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3 files changed, 94 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/ExtSearchIdx.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/ExtSearchIdx.pm
index d589d2c0..8da98ba4 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/ExtSearchIdx.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/ExtSearchIdx.pm
@@ -807,10 +807,53 @@ sub reindex_unseen ($$$$) {
         $self->git->cat_async($xsmsg->{blob}, \&_reindex_unseen, $req);
-sub _reindex_check_unseen ($$$) {
+sub _unref_stale ($$$$$) {
+        my ($sync, $docid, $ibx, $xnum, $oidbin) = @_;
+        my $del = $sync->{self}->{oidx}->dbh->prepare_cached(<<'');
+DELETE FROM xref3 WHERE ibx_id = ? AND xnum = ? AND oidbin = ?
+        $del->bind_param(1, $ibx->{-ibx_id});
+        $del->bind_param(2, $xnum);
+        $del->bind_param(3, $oidbin, SQL_BLOB);
+        $del->execute;
+        my $xr3 = $sync->{self}->{oidx}->get_xref3($docid, 1);
+        my $idx = $sync->{self}->idx_shard($docid);
+        if (scalar(@$xr3) == 0) { # all gone
+                $sync->{self}->{oidx}->delete_by_num($docid);
+                $sync->{self}->{oidx}->eidxq_del($docid);
+                $idx->ipc_do('xdb_remove', $docid);
+        } else { # enqueue for reindex of remaining messages
+                $idx->ipc_do('remove_eidx_info', $docid, $ibx->eidx_key);
+                $sync->{self}->{oidx}->eidxq_add($docid); # yes, add
+        }
+sub _unref_stale_range ($$$) {
+        my ($sync, $ibx, $lt_or_gt) = @_;
+        my $r;
+        my $lim = 10000;
+        do {
+                $r = $sync->{self}->{oidx}->dbh->selectall_arrayref(
+                        <<EOS, undef, $ibx->{-ibx_id});
+SELECT docid,xnum,oidbin FROM xref3
+WHERE ibx_id = ? AND xnum $lt_or_gt LIMIT $lim
+                return if $sync->{quit};
+                for (@$r) { # hopefully rare, not worth optimizing:
+                        my ($docid, $xnum, $oidbin) = @$_;
+                        my $hex = unpack('H*', $oidbin);
+                        warn("# $xnum:$hex (#$docid): stale\n");
+                        _unref_stale($sync, $docid, $ibx, $xnum, $oidbin);
+                }
+        } while (scalar(@$r) == $lim);
+        1;
+sub _reindex_check_ibx ($$$) {
         my ($self, $sync, $ibx) = @_;
         my $ibx_id = $ibx->{-ibx_id};
-        my $slice = 1000;
+        my $slice = 10000;
+        my $opt = { limit => $slice };
         my ($beg, $end) = (1, $slice);
         my $err = sync_inbox($self, $sync, $ibx) and return;
         my $max = $ibx->over->max;
@@ -820,11 +863,12 @@ sub _reindex_check_unseen ($$$) {
         my $msgs;
         my $pr = $sync->{-opt}->{-progress};
         my $ekey = $ibx->eidx_key;
-        local $sync->{-regen_fmt} =
-                        "$ekey checking unseen %u/".$ibx->over->max."\n";
+        local $sync->{-regen_fmt} = "$ekey checking %u/$max\n";
         ${$sync->{nr}} = 0;
         my $fast = $sync->{-opt}->{fast};
-        while (scalar(@{$msgs = $ibx->over->query_xover($beg, $end)})) {
+        my $dsu; # _unref_stale_range (< $lo) called
+        my ($lo, $hi);
+        while (scalar(@{$msgs = $ibx->over->query_xover($beg, $end, $opt)})) {
                 ${$sync->{nr}} = $beg;
                 $beg = $msgs->[-1]->{num} + 1;
                 $end = $beg + $slice;
@@ -832,92 +876,48 @@ sub _reindex_check_unseen ($$$) {
                 if (checkpoint_due($sync)) {
                         reindex_checkpoint($self, $sync); # release lock
-                my $inx3 = $self->{oidx}->dbh->prepare_cached(<<'', undef, 1);
-ibx_id = ? AND xnum = ? AND oidbin = ?
+                ($lo, $hi) = ($msgs->[0]->{num}, $msgs->[-1]->{num});
+                $dsu //= _unref_stale_range($sync, $ibx, "< $lo");
+                my $x3a = $self->{oidx}->dbh->selectall_arrayref(
+                        <<"", undef, $ibx_id, $lo, $hi);
+SELECT xnum,oidbin,docid FROM xref3 WHERE
+ibx_id = ? AND xnum >= ? AND xnum <= ?
+                my %x3m;
+                for (@$x3a) {
+                        my $k = pack('J', $_->[0]) . $_->[1];
+                        push @{$x3m{$k}}, $_->[2];
+                }
+                undef $x3a;
                 for my $xsmsg (@$msgs) {
-                        my $oidbin = pack('H*', $xsmsg->{blob});
-                        $inx3->bind_param(1, $ibx_id);
-                        $inx3->bind_param(2, $xsmsg->{num});
-                        $inx3->bind_param(3, $oidbin, SQL_BLOB);
-                        $inx3->execute;
-                        my $docids = $inx3->fetchall_arrayref;
-                        # index messages which were totally missed
-                        # the first time around ASAP:
-                        if (scalar(@$docids) == 0) {
+                        my $k = pack('JH*', $xsmsg->{num}, $xsmsg->{blob});
+                        my $docids = delete($x3m{$k});
+                        if (!defined($docids)) {
                                 reindex_unseen($self, $sync, $ibx, $xsmsg);
-                        } elsif (!$fast) { # already seen, reindex later
-                                for my $r (@$docids) {
-                                        $self->{oidx}->eidxq_add($r->[0]);
+                        } elsif (!$fast) {
+                                for my $num (@$docids) {
+                                        $self->{oidx}->eidxq_add($num);
+                                return if $sync->{quit};
-                        last if $sync->{quit};
-                }
-                last if $sync->{quit};
-        }
-sub _reindex_check_stale ($$$) {
-        my ($self, $sync, $ibx) = @_;
-        my $min = 0;
-        my $pr = $sync->{-opt}->{-progress};
-        my $fetching;
-        my $ekey = $ibx->eidx_key;
-        local $sync->{-regen_fmt} =
-                        "$ekey checking stale/missing %u/".$ibx->over->max."\n";
-        ${$sync->{nr}} = 0;
-        do {
-                if (checkpoint_due($sync)) {
-                        reindex_checkpoint($self, $sync); # release lock
-                # now, check if there's stale xrefs
-                my $iter = $self->{oidx}->dbh->prepare_cached(<<'', undef, 1);
-SELECT docid,xnum,oidbin FROM xref3 WHERE ibx_id = ? AND docid > ?
-ORDER BY docid,xnum ASC LIMIT 10000
-                $iter->execute($ibx->{-ibx_id}, $min);
-                $fetching = undef;
-                while (my ($docid, $xnum, $oidbin) = $iter->fetchrow_array) {
-                        return if $sync->{quit};
-                        ${$sync->{nr}} = $xnum;
-                        $fetching = $min = $docid;
-                        my $smsg = $ibx->over->get_art($xnum);
-                        my $err;
-                        if (!$smsg) {
-                                $err = 'stale';
-                        } elsif (pack('H*', $smsg->{blob}) ne $oidbin) {
-                                $err = "mismatch (!= $smsg->{blob})";
-                        } else {
-                                next; # likely, all good
-                        }
-                        # current_info already has eidx_key
-                        my $oidhex = unpack('H*', $oidbin);
-                        warn "$xnum:$oidhex (#$docid): $err\n";
-                        my $del = $self->{oidx}->dbh->prepare_cached(<<'');
-DELETE FROM xref3 WHERE ibx_id = ? AND xnum = ? AND oidbin = ?
-                        $del->bind_param(1, $ibx->{-ibx_id});
-                        $del->bind_param(2, $xnum);
-                        $del->bind_param(3, $oidbin, SQL_BLOB);
-                        $del->execute;
-                        # get_xref3 over-fetches, but this is a rare path:
-                        my $xr3 = $self->{oidx}->get_xref3($docid, 1);
-                        my $idx = $self->idx_shard($docid);
-                        if (scalar(@$xr3) == 0) { # all gone
-                                $self->{oidx}->delete_by_num($docid);
-                                $self->{oidx}->eidxq_del($docid);
-                                $idx->ipc_do('xdb_remove', $docid);
-                        } else { # enqueue for reindex of remaining messages
-                                $idx->ipc_do('remove_eidx_info', $docid, $ekey);
-                                $self->{oidx}->eidxq_add($docid); # yes, add
+                return if $sync->{quit};
+                next unless scalar keys %x3m;
+                # eliminate stale/mismatched entries
+                my %mismatch = map { $_->{num} => $_->{blob} } @$msgs;
+                while (my ($k, $docids) = each %x3m) {
+                        my ($xnum, $hex) = unpack('JH*', $k);
+                        my $bin = pack('H*', $hex);
+                        my $exp = $mismatch{$xnum};
+                        my $m = defined($exp) ? "mismatch (!= $exp)" : 'stale';
+                        warn("# $xnum:$hex (#@$docids): $m\n");
+                        for my $i (@$docids) {
+                                _unref_stale($sync, $i, $ibx, $xnum, $bin);
-        } while (defined $fetching);
+        }
+        _unref_stale_range($sync, $ibx, "> $hi") if defined($hi);
 sub _reindex_inbox ($$$) {
@@ -927,8 +927,7 @@ sub _reindex_inbox ($$$) {
         if (defined(my $err = _ibx_index_reject($ibx))) {
                 warn "W: cannot reindex $ekey ($err)\n";
         } else {
-                _reindex_check_unseen($self, $sync, $ibx);
-                _reindex_check_stale($self, $sync, $ibx) unless $sync->{quit};
+                _reindex_check_ibx($self, $sync, $ibx);
         delete @$ibx{qw(over mm search git)}; # won't need these for a bit
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/Over.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/Over.pm
index 98de82c0..30ad949d 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/Over.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/Over.pm
@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ sub do_get {
 sub query_xover {
-        my ($self, $beg, $end) = @_;
-        do_get($self, <<'', {}, $beg, $end);
+        my ($self, $beg, $end, $opt) = @_;
+        do_get($self, <<'', $opt, $beg, $end);
 SELECT num,ts,ds,ddd FROM over WHERE num >= ? AND num <= ?
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/OverIdx.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/OverIdx.pm
index 985abbf4..46f7a066 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/OverIdx.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/OverIdx.pm
@@ -543,9 +543,13 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS xref3 (
         $dbh->do('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_docid ON xref3 (docid)');
         # performance critical, this is not UNIQUE since we may need to
-        # tolerate some old bugs from indexing mirrors
-        $dbh->do('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_nntp ON '.
-                'xref3 (oidbin,xnum,ibx_id)');
+        # tolerate some old bugs from indexing mirrors.  n.b. we used
+        # to index oidbin here, but leaving it out speeds up reindexing
+        # and "XHDR Xref <$MSGID>" isn't any slower w/o oidbin
+        $dbh->do('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_reindex ON '.
+                'xref3 (xnum,ibx_id)');
+        $dbh->do('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_oidbin ON xref3 (oidbin)');