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path: root/lib/PublicInbox/RepobrowseGitSnapshot.pm
DateCommit message (Collapse)
2017-02-09repobrowse: shorten internal names
We'll still be keeping "repobrowse" for the public API for use with .psgi files, but shortening the name means less typing and we may have command-line tools, too.
2017-01-26repobrowse: simplify command generation for git commands
This shortens the code quite a bit at a negligible performance cost, and the diffstat agrees.
2017-01-21qspawn: better annotate where $qx_cb is called
Hopefully this makes the code easier-to-follow for random readers. This requires a small amount of modification to our one caller, but this is a new, unstable API (as is nearly all of our code).
2017-01-18repobrowse: git snapshot waits for all commands asynchronously
This new asynchronous API, psgi_qx, will allow us to take advantage of non-blocking I/O from even small commands; as those may still need to wait for slow operations.
2016-12-26repobrowse: port git snapshot over to qspawn
This is expensive, so we will utilize the qspawn system to prevent excessive overhead.
2016-12-14repobrowse: start reducing Plack::Request dependencies
We'll be migrating away from it to minimize dependencies and surprises, just like the rest of public-inbox did several months ago.
2016-04-06repobrowse: reduce checks for response fh
We should die horribly if fh is missing in some cases due to a fatal bug, do not bug from us and risk losing output data.
2016-04-05repobrowse: snapshot support for cgit compatibility
We currently do not display links to snapshots, but may in the future (optionally, like cgit). However, support snapshots for compatibility reasons in case people had cached URLs or auto-generated them somewhere. We won't natively support xz and bzip2 just yet, but will document (at least in comments) how to enable these expensive compression schemes via git-config(1). Also, support disabling certain archive types to twart URL guessing or old cached links from spiders burning bandwidth. In retrospect, enabling snapshots for my own cgit views was a bad idea since it wastes bandwidth from crawlers and is is often not useful for users with maintainer-built files (e.g. "configure" from "configure.ac" for autoconf, where only the latter is stored in git and the former is generated in release tarballs).