=head1 NAME public-inbox-config - public-inbox config file description =head1 SYNOPSIS ~/.public-inbox/config =head1 DESCRIPTION The public-inbox config file is parseable by L. This is a global configuration file for mapping/discovering all public-inboxes used by a particular user. =head1 CONFIGURATION FILE =head2 EXAMPLE [publicinbox "test"] mainrepo = /home/user/path/to/test.git ; multiple addresses are supported address = test@example.com ; address = alternate@example.com url = http://example.com/test newsgroup = inbox.test =head2 VARIABLES =over 8 =item publicinbox..address The email address of the public-inbox. May be specified more than once for merging multiple mailing lists (or migrating to new addresses). This must be specified at least once, the first value will be considered the primary address for informational purposes. Default: none, required =item publicinbox..mainrepo The absolute path to the git repository which hosts the public-inbox. This must be specified once. Default: none, required =item publicinbox..url The primary URL for hosting the HTTP/HTTPS archives. Additional HTTP/HTTPS URLs may be specified via C<$GIT_DIR/cloneurl> as documented in L Default: none, optional =item publicinbox..newsgroup The NNTP group name for use with L. This may be any newsgroup name with hierarchies delimited by '.'. For example, the newsgroup for L is: C Omitting this for the given inbox will prevent the group from being read by L Default: none, optional =item publicinbox..watch A location for L to watch. Currently, only C paths are supported: [publicinbox "test"] watch = maildir:/path/to/maildirs/.INBOX.test/ Default: none; only for L users =item publicinbox..watchheader [publicinbox "test"] watchheader = List-Id: Default: none; only for L users =item publicinbox..nntpmirror This may be the full NNTP URL of an independently-run mirror. For example, the https://public-inbox.org/meta/ inbox is mirrored by Gmane at C Default: none =item publicinboxwatch.spamcheck This may be set to C to enable the use of SpamAssassin L for filtering spam before it is imported into git history. Other spam filtering backends may be supported in the future. Default: none =item publicinboxwatch.watchspam This may be set to C to enable the use of SpamAssassin L for filtering spam before it is imported into git history. Other spam filtering backends may be supported in the future. This requires L, but affects all configured public-inboxes in PI_CONFIG. Default: none =item publicinbox.nntpserver Set this to point to the address of the L instance. This is used to advertise the existence of the NNTP presnce in the L HTML interface. Multiple values are allowed for servers with multiple addresses or mirrors. Default: none =item publicinbox..feedmax The size of an Atom feed for the inbox. If specified more than once, only the last value is used. Invalid values (<= 0) will be treated as the default value. Default: 25 =back =head1 ENVIRONMENT =over 8 =item PI_CONFIG Used to override the default "~/.public-inbox/config" value. =back =head1 CONTACT Feedback welcome via plain-text mail to L The mail archives are hosted at L and L =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2016 all contributors L License: AGPL-3.0+ L =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L, L