=head1 NAME lei-q - search for messages matching terms =head1 SYNOPSIS lei q [OPTIONS] TERM [TERM...] lei q [OPTIONS] (--stdin|-) =head1 DESCRIPTION Search for messages across the lei/store and externals. =head1 OPTIONS =for comment TODO: mention curl options? =over =item --stdin Read search terms from stdin. =item --no-save Do not save the search for L. =item --output=MFOLDER =item -o MFOLDER =item --mfolder=MFOLDER Warning: this clobbers and overwrites the output destination unless L is specified. Destination for results (e.g., C, C, or C). The prefix may be a supported protocol: C or C. URLs requiring authentication use L to fill in the username and password. A prefix can specify the format of the output: C, C, C, C, C. For a description of mail formats, see L. C may be used to create a new inbox of L. The new inbox will not be configured in the L file. C is the default for an existing directory or non-existing path. Default: C<-> (stdout) =item --format=FORMAT =item -f FORMAT Format of results to stdout. This option exists as a convenient way to specify the format for the default stdout destination. C, C, C, C, or C are all supported, as are the various mbox variants described in L. When a format isn't specified, it's chosen based on the L destination or prefix. C is used for the default destination (stdout). Using a C prefix with the C<--output> destination is preferred when not writing to stdout. =item --no-color Disable color (for C<-f reply> and C<-f text>). =item --pretty Pretty-print C or C output. If stdout is opened to a tty and used as the C<--output> destination, C<--pretty> is enabled by default. =item --mua=COMMAND A command to run on C<--output> Maildir or mbox (e.g., C). For a subset of MUAs known to accept a mailbox via C<-f>, COMMAND can be abbreviated to the name of the program: C, C, C, or C. =item --alert=COMMAND[,COMMAND...] Run C after writing to output. C<:WINCH> indicates to send C to the C<--mua> process. C<:bell> indicates to print a bell code. Any other value is interpreted as a command to execute as is. This option may be given multiple times. Default: C<:WINCH,:bell> when C<--mua> is specified and C<--output> doesn't point to stdout, nothing otherwise. =item --augment =item -a Augment output destination instead of clobbering it. =item --no-import-before Do not import messages before writing to an existing output destination. Be certain you do not need existing data in your output before using this, it permanently erases data unless C<--augment> is used. =item --threads =item -t Return all messages in the same thread as the actual match(es). Using this twice (C<-tt>) sets the C (AKA "important") on messages which were actual matches. This is useful to distinguish messages which were direct hits from messages which were merely part of the same thread. TODO: Warning: this flag may become persistent and saved in lei/store unless an MUA unflags it! (Behavior undecided) Caveat: C<-tt> only works on locally-indexed messages at the moment, and not on remote (HTTP(S)) endpoints. =item --thread-id=MSGID =item -T MSGID Only search messages in the same thread as the given Message-ID. For HTTP(S) externals, this only works on instances running public-inbox 2.0+ (UNRELEASED). =item --jobs=QUERY_WORKERS[,WRITE_WORKERS] =item --jobs=,WRITE_WORKERS =item -j QUERY_WORKERS[,WRITE_WORKERS] =item -j ,WRITE_WORKERS Set the number of query and write worker processes for parallelism. C defaults to the number of CPUs available, but 4 per remote (HTTP/HTTPS) host. C defaults to 75% of the number of CPUs available for Maildir and mbox* destinations, but 4 per IMAP/IMAPS host. Omitting C but leaving the comma (C<,>) allows one to only set C =item --dedupe=STRATEGY =item -d STRATEGY Strategy for deduplicating messages: C, C, C, or C. Default: C =for comment TODO: Provide description of strategies? =item --[no-]remote Whether to include results requiring network access. When local externals are configured, C<--remote> must be explicitly passed to enable reporting of results from remote externals. =item --no-local Limit operations to those requiring network access. =item --no-external Don't include results from externals. =item --include=LOCATION =item -I LOCATION Include specified external in search. This option may be given multiple times. =item --exclude=LOCATION Exclude specified external from search. This option may be given multiple times. =item --only=LOCATION =item -O LOCATION Use only the specified external for search. This option may be given multiple times, in which case the search uses only the specified set. =item --globoff =item -g Do not match locations using C<*?> wildcards and C<[]> ranges. This option applies to C<--include>, C<--exclude>, and C<--only>. =item --no-import-remote Disable the default behavior of memoizing remote messages into the local store. =item --lock=METHOD L locking method(s) to use: C, C, C or C. Default: fcntl,dotlock =item --limit=NUMBER =item -NUMBER =item -n NUMBER Fuzzy-limit the number of matches per local external and lei/store. Messages added by the L<--threads> switch do not count towards this limit, and there is no limit on remote externals. Default: 10000 =item --offset=NUMBER Shift start of search results. Default: 0 =item --reverse =item -r Reverse the results. Note that this applies before C<--limit>. =item --sort=KEY =item -s KEY Order the results by KEY. Valid keys are C, C, and C. Default: C =item --verbose =item -v Provide more feedback on stderr. =item --quiet =item -q Suppress feedback messages. =item --torsocks=auto|no|yes =item --no-torsocks Whether to wrap L and L commands with L. Default: C =item --proxy=PROTOCOL://HOST[:PORT] =back =head1 SEARCH TERMS C supports the same search prefixes used by HTTP(S) public-inbox instances: =for comment AUTO-GENERATED-SEARCH-TERMS-BEGIN s: match within Subject e.g. s:"a quick brown fox" d: match date-time range, git "approxidate" formats supported Open-ended ranges such as `d:last.week..' and `d:..2.days.ago' are supported b: match within message body, including text attachments nq: match non-quoted text within message body q: match quoted text within message body n: match filename of attachment(s) t: match within the To header c: match within the Cc header f: match within the From header a: match within the To, Cc, and From headers tc: match within the To and Cc headers l: match contents of the List-Id header bs: match within the Subject and body dfn: match filename from diff dfa: match diff removed (-) lines dfb: match diff added (+) lines dfhh: match diff hunk header context (usually a function name) dfctx: match diff context lines dfpre: match pre-image git blob ID dfpost: match post-image git blob ID dfblob: match either pre or post-image git blob ID patchid: match `git patch-id --stable' output rt: match received time, like `d:' if sender's clock was correct =for comment AUTO-GENERATED-SEARCH-TERMS-END Additional search prefixes which only affect the local lei/store: L: match the given label kw: match the given keywords See L for more info on labels and keywords. Most prefixes are probabilistic, meaning they support stemming and wildcards (C<*>). Ranges (such as C) and boolean prefixes do not support stemming or wildcards. The upstream Xapian query parser documentation fully explains the query syntax: L =head1 TIPS C<-f reply> is intended to aid in turning a cover letter into a reply (since using C is tedious). Results (including "From " lines) should be edited and trimmed in your favorite C<$EDITOR> before sending. =head1 CONTACT Feedback welcome via plain-text mail to L The mail archives are hosted at L and L =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright all contributors L License: AGPL-3.0+ L =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L