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path: root/lib/PublicInbox/ParentPipe.pm
DateCommit message (Collapse)
2019-09-09run update-copyrights from gnulib for 2019
2019-06-29parentpipe: make the ->close call more obvious
We can close directly in event_step without bad side effects, and then we also don't need to take a reason arg from worker_quit, since we weren't logging it anywhere.
2019-06-29parentpipe: document and use one-shot wakeups
The master process only dies once and we close ourselves right away. So it doesn't matter if it's level-triggered or edge-triggered, actually, but one-shot is most consistent with our use and keeps the kernel from doing extra work.
2019-06-24ds: set event flags directly at initialization
We can avoid the EPOLL_CTL_ADD && EPOLL_CTL_MOD sequence with a single EPOLL_CTL_ADD.
2019-06-16ds: stop distinguishing event read and write callbacks
Having separate read/write callbacks in every class is too confusing to my easily-confused mind. Instead, give every class an "event_step" callback which is easier to wrap my head around. This will make future code to support IO::Socket::SSL-wrapped sockets easier-to-digest, since SSL_write() can require waiting on POLLIN events, and SSL_read() can require waiting on POLLOUT events.
2019-05-04bundle Danga::Socket and Sys::Syscall
These modules are unmaintained upstream at the moment, but I'll be able to help with the intended maintainer once/if CPAN ownership is transferred. OTOH, we've been waiting for that transfer for several years, now... Changes I intend to make: * EPOLLEXCLUSIVE for Linux * remove unused fields wasting memory * kqueue bugfixes e.g. https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=116615 * accept4 support And some lower priority experiments: * switch to EV_ONESHOT / EPOLLONESHOT (incompatible changes) * nginx-style buffering to tmpfile instead of string array * sendfile off tmpfile buffers * io_uring maybe?
2018-02-07update copyrights for 2018
Using update-copyrights from gnulib While we're at it, use the SPDX identifier for AGPL-3.0+ to ease mechanical processing.
2016-04-30daemon: graceful shutdown warning and limit removal
git clones may take longer than 30s, much longer... So prepare to wait almost indefinitely for sockets to timeout and document the second signal behavior for immediate shutdown. While we're at it, move parent death handling to a separate class to avoid Danga::Socket->AddOtherFds, since that does not allow proper handling the parent pipe being closed and would actually misterminate a worker prematurely. t/nntpd.t is update to illustrate the failure with workers enabled. We will work to keep memory usage low and let clients take their time without interrupting them.