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path: root/t
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Diffstat (limited to 't')
9 files changed, 603 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/t/common.perl b/t/common.perl
index e49a5965..5a898e32 100644
--- a/t/common.perl
+++ b/t/common.perl
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
 use POSIX qw(dup2);
+use strict;
+use warnings;
 sub stream_to_string {
         my ($res) = @_;
@@ -48,7 +50,7 @@ sub require_git ($;$) {
         my $cur_int = ($cur_maj << 24) | ($cur_min << 16);
         if ($cur_int < $req_int) {
                 return 0 if $maybe;
-                plan skip_all => "git $req+ required, have $git_ver";
+                plan skip_all => "git $req+ required, have $cur_maj.$cur_min";
diff --git a/t/edit.t b/t/edit.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6b4e35c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/edit.t
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2019 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+# edit frontend behavior test (t/replace.t for backend)
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
+require './t/common.perl';
+require PublicInbox::Inbox;
+require PublicInbox::InboxWritable;
+require PublicInbox::Config;
+use PublicInbox::MID qw(mid_clean);
+my @mods = qw(IPC::Run DBI DBD::SQLite);
+foreach my $mod (@mods) {
+        eval "require $mod";
+        plan skip_all => "missing $mod for $0" if $@;
+my $cmd_pfx = 'blib/script/public-inbox';
+my $tmpdir = tempdir('pi-edit-XXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1);
+my $mainrepo = "$tmpdir/v2";
+my $ibx = PublicInbox::Inbox->new({
+        mainrepo => $mainrepo,
+        name => 'test-v2edit',
+        version => 2,
+        -primary_address => 'test@example.com',
+        indexlevel => 'basic',
+$ibx = PublicInbox::InboxWritable->new($ibx, {nproc=>1});
+my $cfgfile = "$tmpdir/config";
+local $ENV{PI_CONFIG} = $cfgfile;
+my $file = 't/data/0001.patch';
+open my $fh, '<', $file or die "open: $!";
+my $raw = do { local $/; <$fh> };
+my $im = $ibx->importer(0);
+my $mime = PublicInbox::MIME->new($raw);
+my $mid = mid_clean($mime->header('Message-Id'));
+ok($im->add($mime), 'add message to be edited');
+my ($in, $out, $err, $cmd, $cur, $t);
+my $__git_dir = "--git-dir=$ibx->{mainrepo}/git/0.git";
+$t = '-F FILE'; {
+        $in = $out = $err = '';
+        local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/boolean prefix/bool pfx/'";
+        $cmd = [ "$cmd_pfx-edit", "-F$file", $mainrepo ];
+        ok(run($cmd, \$in, \$out, \$err), "$t edit OK");
+        $cur = PublicInbox::MIME->new($ibx->msg_by_mid($mid));
+        like($cur->header('Subject'), qr/bool pfx/, "$t message edited");
+        like($out, qr/[a-f0-9]{40}/, "$t shows commit on success");
+$t = '-m MESSAGE_ID'; {
+        $in = $out = $err = '';
+        local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/bool pfx/boolean prefix/'";
+        $cmd = [ "$cmd_pfx-edit", "-m$mid", $mainrepo ];
+        ok(run($cmd, \$in, \$out, \$err), "$t edit OK");
+        $cur = PublicInbox::MIME->new($ibx->msg_by_mid($mid));
+        like($cur->header('Subject'), qr/boolean prefix/, "$t message edited");
+        like($out, qr/[a-f0-9]{40}/, "$t shows commit on success");
+$t = 'no-op -m MESSAGE_ID'; {
+        $in = $out = $err = '';
+        my $before = `git $__git_dir rev-parse HEAD`;
+        local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/bool pfx/boolean prefix/'";
+        $cmd = [ "$cmd_pfx-edit", "-m$mid", $mainrepo ];
+        ok(run($cmd, \$in, \$out, \$err), "$t succeeds");
+        my $prev = $cur;
+        $cur = PublicInbox::MIME->new($ibx->msg_by_mid($mid));
+        is_deeply($cur, $prev, "$t makes no change");
+        like($cur->header('Subject'), qr/boolean prefix/,
+                "$t does not change message");
+        like($out, qr/NONE/, 'noop shows NONE');
+        my $after = `git $__git_dir rev-parse HEAD`;
+        is($after, $before, 'git head unchanged');
+$t = 'no-op -m MESSAGE_ID w/Status: header'; { # because mutt does it
+        $in = $out = $err = '';
+        my $before = `git $__git_dir rev-parse HEAD`;
+        local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} =
+                        "$^X -i -p -e 's/^Subject:.*/Status: RO\\n\$&/'";
+        $cmd = [ "$cmd_pfx-edit", "-m$mid", $mainrepo ];
+        ok(run($cmd, \$in, \$out, \$err), "$t succeeds");
+        my $prev = $cur;
+        $cur = PublicInbox::MIME->new($ibx->msg_by_mid($mid));
+        is_deeply($cur, $prev, "$t makes no change");
+        like($cur->header('Subject'), qr/boolean prefix/,
+                "$t does not change message");
+        is($cur->header('Status'), undef, 'Status header not added');
+        like($out, qr/NONE/, 'noop shows NONE');
+        my $after = `git $__git_dir rev-parse HEAD`;
+        is($after, $before, 'git head unchanged');
+$t = '-m MESSAGE_ID can change Received: headers'; {
+        $in = $out = $err = '';
+        my $before = `git $__git_dir rev-parse HEAD`;
+        local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} =
+                        "$^X -i -p -e 's/^Subject:.*/Received: x\\n\$&/'";
+        $cmd = [ "$cmd_pfx-edit", "-m$mid", $mainrepo ];
+        ok(run($cmd, \$in, \$out, \$err), "$t succeeds");
+        $cur = PublicInbox::MIME->new($ibx->msg_by_mid($mid));
+        like($cur->header('Subject'), qr/boolean prefix/,
+                "$t does not change Subject");
+        is($cur->header('Received'), 'x', 'added Received header');
+$t = '-m miss'; {
+        $in = $out = $err = '';
+        local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/boolean/FAIL/'";
+        $cmd = [ "$cmd_pfx-edit", "-m$mid-miss", $mainrepo ];
+        ok(!run($cmd, \$in, \$out, \$err), "$t fails on invalid MID");
+        like($err, qr/No message found/, "$t shows error");
+$t = 'non-interactive editor failure'; {
+        $in = $out = $err = '';
+        local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 'END { exit 1 }'";
+        $cmd = [ "$cmd_pfx-edit", "-m$mid", $mainrepo ];
+        ok(!run($cmd, \$in, \$out, \$err), "$t detected");
+        like($err, qr/END \{ exit 1 \}' failed:/, "$t shows error");
+$t = 'mailEditor set in config'; {
+        $in = $out = $err = '';
+        my $rc = system(qw(git config), "--file=$cfgfile",
+                        'publicinbox.maileditor',
+                        "$^X -i -p -e 's/boolean prefix/bool pfx/'");
+        is($rc, 0, 'set publicinbox.mailEditor');
+        local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR};
+        local $ENV{GIT_EDITOR} = 'echo should not run';
+        $cmd = [ "$cmd_pfx-edit", "-m$mid", $mainrepo ];
+        ok(run($cmd, \$in, \$out, \$err), "$t edited message");
+        $cur = PublicInbox::MIME->new($ibx->msg_by_mid($mid));
+        like($cur->header('Subject'), qr/bool pfx/, "$t message edited");
+        unlike($out, qr/should not run/, 'did not run GIT_EDITOR');
+$t = '--raw and mbox escaping'; {
+        $in = $out = $err = '';
+        local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/^\$/\\nFrom not mbox\\n/'";
+        $cmd = [ "$cmd_pfx-edit", "-m$mid", '--raw', $mainrepo ];
+        ok(run($cmd, \$in, \$out, \$err), "$t succeeds");
+        $cur = PublicInbox::MIME->new($ibx->msg_by_mid($mid));
+        like($cur->body, qr/^From not mbox/sm, 'put "From " line into body');
+        local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/^>From not/\$& an/'";
+        $cmd = [ "$cmd_pfx-edit", "-m$mid", $mainrepo ];
+        ok(run($cmd, \$in, \$out, \$err), "$t succeeds with mbox escaping");
+        $cur = PublicInbox::MIME->new($ibx->msg_by_mid($mid));
+        like($cur->body, qr/^From not an mbox/sm,
+                'changed "From " line unescaped');
+        local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/^From not an mbox\\n//s'";
+        $cmd = [ "$cmd_pfx-edit", "-m$mid", '--raw', $mainrepo ];
+        ok(run($cmd, \$in, \$out, \$err), "$t succeeds again");
+        $cur = PublicInbox::MIME->new($ibx->msg_by_mid($mid));
+        unlike($cur->body, qr/^From not an mbox/sm, "$t restored body");
+$t = 'reuse Message-ID'; {
+        my @warn;
+        local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warn, @_ };
+        ok($im->add($mime), "$t and re-add");
+        $im->done;
+        like($warn[0], qr/reused for mismatched content/, "$t got warning");
+$t = 'edit ambiguous Message-ID with -m'; {
+        $in = $out = $err = '';
+        local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/bool pfx/boolean prefix/'";
+        $cmd = [ "$cmd_pfx-edit", "-m$mid", $mainrepo ];
+        ok(!run($cmd, \$in, \$out, \$err), "$t fails w/o --force");
+        like($err, qr/Multiple messages with different content found matching/,
+                "$t shows matches");
+        like($err, qr/GIT_DIR=.*git show/is, "$t shows git commands");
+$t .= ' and --force'; {
+        $in = $out = $err = '';
+        local $ENV{MAIL_EDITOR} = "$^X -i -p -e 's/^Subject:.*/Subject:x/i'";
+        $cmd = [ "$cmd_pfx-edit", "-m$mid", '--force', $mainrepo ];
+        ok(run($cmd, \$in, \$out, \$err), "$t succeeds");
+        like($err, qr/Will edit all of them/, "$t notes all will be edited");
+        my @dump = `git $__git_dir cat-file --batch --batch-all-objects`;
+        chomp @dump;
+        is_deeply([grep(/^Subject:/i, @dump)], [qw(Subject:x Subject:x)],
+                "$t edited both messages");
diff --git a/t/git.t b/t/git.t
index 913f6e5e..9bc8900c 100644
--- a/t/git.t
+++ b/t/git.t
@@ -33,33 +33,7 @@ use_ok 'PublicInbox::Git';
         my $raw = $gcf->cat_file($f);
         is($x[2], length($$raw), 'length matches');
-        {
-                my $size;
-                my $rv = $gcf->cat_file($f, sub {
-                        my ($in, $left) = @_;
-                        $size = $$left;
-                        'nothing'
-                });
-                is($rv, 'nothing', 'returned from callback without reading');
-                is($size, $x[2], 'set size for callback correctly');
-        }
-        eval { $gcf->cat_file($f, sub { die 'OMG' }) };
-        like($@, qr/\bOMG\b/, 'died in callback propagated');
         is(${$gcf->cat_file($f)}, $$raw, 'not broken after failures');
-        {
-                my ($buf, $r);
-                my $rv = $gcf->cat_file($f, sub {
-                        my ($in, $left) = @_;
-                        $r = read($in, $buf, 2);
-                        $$left -= $r;
-                        'blah'
-                });
-                is($r, 2, 'only read 2 bytes');
-                is($buf, '--', 'partial read succeeded');
-                is($rv, 'blah', 'return value propagated');
-        }
         is(${$gcf->cat_file($f)}, $$raw, 'not broken after partial read');
@@ -79,44 +53,12 @@ if (1) {
         my $gcf = PublicInbox::Git->new($dir);
         my $rsize;
-        is($gcf->cat_file($buf, sub {
-                $rsize = ${$_[1]};
-                'x';
-        }), 'x', 'checked input');
-        is($rsize, $size, 'got correct size on big file');
         my $x = $gcf->cat_file($buf, \$rsize);
         is($rsize, $size, 'got correct size ref on big file');
         is(length($$x), $size, 'read correct number of bytes');
-        my $rline;
-        $gcf->cat_file($buf, sub {
-                my ($in, $left) = @_;
-                $rline = <$in>;
-                $$left -= length($rline);
-        });
-        {
-                open my $fh, '<', $big_data or die "open failed: $!\n";
-                is($rline, <$fh>, 'first line matches');
-        };
-        my $all;
-        $gcf->cat_file($buf, sub {
-                my ($in, $left) = @_;
-                my $x = read($in, $all, $$left);
-                $$left -= $x;
-        });
-        {
-                open my $fh, '<', $big_data or die "open failed: $!\n";
-                local $/;
-                is($all, <$fh>, 'entire read matches');
-        };
         my $ref = $gcf->qx(qw(cat-file blob), $buf);
-        is($all, $ref, 'qx read giant single string');
         my @ref = $gcf->qx(qw(cat-file blob), $buf);
-        is($all, join('', @ref), 'qx returned array when wanted');
         my $nl = scalar @ref;
         ok($nl > 1, "qx returned array length of $nl");
diff --git a/t/nntpd.t b/t/nntpd.t
index c73cc122..a95fb6fc 100644
--- a/t/nntpd.t
+++ b/t/nntpd.t
@@ -231,6 +231,43 @@ EOF
                 ok($date >= $t0, 'valid date after start');
                 ok($date <= $t1, 'valid date before stop');
+        if ('leafnode interop') {
+                my $for_leafnode = PublicInbox::MIME->new(<<"");
+From: longheader\@example.com
+To: $addr
+Subject: none
+Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1993 00:00:00 +0000
+                my $long_hdr = 'for-leafnode-'.('y'x200).'@example.com';
+                $for_leafnode->header_set('Message-ID', "<$long_hdr>");
+                $im->add($for_leafnode);
+                $im->done;
+                if ($version == 1) {
+                        my $s = PublicInbox::SearchIdx->new($mainrepo, 1);
+                        $s->index_sync;
+                }
+                my $hdr = $n->head("<$long_hdr>");
+                my $expect = qr/\AMessage-ID: /i . qr/\Q<$long_hdr>\E/;
+                ok(scalar(grep(/$expect/, @$hdr)), 'Message-ID not folded');
+                ok(scalar(grep(/^Path:/, @$hdr)), 'Path: header found');
+                # it's possible for v2 messages to have 2+ Message-IDs,
+                # but leafnode can't handle it
+                if ($version != 1) {
+                        my @mids = ("<$long_hdr>", '<2mid@wtf>');
+                        $for_leafnode->header_set('Message-ID', @mids);
+                        $for_leafnode->body_set('not-a-dupe');
+                        my $warn = '';
+                        $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn .= join('', @_) };
+                        $im->add($for_leafnode);
+                        $im->done;
+                        like($warn, qr/reused/, 'warned for reused MID');
+                        $hdr = $n->head('<2mid@wtf>');
+                        my @hmids = grep(/\AMessage-ID: /i, @$hdr);
+                        is(scalar(@hmids), 1, 'Single Message-ID in header');
+                        like($hmids[0], qr/: <2mid\@wtf>/, 'got expected mid');
+                }
+        }
         # pipelined requests:
diff --git a/t/psgi_v2.t b/t/psgi_v2.t
index 98112494..5c358cde 100644
--- a/t/psgi_v2.t
+++ b/t/psgi_v2.t
@@ -202,6 +202,8 @@ test_psgi(sub { $www->call(@_) }, sub {
         $res = $cb->(GET('/v2test/0/info/refs'));
         is($res->code, 200, 'got info refs for dumb clones');
+        $res = $cb->(GET('/v2test/0.git/info/refs'));
+        is($res->code, 200, 'got info refs for dumb clones w/ .git suffix');
         $res = $cb->(GET('/v2test/info/refs'));
         is($res->code, 404, 'unpartitioned git URL fails');
diff --git a/t/purge.t b/t/purge.t
index c1e0e9a0..384f32a6 100644
--- a/t/purge.t
+++ b/t/purge.t
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ is($? >> 8, 1, 'missed purge exits with 1');
 # a successful case:
 ok(IPC::Run::run([$purge, $mainrepo], \$raw, \$out, \$err), 'match OK');
-like($out, qr/^\t[a-f0-9]{40,}/m, 'removed commit noted');
+like($out, qr/\b[a-f0-9]{40,}/m, 'removed commit noted');
 # add (old) vger filter to config file
 print $cfg_fh <<EOF or die "print $!";
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ $out = $err = '';
 ok(chdir('/'), "chdir / OK for --all test");
 ok(IPC::Run::run([$purge, '--all'], \$pre_scrub, \$out, \$err),
         'scrub purge OK');
-like($out, qr/^\t[a-f0-9]{40,}/m, 'removed commit noted');
+like($out, qr/\b[a-f0-9]{40,}/m, 'removed commit noted');
 # diag "out: $out"; diag "err: $err";
 $out = $err = '';
diff --git a/t/replace.t b/t/replace.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6fae5511
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/replace.t
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2019 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use PublicInbox::MIME;
+use PublicInbox::InboxWritable;
+use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
+require './t/common.perl';
+require_git(2.6); # replace is v2 only, for now...
+foreach my $mod (qw(DBD::SQLite)) {
+        eval "require $mod";
+        plan skip_all => "$mod missing for $0" if $@;
+sub test_replace ($$$) {
+        my ($v, $level, $opt) = @_;
+        diag "v$v $level replace";
+        my $this = "pi-$v-$level-replace";
+        my $tmpdir = tempdir("$this-tmp-XXXXXX", TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1);
+        my $ibx = PublicInbox::Inbox->new({
+                mainrepo => "$tmpdir/testbox",
+                name => $this,
+                version => $v,
+                -primary_address => 'test@example.com',
+                indexlevel => $level,
+        });
+        my $orig = PublicInbox::MIME->new(<<'EOF');
+From: Barbra Streisand <effect@example.com>
+To: test@example.com
+Subject: confidential
+Message-ID: <replace@example.com>
+Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1993 00:00:00 +0000
+Top secret info about my house in Malibu...
+        my $im = PublicInbox::InboxWritable->new($ibx, {nproc=>1})->importer;
+        # fake a bunch of epochs
+        $im->{rotate_bytes} = $opt->{rotate_bytes} if $opt->{rotate_bytes};
+        if ($opt->{pre}) {
+                $opt->{pre}->($im, 1, 2);
+                $orig->header_set('References', '<1@example.com>');
+        }
+        ok($im->add($orig), 'add message to be replaced');
+        if ($opt->{post}) {
+                $opt->{post}->($im, 3, { 4 => 'replace@example.com' });
+        }
+        $im->done;
+        my $thread_a = $ibx->over->get_thread('replace@example.com');
+        my %before = map {; delete($_->{blob}) => $_ } @{$ibx->recent};
+        my $reject = PublicInbox::MIME->new($orig->as_string);
+        foreach my $mid (['<replace@example.com>', '<extra@example.com>'],
+                                [], ['<replaced@example.com>']) {
+                $reject->header_set('Message-ID', @$mid);
+                my $ok = eval { $im->replace($orig, $reject) };
+                like($@, qr/Message-ID.*may not be changed/,
+                        '->replace died on Message-ID change');
+                ok(!$ok, 'no replacement happened');
+        }
+        # prepare the replacement
+        my $expect = "Move along, nothing to see here\n";
+        my $repl = PublicInbox::MIME->new($orig->as_string);
+        $repl->header_set('From', '<redactor@example.com>');
+        $repl->header_set('Subject', 'redacted');
+        $repl->header_set('Date', 'Sat, 02 Oct 2010 00:00:00 +0000');
+        $repl->body_str_set($expect);
+        my @warn;
+        local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warn, @_ };
+        ok(my $cmts = $im->replace($orig, $repl), 'replaced message');
+        my $changed_epochs = 0;
+        for my $tip (@$cmts) {
+                next if !defined $tip;
+                $changed_epochs++;
+                like($tip, qr/\A[a-f0-9]{40}\z/,
+                        'replace returned current commit');
+        }
+        is($changed_epochs, 1, 'only one epoch changed');
+        $im->done;
+        my $m = PublicInbox::MIME->new($ibx->msg_by_mid('replace@example.com'));
+        is($m->body, $expect, 'replaced message');
+        is_deeply(\@warn, [], 'no warnings on noop');
+        my @cat = qw(cat-file --buffer --batch --batch-all-objects);
+        my $git = $ibx->git;
+        my @all = $git->qx(@cat);
+        is_deeply([grep(/confidential/, @all)], [], 'nothing confidential');
+        is_deeply([grep(/Streisand/, @all)], [], 'Streisand who?');
+        is_deeply([grep(/\bOct 1993\b/, @all)], [], 'nothing from Oct 1993');
+        my $t19931002 = qr/ 749520000 /;
+        is_deeply([grep(/$t19931002/, @all)], [], "nothing matches $t19931002");
+        for my $dir (glob("$ibx->{mainrepo}/git/*.git")) {
+                my ($bn) = ($dir =~ m!([^/]+)\z!);
+                is(system(qw(git --git-dir), $dir, qw(fsck --strict)), 0,
+                        "git fsck is clean in epoch $bn");
+        }
+        my $thread_b = $ibx->over->get_thread('replace@example.com');
+        is_deeply([sort map { $_->{mid} } @$thread_b],
+                [sort map { $_->{mid} } @$thread_a], 'threading preserved');
+        if (my $srch = $ibx->search) {
+                for my $q ('f:streisand', 's:confidential', 'malibu') {
+                        my $msgs = $srch->query($q);
+                        is_deeply($msgs, [], "no match for $q");
+                }
+                my @ok = ('f:redactor', 's:redacted', 'nothing to see');
+                if ($opt->{pre}) {
+                        push @ok, 'm:1@example.com', 'm:2@example.com',
+                                's:message2', 's:message1';
+                }
+                if ($opt->{post}) {
+                        push @ok, 'm:3@example.com', 'm:4@example.com',
+                                's:message3', 's:message4';
+                }
+                for my $q (@ok) {
+                        my $msgs = $srch->query($q);
+                        ok($msgs->[0], "got match for $q");
+                }
+        }
+        # check overview matches:
+        my %after = map {; delete($_->{blob}) => $_ } @{$ibx->recent};
+        my @before_blobs = keys %before;
+        foreach my $blob (@before_blobs) {
+                delete $before{$blob} if delete $after{$blob};
+        }
+        is(scalar keys %before, 1, 'one unique blob from before left');
+        is(scalar keys %after, 1, 'one unique blob from after left');
+        foreach my $blob (keys %before) {
+                is($git->check($blob), undef, 'old blob not found');
+                my $smsg = $before{$blob};
+                is($smsg->{subject}, 'confidential', 'before subject');
+                is($smsg->{mid}, 'replace@example.com', 'before MID');
+        }
+        foreach my $blob (keys %after) {
+                ok($git->check($blob), 'new blob found');
+                my $smsg = $after{$blob};
+                is($smsg->{subject}, 'redacted', 'after subject');
+                is($smsg->{mid}, 'replace@example.com', 'before MID');
+        }
+        @warn = ();
+        is($im->replace($orig, $repl), undef, 'no-op replace returns undef');
+        is($im->purge($orig), undef, 'no-op purge returns undef');
+        is_deeply(\@warn, [], 'no warnings on noop');
+sub pad_msgs {
+        my ($im, @range) = @_;
+        for my $i (@range) {
+                my $irt;
+                if (ref($i) eq 'HASH') {
+                        ($i, $irt) = each %$i;
+                }
+                my $sec = sprintf('%0d', $i);
+                my $mime = PublicInbox::MIME->new(<<EOF);
+From: foo\@example.com
+To: test\@example.com
+Message-ID: <$i\@example.com>
+Date: Fri, 02, Jan 1970 00:00:$sec +0000
+Subject: message$i
+message number$i
+                if (defined($irt)) {
+                        $mime->header_set('References', "<$irt>");
+                }
+                $im->add($mime);
+        }
+my $opt = { pre => *pad_msgs };
+test_replace(2, 'basic', {});
+test_replace(2, 'basic', $opt);
+test_replace(2, 'basic', $opt = { %$opt, post => *pad_msgs });
+test_replace(2, 'basic', $opt = { %$opt, rotate_bytes => 1 });
+SKIP: if ('test xapian') {
+        require PublicInbox::Search;
+        PublicInbox::Search::load_xapian() or skip 'Search::Xapian missing', 8;
+        for my $l (qw(medium)) {
+                test_replace(2, $l, {});
+                $opt = { pre => *pad_msgs };
+                test_replace(2, $l, $opt);
+                test_replace(2, $l, $opt = { %$opt, post => *pad_msgs });
+                test_replace(2, $l, $opt = { %$opt, rotate_bytes => 1 });
+        }
diff --git a/t/v2mirror.t b/t/v2mirror.t
index fe05ec4d..c31dcd5b 100644
--- a/t/v2mirror.t
+++ b/t/v2mirror.t
@@ -80,11 +80,13 @@ $sock = undef;
 my @cmd;
 foreach my $i (0..$epoch_max) {
-        @cmd = (qw(git clone --mirror -q), "http://$host:$port/v2/$i",
+        my $sfx = $i == 0 ? '.git' : '';
+        @cmd = (qw(git clone --mirror -q),
+                "http://$host:$port/v2/$i$sfx",
-        is(system(@cmd), 0, 'cloned OK');
-        ok(-d "$tmpdir/m/git/$i.git", 'mirror OK');
+        is(system(@cmd), 0, "cloned $i.git");
+        ok(-d "$tmpdir/m/git/$i.git", "mirror $i OK");
 @cmd = ("$script-init", '-V2', 'm', "$tmpdir/m", 'http://example.com/m',
diff --git a/t/www_listing.t b/t/www_listing.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f292980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/www_listing.t
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2019 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+# manifest.js.gz generation and grok-pull integration test
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(which);
+use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
+require './t/common.perl';
+my @mods = qw(URI::Escape Plack::Builder IPC::Run Digest::SHA HTTP::Tiny
+                IO::Compress::Gzip IO::Uncompress::Gunzip Net::HTTP);
+foreach my $mod (@mods) {
+        eval("require $mod") or plan skip_all => "$mod missing for $0";
+use_ok 'PublicInbox::WwwListing';
+use_ok 'PublicInbox::Git';
+my $fi_data = './t/git.fast-import-data';
+my $tmpdir = tempdir('www_listing-tmp-XXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1);
+my $bare = PublicInbox::Git->new("$tmpdir/bare.git");
+is(system(qw(git init -q --bare), $bare->{git_dir}), 0, 'git init --bare');
+is(PublicInbox::WwwListing::fingerprint($bare), undef,
+        'empty repo has no fingerprint');
+my $cmd = [ 'git', "--git-dir=$bare->{git_dir}", qw(fast-import --quiet) ];
+ok(IPC::Run::run($cmd, '<', $fi_data), 'fast-import');
+like(PublicInbox::WwwListing::fingerprint($bare), qr/\A[a-f0-9]{40}\z/,
+        'got fingerprint with non-empty repo');
+my $pid;
+END { kill 'TERM', $pid if defined $pid };
+SKIP: {
+        my $json = eval { PublicInbox::WwwListing::_json() };
+        skip "JSON module missing: $@", 1 if $@;
+        my $err = "$tmpdir/stderr.log";
+        my $out = "$tmpdir/stdout.log";
+        my $alt = "$tmpdir/alt.git";
+        my $cfgfile = "$tmpdir/config";
+        my $v2 = "$tmpdir/v2";
+        my $httpd = 'blib/script/public-inbox-httpd';
+        use IO::Socket::INET;
+        my %opts = (
+                LocalAddr => '',
+                ReuseAddr => 1,
+                Proto => 'tcp',
+                Type => SOCK_STREAM,
+                Listen => 1024,
+        );
+        my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(%opts);
+        ok($sock, 'sock created');
+        my ($host, $port) = ($sock->sockhost, $sock->sockport);
+        my @clone = qw(git clone -q -s --bare);
+        is(system(@clone, $bare->{git_dir}, $alt), 0, 'clone shared repo');
+        for my $i (0..2) {
+                is(system(@clone, $alt, "$v2/git/$i.git"), 0, "clone epoch $i");
+        }
+        ok(open(my $fh, '>', "$v2/inbox.lock"), 'mock a v2 inbox');
+        open $fh, '>', "$alt/description" or die;
+        print $fh "we're all clones\n" or die;
+        close $fh or die;
+        is(system('git', "--git-dir=$alt", qw(config gitweb.owner lorelei)), 0,
+                'set gitweb user');
+        ok(unlink("$bare->{git_dir}/description"), 'removed bare/description');
+        open $fh, '>', $cfgfile or die;
+        print $fh <<"" or die;
+[publicinbox "bare"]
+        mainrepo = $bare->{git_dir}
+        url = http://$host/bare
+        address = bare\@example.com
+[publicinbox "alt"]
+        mainrepo = $alt
+        url = http://$host/alt
+        address = alt\@example.com
+[publicinbox "v2"]
+        mainrepo = $v2
+        url = http://$host/v2
+        address = v2\@example.com
+        close $fh or die;
+        my $env = { PI_CONFIG => $cfgfile };
+        my $cmd = [ $httpd, "--stdout=$out", "--stderr=$err" ];
+        $pid = spawn_listener($env, $cmd, [$sock]);
+        $sock = undef;
+        my $http = Net::HTTP->new(Host => "$host:$port");
+        $http->write_request(GET => '/manifest.js.gz');
+        my ($code, undef, %h) = $http->read_response_headers;
+        is($code, 200, 'got manifest');
+        my $tmp;
+        my $body = '';
+        while (1) {
+                my $n = $http->read_entity_body(my $buf, 65536);
+                die unless defined $n;
+                last if $n == 0;
+                $body .= $buf;
+        }
+        IO::Uncompress::Gunzip::gunzip(\$body => \$tmp);
+        unlike($tmp, qr/"modified":\s*"/, 'modified is an integer');
+        my $manifest = $json->decode($tmp);
+        ok(my $clone = $manifest->{'/alt'}, '/alt in manifest');
+        is($clone->{owner}, 'lorelei', 'owner set');
+        is($clone->{reference}, '/bare', 'reference detected');
+        is($clone->{description}, "we're all clones", 'description read');
+        ok(my $bare = $manifest->{'/bare'}, '/bare in manifest');
+        is($bare->{description}, 'Unnamed repository',
+                'missing $GIT_DIR/description fallback');
+        like($bare->{fingerprint}, qr/\A[a-f0-9]{40}\z/, 'fingerprint');
+        is($clone->{fingerprint}, $bare->{fingerprint}, 'fingerprint matches');
+        is(HTTP::Date::time2str($bare->{modified}), $h{'Last-Modified'},
+                'modified field and Last-Modified header match');
+        ok($manifest->{'/v2/git/0.git'}, 'v2 epoch appeared');
+        skip 'skipping grok-pull integration test', 2 if !which('grok-pull');
+        ok(mkdir("$tmpdir/mirror"), 'prepare grok mirror dest');
+        open $fh, '>', "$tmpdir/repos.conf" or die;
+        print $fh <<"" or die;
+# You can pull from multiple grok mirrors, just create
+# a separate section for each mirror. The name can be anything.
+site = http://$host:$port
+manifest = http://$host:$port/manifest.js.gz
+toplevel = $tmpdir/mirror
+mymanifest = $tmpdir/local-manifest.js.gz
+        close $fh or die;
+        system(qw(grok-pull -c), "$tmpdir/repos.conf");
+        is($? >> 8, 127, 'grok-pull exit code as expected');
+        for (qw(alt bare v2/git/0.git v2/git/1.git v2/git/2.git)) {
+                ok(-d "$tmpdir/mirror/$_", "grok-pull created $_");
+        }
+        # support per-inbox manifests, handy for v2:
+        # /$INBOX/v2/manifest.js.gz
+        open $fh, '>', "$tmpdir/per-inbox.conf" or die;
+        print $fh <<"" or die;
+# You can pull from multiple grok mirrors, just create
+# a separate section for each mirror. The name can be anything.
+site = http://$host:$port
+manifest = http://$host:$port/v2/manifest.js.gz
+toplevel = $tmpdir/per-inbox
+mymanifest = $tmpdir/per-inbox-manifest.js.gz
+        close $fh or die;
+        ok(mkdir("$tmpdir/per-inbox"), 'prepare single-v2-inbox mirror');
+        system(qw(grok-pull -c), "$tmpdir/per-inbox.conf");
+        is($? >> 8, 127, 'grok-pull exit code as expected');
+        for (qw(v2/git/0.git v2/git/1.git v2/git/2.git)) {
+                ok(-d "$tmpdir/per-inbox/$_", "grok-pull created $_");
+        }