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1 files changed, 19 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/MboxReader.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/MboxReader.pm
index 5a754cb8..beffabe8 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/MboxReader.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/MboxReader.pm
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ sub reads {
 # { foo => '' } means "--foo" is passed to the command-line,
 # otherwise { foo => '--bar' } passes "--bar"
 my %zsfx2cmd = (
-        gz => [ qw(GZIP pigz gzip), { rsyncable => '' } ],
+        gz => [ qw(GZIP pigz gzip) ],
         bz2 => [ 'bzip2', {} ],
         xz => [ 'xz', {} ],
         # don't add new entries here unless MUA support is widely available
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ sub zsfx2cmd ($$$) {
         my ($zsfx, $decompress, $lei) = @_;
         my $x = $zsfx2cmd{$zsfx} // die "BUG: no support for suffix=.$zsfx";
         my @info = @$x;
-        my $cmd_opt = pop @info;
+        my $cmd_opt = ref($info[-1]) ? pop(@info) : undef;
         my @cmd = (undef, $decompress ? qw(-dc) : qw(-c));
         require PublicInbox::Spawn;
         for my $exe (@info) {
@@ -172,9 +172,23 @@ sub zsfx2cmd ($$$) {
                 $cmd[0] = PublicInbox::Spawn::which($exe) and last;
         $cmd[0] // die join(' or ', @info)." missing for .$zsfx";
-        # push @cmd, @{$cmd_opt->{-default}} if $cmd_opt->{-default};
-        for my $bool (qw(rsyncable)) {
-                my $switch = $cmd_opt->{rsyncable} // next;
+        # not all gzip support --rsyncable, FreeBSD gzip doesn't even exit
+        # with an error code
+        if (!$decompress && $cmd[0] =~ m!/gzip\z! && !defined($cmd_opt)) {
+                pipe(my ($r, $w)) or die "pipe: $!";
+                open my $null, '+>', '/dev/null' or die "open: $!";
+                my $rdr = { 0 => $null, 1 => $null, 2 => $w };
+                my $tst = [ $cmd[0], '--rsyncable' ];
+                my $pid = PublicInbox::Spawn::spawn($tst, undef, $rdr);
+                close $w;
+                my $err = do { local $/; <$r> };
+                waitpid($pid, 0) == $pid or die "BUG: waitpid: $!";
+                $cmd_opt = $err ? {} : { rsyncable => '' };
+                push(@$x, $cmd_opt);
+        }
+        for my $bool (keys %$cmd_opt) {
+                my $switch = $cmd_opt->{$bool} // next;
                 push @cmd, '--'.($switch || $bool);
         for my $key (qw(rsyncable)) { # support compression level?