# Copyright (C) all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ package PublicInbox::AddressPP; use strict; use v5.10.1; # TODO check regexps for unicode_strings compat # very loose regexes, here. We don't need RFC-compliance, # just enough to make thing sanely displayable and pass to git # We favor Email::Address::XS for conformance if available sub emails { ($_[0] =~ /([\w\.\+=\?"\(\)\-!#\$%&'\*\/\^\`\|\{\}~]+\@[\w\.\-\(\)]+) (?:\s[^>]*)?>?\s*(?:\(.*?\))?(?:,\s*|\z)/gx) } sub names { # split by address and post-address comment my @p = split(/]+)\@[\w\.\-]+>?\s*(\(.*?\))?(?:,\s*|\z)/, $_[0]); my @ret; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#p;) { my $phrase = $p[$i++]; $phrase =~ tr/\r\n\t / /s; $phrase =~ s/\A['"\s]*//; $phrase =~ s/['"\s]*\z//; my $user = $p[$i++] // ''; my $comment = $p[$i++] // ''; if ($phrase =~ /\S/) { $phrase =~ s/\@\S+\z//; push @ret, $phrase; } elsif ($comment =~ /\A\((.*?)\)\z/) { push @ret, $1; } else { push @ret, $user; } } @ret; } sub pairs { # for JMAP, RFC 8621 section my ($s) = @_; [ map { my $addr = $_; if ($s =~ s/\A\s*(.*?)\s*<\Q$addr\E>\s*(.*?)\s*(?:,|\z)// || $s =~ s/\A\s*(.*?)\s*\Q$addr\E\s*(.*?)\s*(?:,|\z)//) { my ($phrase, $comment) = ($1, $2); $phrase =~ tr/\r\n\t / /s; $phrase =~ s/\A['"\s]*//; $phrase =~ s/['"\s]*\z//; $phrase =~ s/\s*<*\s*\z//; $phrase = undef if $phrase !~ /\S/; $comment = ($comment =~ /\((.*?)\)/) ? $1 : undef; [ $phrase // $comment, $addr ] } else { (); } } emails($s) ]; } # Mail::Address->name is inconsistent with Email::Address::XS, so we're # doing our own thing, here: sub objects { map { bless $_, __PACKAGE__ } @{pairs($_[0])} } # OO API for objects() results sub user { (split(/@/, $_[0]->[1]))[0] } sub host { (split(/@/, $_[0]->[1]))[1] } sub name { $_[0]->[0] // user($_[0]) } 1;