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path: root/t/www_static.t
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Diffstat (limited to 't/www_static.t')
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/www_static.t b/t/www_static.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f2e3380
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/www_static.t
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2019 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use PublicInbox::TestCommon;
+my ($tmpdir, $for_destroy) = tmpdir();
+my @mods = qw(HTTP::Request::Common Plack::Test URI::Escape);
+use_ok $_ foreach @mods;
+use_ok 'PublicInbox::WwwStatic';
+my $app = sub {
+        my $ws = PublicInbox::WwwStatic->new(docroot => $tmpdir, @_);
+        sub { $ws->call(shift) };
+test_psgi($app->(), sub {
+        my $cb = shift;
+        my $res = $cb->(GET('/'));
+        is($res->code, 404, '404 on "/" by default');
+        open my $fh, '>', "$tmpdir/index.html" or die;
+        print $fh 'hi' or die;
+        close $fh or die;
+        $res = $cb->(GET('/'));
+        is($res->code, 200, '200 with index.html');
+        is($res->content, 'hi', 'default index.html returned');
+        $res = $cb->(HEAD('/'));
+        is($res->code, 200, '200 on HEAD /');
+        is($res->content, '', 'no content');
+        is($res->header('Content-Length'), '2', 'content-length set');
+        like($res->header('Content-Type'), qr!^text/html\b!,
+                'content-type is html');
+test_psgi($app->(autoindex => 1, index => []), sub {
+        my $cb = shift;
+        my $res = $cb->(GET('/'));
+        my $updir = 'href="../">../</a>';
+        is($res->code, 200, '200 with autoindex default');
+        my $ls = $res->content;
+        like($ls, qr/index\.html/, 'got listing with index.html');
+        ok(index($ls, $updir) < 0, 'no updir at /');
+        mkdir("$tmpdir/dir") or die;
+        rename("$tmpdir/index.html", "$tmpdir/dir/index.html") or die;
+        $res = $cb->(GET('/dir/'));
+        is($res->code, 200, '200 with autoindex for dir/');
+        $ls = $res->content;
+        ok(index($ls, $updir) > 0, 'updir at /dir/');
+        for my $up (qw(/../ .. /dir/.. /dir/../)) {
+                is($cb->(GET($up))->code, 403, "`$up' traversal rejected");
+        }
+        $res = $cb->(GET('/dir'));
+        is($res->code, 302, '302 w/o slash');
+        like($res->header('Location'), qr!://[^/]+/dir/\z!,
+                'redirected w/ slash');
+        rename("$tmpdir/dir/index.html", "$tmpdir/dir/foo") or die;
+        link("$tmpdir/dir/foo", "$tmpdir/dir/foo.gz") or die;
+        $res = $cb->(GET('/dir/'));
+        unlike($res->content, qr/>foo\.gz</,
+                '.gz file hidden if mtime matches uncompressed');
+        like($res->content, qr/>foo</, 'uncompressed foo shown');
+        $res = $cb->(GET('/dir/foo/bar'));
+        is($res->code, 404, 'using file as dir fails');
+        unlink("$tmpdir/dir/foo") or die;
+        $res = $cb->(GET('/dir/'));
+        like($res->content, qr/>foo\.gz</,
+                '.gz shown when no uncompressed version exists');
+        open my $fh, '>', "$tmpdir/dir/foo" or die;
+        print $fh "uncompressed\n" or die;
+        close $fh or die;
+        utime(0, 0, "$tmpdir/dir/foo") or die;
+        $res = $cb->(GET('/dir/'));
+        my $html = $res->content;
+        like($html, qr/>foo</, 'uncompressed foo shown');
+        like($html, qr/>foo\.gz</, 'gzipped foo shown on mtime mismatch');
+        $res = $cb->(GET('/dir/foo'));
+        is($res->content, "uncompressed\n",
+                'got uncompressed on mtime mismatch');
+        utime(0, 0, "$tmpdir/dir/foo.gz") or die;
+        my $get = GET('/dir/foo');
+        $get->header('Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip');
+        $res = $cb->($get);
+        is($res->content, "hi", 'got compressed on mtime match');