-- Copyright (C) 2015-2018 all contributors -- License: GPLv2 or later -- This commit filter maps a subject line to a search URL of a public-inbox -- disclaimer: written by someone who does not know Lua. -- -- This requires cgit linked with Lua -- Usage (in your cgitrc(5) config file): -- -- commit-filter=lua:/path/to/this/script.lua -- -- Example: http://bogomips.org/public-inbox.git/ local urls = {} urls['public-inbox.git'] = 'http://public-inbox.org/meta/' -- additional URLs here... function filter_open(...) lineno = 0 buffer = "" subject = "" end function filter_close() if lineno == 1 and string.find(buffer, "\n") == nil then u = urls[os.getenv('CGIT_REPO_URL')] if u == nil then html(buffer) else html('') html_txt(buffer) html('') end else html(buffer) end return 0 end function filter_write(str) lineno = lineno + 1 buffer = buffer .. str end