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path: root/xt/imapd-mbsync-oimap.t
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Diffstat (limited to 'xt/imapd-mbsync-oimap.t')
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xt/imapd-mbsync-oimap.t b/xt/imapd-mbsync-oimap.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d2237a24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xt/imapd-mbsync-oimap.t
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+#!perl -w
+# Copyright (C) 2020 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+# ensure mbsync and offlineimap compatibility
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Path qw(mkpath);
+use PublicInbox::TestCommon;
+use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(which spawn);
+my $inboxdir = $ENV{GIANT_INBOX_DIR};
+(defined($inboxdir) && -d $inboxdir) or
+        plan skip_all => "GIANT_INBOX_DIR not defined for $0";
+plan skip_all => "bad characters in $inboxdir" if $inboxdir =~ m![^\w\.\-/]!;
+my ($tmpdir, $for_destroy) = tmpdir();
+my $cfg = "$tmpdir/cfg";
+my $mailbox = 'inbox.test';
+        open my $fh, '>', $cfg or BAIL_OUT "open: $!";
+        print $fh <<EOF or BAIL_OUT "print: $!";
+[publicinbox "test"]
+        newsgroup = $mailbox
+        address = oimap\@example.com
+        inboxdir = $inboxdir
+        close $fh or BAIL_OUT "close: $!";
+my ($out, $err) = ("$tmpdir/stdout.log", "$tmpdir/stderr.log");
+my $sock = tcp_server();
+my $cmd = [ '-imapd', '-W0', "--stdout=$out", "--stderr=$err" ];
+my $env = { PI_CONFIG => $cfg };
+my $td = start_script($cmd, $env, { 3 => $sock }) or BAIL_OUT "-imapd: $?";
+        my $c = tcp_connect($sock);
+        like(readline($c), qr/CAPABILITY /, 'got greeting');
+my ($host, $port) = ($sock->sockhost, $sock->sockport);
+my %pids;
+SKIP: {
+        mkpath([map { "$tmpdir/oimapdir/$_" } qw(cur new tmp)]);
+        my $oimap = which('offlineimap') or skip 'no offlineimap(1)', 1;
+        open my $fh, '>', "$tmpdir/.offlineimaprc" or BAIL_OUT "open: $!";
+        print $fh <<EOF or BAIL_OUT "print: $!";
+accounts = test
+socktimeout = 10
+fsync = false
+[Account test]
+localrepository = l.test
+remoterepository = r.test
+[Repository l.test]
+type = Maildir
+localfolders = ~/oimapdir
+[Repository r.test]
+type = IMAP
+ssl = no
+remotehost = $host
+remoteport = $port
+remoteuser = anonymous
+remotepass = Hunter2
+# python-imaplib2 times out on select/poll when compression is enabled
+# <https://bugs.debian.org/961713>
+usecompression = no
+        close $fh or BAIL_OUT "close: $!";
+        my $cmd = [ $oimap, qw(-o -q -u quiet) ];
+        my $pid = spawn($cmd, { HOME => $tmpdir }, { 1 => 2 });
+        $pids{$pid} = $cmd;
+SKIP: {
+        mkpath([map { "$tmpdir/mbsyncdir/test/$_" } qw(cur new tmp)]);
+        my $mbsync = which('mbsync') or skip 'no mbsync(1)', 1;
+        open my $fh, '>', "$tmpdir/.mbsyncrc" or BAIL_OUT "open: $!";
+        print $fh <<EOF or BAIL_OUT "print: $!";
+Create Slave
+SyncState *
+Remove None
+FSync no
+MaildirStore local
+Path ~/mbsyncdir/
+Inbox ~/mbsyncdir/test
+SubFolders verbatim
+IMAPStore remote
+Host $host
+Port $port
+User anonymous
+Pass Hunter2
+SSLType None
+UseNamespace no
+# DisableExtension COMPRESS=DEFLATE
+Channel "test"
+Master ":remote:inbox"
+Slave ":local:test"
+Expunge None
+Sync PullNew
+Patterns *
+        close $fh or BAIL_OUT "close: $!";
+        my $cmd = [ $mbsync, qw(-aqq) ];
+        my $pid = spawn($cmd, { HOME => $tmpdir }, { 1 => 2 });
+        $pids{$pid} = $cmd;
+while (scalar keys %pids) {
+        my $pid = waitpid(-1, 0) or next;
+        my $cmd = delete $pids{$pid} or next;
+        is($?, 0, join(' ', @$cmd, 'done'));
+if (my $sec = $ENV{TEST_PERSIST}) {
+        diag "sleeping ${sec}s, imap://$host:$port/$mailbox available";
+        diag "tmpdir=$tmpdir (Maildirs available)";
+        diag "stdout=$out";
+        diag "stderr=$err";
+        diag "pid=$td->{pid}";
+        sleep $sec;
+is($?, 0, 'no error on -imapd exit');