To: Subject: [WIP] public-inbox 1.2.0 * first non-pre/rc release with v2 format support for scalability. See public-inbox-v2-format(5) manpage for more details. * new admin tools for v2 repos: - public-inbox-convert - converts v1 to v2 repo formats - public-inbox-compact - v2 convenience wrapper for xapian-compact(1) - public-inbox-purge - purges entire messages out of v2 history - public-inbox-edit - edits sensitive data out messages from v2 history - public-inbox-xcpdb - copydatabase(1) wrapper to upgrade Xapian formats (e.g. from "chert" to "glass") and resharding of v2 repos * SQLite3 support decoupled from Xapian support, and Xapian DBs may be configured without phrase support to save space. See "indexlevel" in public-inbox-config(5) manpage for more info. * public-inbox-nntpd - support STARTTLS and NNTPS - support COMPRESS extension - fix several RFC3977 compliance bugs - improved interopability with picky clients such as leafnode * public-inbox-watch - support multiple spam training directories - support mapping multiple inboxes per Maildir * PublicInbox::WWW - grokmirror-compatible manifest.js.gz endpoint generation - user-configurable color support in $INBOX_URL/_/text/color/ - BOFHs may set default colors via "publicinbox.css" (see public-inbox-config(5)) * Danga::Socket is no longer a runtime dependency of daemons. * improved FreeBSD support See archives at for all history.