=head1 NAME public-inbox-gcf2 - internal libgit2-based blob retriever =head1 SYNOPSIS This is an internal command used by public-inbox. It may change unrecognizably or cease to exist at some point =head1 DESCRIPTION public-inbox-gcf2 is an optional internal process used by public-inbox daemons for read-only access to underlying git repositories. Users are NOT expected to run public-inbox-gcf2 on their own. It replaces multiple C processes by treating any git repos it knows about as alternates. None of its behaviors are stable and it is ALL subject to change at any time. Any lines written to its standard input prefixed with a C are interpreted as a git directory. That git directory will be suffixed with "/objects" and treated as an alternate. It writes nothing to stdout in this case. Otherwise it behaves like C, but only accepts unabbreviated hexadecimal object IDs in its standard input. Its output format is identical to C. It only works for L inboxes and v1 inboxes indexed by L. =head1 OPTIONS =head1 ENVIRONMENT =over 8 =item PERL_INLINE_DIRECTORY This must be set unless C<~/.cache/public-inbox/inline-c> exists. C uses L and libgit2 and compiles a small shim on its first run. =back =head1 CONTACT Feedback welcome via plain-text mail to L The mail archives are hosted at L and L =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2020 all contributors L License: AGPL-3.0+ L =head1 SEE ALSO L