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path: root/lib/PublicInbox/WwwStream.pm
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/PublicInbox/WwwStream.pm')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/WwwStream.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/WwwStream.pm
index aee78170..8d32074f 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/WwwStream.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/WwwStream.pm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016-2021 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# Copyright (C) all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
 # License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
 # HTML body stream for which yields getline+close methods for
@@ -17,8 +17,9 @@ http://7fh6tueqddpjyxjmgtdiueylzoqt6pt7hec3pukyptlmohoowvhde4yd.onion/public-inb
 https://public-inbox.org/public-inbox.git) ];
 sub base_url ($) {
-        my $ctx = shift;
-        my $base_url = $ctx->{ibx}->base_url($ctx->{env});
+        my ($ctx) = @_;
+        my $thing = $ctx->{ibx} // $ctx->{git} // return;
+        my $base_url = $thing->base_url($ctx->{env});
         chop $base_url; # no trailing slash for clone
@@ -27,6 +28,9 @@ sub init {
         my ($ctx, $cb) = @_;
         $ctx->{cb} = $cb;
         $ctx->{base_url} = base_url($ctx);
+        $ctx->{-res_hdr} = [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' ];
+        $ctx->{gz} = PublicInbox::GzipFilter::gz_or_noop($ctx->{-res_hdr},
+                                                        $ctx->{env});
         bless $ctx, __PACKAGE__;
@@ -35,9 +39,60 @@ sub async_eml { # for async_blob_cb
         $ctx->write($ctx->{cb}->($ctx, $eml));
+sub html_repo_top ($) {
+        my ($ctx) = @_;
+        my $git = $ctx->{git} // return $ctx->html_top_fallback;
+        my $desc = ascii_html($git->description);
+        my $title = delete($ctx->{-title_html}) // $desc;
+        my $upfx = $ctx->{-upfx} // '';
+        my $atom = $ctx->{-atom} // (substr($upfx, -1) eq '/' ?
+                                        "${upfx}atom/" : "$upfx/atom/");
+        my $top = ascii_html($git->{nick});
+        $top = qq(<a\nhref="$upfx">$top</a>) if length($upfx);
+        $top .= <<EOM;
+  <a href='$upfx#readme'>about</a> / <a
+href='$upfx#heads'>heads</a> / <a
+        my @url = PublicInbox::ViewVCS::ibx_url_for($ctx);
+        if (@url) {
+                $ctx->{-has_srch} = 1;
+                my $base_url = base_url($ctx);
+                my ($pfx, $sfx) = ($base_url =~ m!\A(https?://[^/]+/)(.*)\z!i);
+                my $iupfx = '../' x (($sfx =~ tr!/!/!) + 1);
+                $pfx = ascii_html($pfx);
+                $pfx = qr/\A\Q$pfx\E/i;
+                my $tmp = $top;
+                $top = '';
+                my ($s, $u);
+                my $q_val = delete($ctx->{-q_value_html}) // '';
+                $q_val = qq(\nvalue="$q_val") if $q_val ne '';
+                for (@url) {
+                        $u = $s = ascii_html($_);
+                        substr($u, 0, 0, $iupfx) if $u !~ m!://!;
+                        $s =~ s!$pfx!!;
+                        $s =~ s!/\z!!;
+                        $top .= qq{<form\naction="$u"><pre>$tmp} .
+                                qq{<input\nname=q type=text$q_val />} .
+                                qq{<input type=submit\n} .
+                                qq{value="search mail in `$s&#39;"/>} .
+                                q{</pre></form>};
+                        $tmp = '';
+                }
+        } else {
+                $top = "<pre>$top</pre>";
+        }
+        "<html><head><title>$title</title>" .
+                qq(<link\nrel=alternate\ntitle="Atom feed"\n).
+                qq(href="$atom"\ntype="application/atom+xml"/>) .
+                $ctx->{www}->style($upfx) .
+                '</head><body>'.$top;
 sub html_top ($) {
         my ($ctx) = @_;
-        my $ibx = $ctx->{ibx};
+        my $ibx = $ctx->{ibx} // return html_repo_top($ctx);
         my $desc = ascii_html($ibx->description);
         my $title = delete($ctx->{-title_html}) // $desc;
         my $upfx = $ctx->{-upfx} || '';
@@ -59,6 +114,7 @@ sub html_top ($) {
                         qq(<a\nid=mirror) .
                         qq(\nhref="${upfx}_/text/mirror/">mirror</a>$code / ).
                         qq(<a\nhref="$atom">Atom feed</a>);
+        $links .= delete($ctx->{-html_more_links}) if $ctx->{-html_more_links};
         if ($ibx->isrch) {
                 my $q_val = delete($ctx->{-q_value_html}) // '';
                 $q_val = qq(\nvalue="$q_val") if $q_val ne '';
@@ -81,38 +137,36 @@ sub html_top ($) {
                 '</head><body>'. $top . (delete($ctx->{-html_tip}) // '');
+sub inboxes { () } # TODO
 sub coderepos ($) {
         my ($ctx) = @_;
+        $ctx->{ibx} // return inboxes($ctx);
         my $cr = $ctx->{ibx}->{coderepo} // return ();
-        my $cfg = $ctx->{www}->{pi_cfg};
         my $upfx = ($ctx->{-upfx} // ''). '../';
-        my @ret;
-        for my $cr_name (@$cr) {
-                $ret[0] //= <<EOF;
-<a id=code>Code repositories for project(s) associated with this inbox:
-                my $urls = $cfg->get_all("coderepo.$cr_name.cgiturl");
-                if ($urls) {
-                        for (@$urls) {
-                                # relative or absolute URL?, prefix relative
-                                # "foo.git" with appropriate number of "../"
-                                my $u = m!\A(?:[a-z\+]+:)?//! ? $_ : $upfx.$_;
-                                $u = ascii_html(prurl($ctx->{env}, $u));
-                                $ret[0] .= qq(\n\t<a\nhref="$u">$u</a>);
-                        }
-                } else {
-                        $ret[0] .= qq[\n\t$cr_name.git (no URL configured)];
+        my $pfx = $ctx->{base_url} //= $ctx->base_url;
+        my $up = $upfx =~ tr!/!/!;
+        $pfx =~ s!/[^/]+\z!/! for (1..$up);
+        $pfx .= '/' if substr($pfx, -1, 1) ne '/';
+        my $buf = '<a id=code>' .
+                'Code repositories for project(s) associated with this '.
+                $ctx->{ibx}->thing_type . "\n";
+        for my $git (@{$ctx->{www}->{pi_cfg}->repo_objs($ctx->{ibx})}) {
+                for ($git->pub_urls($ctx->{env})) {
+                        my $u = m!\A(?:[a-z\+]+:)?//!i ? $_ : $pfx.$_;
+                        $u = ascii_html(prurl($ctx->{env}, $u));
+                        $buf .= qq(\n\t<a\nhref="$u">$u</a>);
-        @ret; # may be empty, this sub is called as an arg for join()
+        ($buf);
 sub _html_end {
         my ($ctx) = @_;
         my $upfx = $ctx->{-upfx} || '';
         my $m = "${upfx}_/text/mirror/";
-        my $x;
-        if ($ctx->{ibx}->can('cloneurl')) {
+        my $x = '';
+        if ($ctx->{ibx} && $ctx->{ibx}->can('cloneurl')) {
                 $x = <<EOF;
 This is a public inbox, see <a
 href="$m">mirroring instructions</a>
@@ -136,12 +190,15 @@ as well as URLs for IMAP folder(s).
-        } else {
+        } elsif ($ctx->{ibx}) { # extindex
                 $x = <<EOF;
 This is an external index of several public inboxes,
 see <a href="$m">mirroring instructions</a> on how to clone and mirror
 all data and code used by this external index.
+        } elsif ($ctx->{git}) { # coderepo
+                $x = join('', map { "git clone $_\n" }
+                        @{$ctx->{git}->cloneurl($ctx->{env})});
         chomp $x;
         '<hr><pre>'.join("\n\n", coderepos($ctx), $x).'</pre></body></html>'
@@ -164,18 +221,26 @@ sub getline {
-sub html_oneshot ($$;$) {
-        my ($ctx, $code, $sref) = @_;
+sub html_done ($;@) {
+        my $ctx = $_[0];
+        my $bdy = $ctx->zflush(@_[1..$#_], _html_end($ctx));
+        my $res_hdr = delete $ctx->{-res_hdr};
+        push @$res_hdr, 'Content-Length', length($bdy);
+        [ 200, $res_hdr, [ $bdy ] ]
+sub html_oneshot ($$;@) {
+        my ($ctx, $code) = @_[0, 1];
         my $res_hdr = [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8',
                 'Content-Length' => undef ];
         bless $ctx, __PACKAGE__;
         $ctx->{gz} = PublicInbox::GzipFilter::gz_or_noop($res_hdr, $ctx->{env});
+        my @top;
         $ctx->{base_url} // do {
-                $ctx->zmore(html_top($ctx));
+                @top = html_top($ctx);
                 $ctx->{base_url} = base_url($ctx);
-        $ctx->zmore($$sref) if $sref;
-        my $bdy = $ctx->zflush(_html_end($ctx));
+        my $bdy = $ctx->zflush(@top, @_[2..$#_], _html_end($ctx));
         $res_hdr->[3] = length($bdy);
         [ $code, $res_hdr, [ $bdy ] ]
@@ -195,10 +260,23 @@ sub async_next ($) {
 sub aresponse {
-        my ($ctx, $code, $cb) = @_;
-        my $res_hdr = [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' ];
+        my ($ctx, $cb) = @_;
         init($ctx, $cb);
-        $ctx->psgi_response($code, $res_hdr);
+        $ctx->psgi_response(200, delete $ctx->{-res_hdr});
+sub html_init {
+        my $ctx = $_[-1];
+        $ctx->{base_url} = base_url($ctx);
+        my $h = $ctx->{-res_hdr} = ['Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'];
+        $ctx->{gz} = PublicInbox::GzipFilter::gz_or_noop($h, $ctx->{env});
+        bless $ctx, @_ > 1 ? $_[0] : __PACKAGE__;
+        print { $ctx->zfh } html_top($ctx);
+sub DESTROY {
+        my ($ctx) = @_;
+        $ctx->{git}->cleanup if $ctx->{git} && $ctx->{git}->{-tmp};