = ( k => 1024, m => 1024**2, g => 1024**3 ); $$val = $n * ($u{lc($unit_factor)} // 1); 1; } sub index_prepare ($$) { my ($opt, $cfg) = @_; my $env; if ($opt->{compact}) { require PublicInbox::Xapcmd; PublicInbox::Xapcmd::check_compact(); $opt->{compact_opt} = { -coarse_lock => 1, compact => 1 }; if (defined(my $jobs = $opt->{jobs})) { $opt->{compact_opt}->{jobs} = $jobs; } } for my $k (qw(max_size batch_size)) { my $git_key = "publicInbox.index".ucfirst($k); $git_key =~ s/_([a-z])/\U$1/g; defined(my $v = $opt->{$k} // $cfg->{lc($git_key)}) or next; parse_unsigned(\$v) or die "`$git_key=$v' not parsed\n"; $v > 0 or die "`$git_key=$v' must be positive\n"; $opt->{$k} = $v; } # out-of-the-box builds of Xapian 1.4.x are still limited to 32-bit # https://getting-started-with-xapian.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/indexing/limitations.html $opt->{batch_size} and $env = { XAPIAN_FLUSH_THRESHOLD => '4294967295' }; for my $k (qw(sequential-shard)) { my $git_key = "publicInbox.index".ucfirst($k); $git_key =~ s/-([a-z])/\U$1/g; defined(my $s = $opt->{$k} // $cfg->{lc($git_key)}) or next; defined(my $v = $cfg->git_bool($s)) or die "`$git_key=$s' not boolean\n"; $opt->{$k} = $v; } for my $k (qw(since until)) { my $v = $opt->{$k} // next; $opt->{reindex} or die "--$k=$v requires --reindex\n"; } $env; } sub do_chdir ($) { my $chdir = $_[0] // return; for my $d (@$chdir) { next if $d eq ''; # same as git(1) chdir $d or die "cd $d: $!"; } } sub fmt_localtime ($) { require POSIX; my @lt = localtime $_[0]; my (undef, $M, $H, $d, $m, $Y) = @lt; sprintf('%u-%02u-%02u % 2u:%02u ', $Y + 1900, $m + 1, $d, $H, $M) .POSIX::strftime('%z', @lt); } 1;