marketing guide for public-inbox TL; DR: Don't market this. If you must: don't be pushy and annoying about it. Slow down. Please no superlatives, hype or BS. Please keep all marketing materials text-only to be accessible to those on slow networks and ancient hardware. It's online and public, so it already markets itself. Being informative is not a bad thing, being insistent is. Chances are, you're preaching to the choir; or the folks you're trying to convince are not ready for everything our project represents to the resistance against centralization. Baby steps... There's never a need for anybody to migrate to using our software, or to use any particular instance of it. It's designed to coexist with other mail archives, especially other installations of public-inbox. Most importantly, we take victories even when our software doesn't get adopted. Freedom from lock-in is more important than the adoption of any software. Every time somebody recognizes and rejects various forms of lock-in and centralization is already a victory for us. Please keep in mind: * Perl 5 is not a well-liked language * AGPL is not a well-liked license * maintainer is a shy introvert Be sure to mention these things in any marketing materials to avoid wasting time of people who hate Perl and/or AGPL.