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path: root/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdx.pm
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdx.pm')
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdx.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdx.pm
index 0b1dc219..2239c902 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdx.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdx.pm
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ use PublicInbox::MsgIter;
 use Carp qw(croak);
 use POSIX qw(strftime);
 use PublicInbox::OverIdx;
+use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(spawn);
 require PublicInbox::Git;
 use Compress::Zlib qw(compress);
@@ -266,8 +267,8 @@ sub add_message {
         my $mids = mids($mime->header_obj);
         $mid0 = $mids->[0] unless defined $mid0; # v1 compatibility
         unless (defined $num) { # v1
-                my $mm = $self->_msgmap_init;
-                $num = $mm->mid_insert($mid0) || $mm->num_for($mid0);
+                $self->_msgmap_init;
+                $num = index_mm($self, $mime);
         eval {
                 my $smsg = PublicInbox::SearchMsg->new($mime);
@@ -464,8 +465,28 @@ sub index_mm {
         my ($self, $mime) = @_;
         my $mid = mid_clean(mid_mime($mime));
         my $mm = $self->{mm};
-        my $num = $mm->mid_insert($mid);
-        return $num if defined $num;
+        my $num;
+        if (defined $self->{regen_down}) {
+                $num = $mm->num_for($mid) and return $num;
+                while (($num = $self->{regen_down}--) > 0) {
+                        if ($mm->mid_set($num, $mid) != 0) {
+                                return $num;
+                        }
+                }
+        } elsif (defined $self->{regen_up}) {
+                $num = $mm->num_for($mid) and return $num;
+                # this is to fixup old bugs due to add-remove-add
+                while (($num = ++$self->{regen_up})) {
+                        if ($mm->mid_set($num, $mid) != 0) {
+                                return $num;
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+        $num = $mm->mid_insert($mid) and return $num;
         # fallback to num_for since filters like RubyLang set the number
@@ -476,18 +497,6 @@ sub unindex_mm {
-sub index_mm2 {
-        my ($self, $mime, $bytes, $blob) = @_;
-        my $num = $self->{mm}->num_for(mid_clean(mid_mime($mime)));
-        add_message($self, $mime, $bytes, $num, $blob);
-sub unindex_mm2 {
-        my ($self, $mime) = @_;
-        $self->{mm}->mid_delete(mid_clean(mid_mime($mime)));
-        unindex_blob($self, $mime);
 sub index_both {
         my ($self, $mime, $bytes, $blob) = @_;
         my $num = index_mm($self, $mime);
@@ -521,12 +530,12 @@ sub batch_adjust ($$$$) {
         $$max -= $bytes;
         if ($$max <= 0) {
                 $$max = BATCH_BYTES;
-                $batch_cb->($latest, 1);
+                $batch_cb->($latest);
 # only for v1
-sub rlog {
+sub read_log {
         my ($self, $log, $add_cb, $del_cb, $batch_cb) = @_;
         my $hex = '[a-f0-9]';
         my $h40 = $hex .'{40}';
@@ -537,23 +546,39 @@ sub rlog {
         my $bytes;
         my $max = BATCH_BYTES;
         local $/ = "\n";
+        my %D;
         my $line;
+        my $newest;
+        my $mid = '20170114215743.5igbjup6qpsh3jfg@genre.crustytoothpaste.net';
         while (defined($line = <$log>)) {
                 if ($line =~ /$addmsg/o) {
                         my $blob = $1;
+                        delete $D{$blob} and next;
                         my $mime = do_cat_mail($git, $blob, \$bytes) or next;
+                        my $mids = mids($mime->header_obj);
+                        foreach (@$mids) {
+                                warn "ADD $mid\n" if ($_ eq $mid);
+                        }
                         batch_adjust(\$max, $bytes, $batch_cb, $latest);
                         $add_cb->($self, $mime, $bytes, $blob);
                 } elsif ($line =~ /$delmsg/o) {
                         my $blob = $1;
-                        my $mime = do_cat_mail($git, $blob, \$bytes) or next;
-                        batch_adjust(\$max, $bytes, $batch_cb, $latest);
-                        $del_cb->($self, $mime);
+                        $D{$blob} = 1;
                 } elsif ($line =~ /^commit ($h40)/o) {
                         $latest = $1;
+                        $newest ||= $latest;
+                }
+        }
+        # get the leftovers
+        foreach my $blob (keys %D) {
+                my $mime = do_cat_mail($git, $blob, \$bytes) or next;
+                my $mids = mids($mime->header_obj);
+                foreach (@$mids) {
+                        warn "DEL $mid\n" if ($_ eq $mid);
+                $del_cb->($self, $mime);
-        $batch_cb->($latest, 0);
+        $batch_cb->($latest, $newest);
 sub _msgmap_init {
@@ -567,18 +592,62 @@ sub _msgmap_init {
 sub _git_log {
         my ($self, $range) = @_;
-        $self->{git}->popen(qw/log --reverse --no-notes --no-color
+        my $git = $self->{git};
+        if (index($range, '..') < 0) {
+                my $regen_max = 0;
+                # can't use 'rev-list --count' if we use --diff-filter
+                my $fh = $git->popen(qw(log --pretty=tformat:%h
+                                --no-notes --no-color --no-renames
+                                --diff-filter=AM), $range);
+                ++$regen_max while <$fh>;
+                my (undef, $max) = $self->{mm}->minmax;
+                if ($max && $max == $regen_max) {
+                        # fix up old bugs in full indexes which caused messages to
+                        # not appear in Msgmap
+                        $self->{regen_up} = $max;
+                } else {
+                        # normal regen is for for fresh data
+                        $self->{regen_down} = $regen_max;
+                }
+        }
+        $git->popen(qw/log --no-notes --no-color --no-renames
                                 --raw -r --no-abbrev/, $range);
+sub is_ancestor ($$$) {
+        my ($git, $cur, $tip) = @_;
+        return 0 unless $git->check($cur);
+        my $cmd = [ 'git', "--git-dir=$git->{git_dir}",
+                qw(merge-base --is-ancestor), $cur, $tip ];
+        my $pid = spawn($cmd);
+        defined $pid or die "spawning ".join(' ', @$cmd)." failed: $!";
+        waitpid($pid, 0) == $pid or die join(' ', @$cmd) .' did not finish';
+        $? == 0;
+sub need_update ($$$) {
+        my ($self, $cur, $new) = @_;
+        my $git = $self->{git};
+        return 1 if $cur && !is_ancestor($git, $cur, $new);
+        my $range = $cur eq '' ? $new : "$cur..$new";
+        chomp(my $n = $git->qx(qw(rev-list --count), $range));
+        ($n eq '' || $n > 0);
 # indexes all unindexed messages (v1 only)
 sub _index_sync {
         my ($self, $opts) = @_;
         my $tip = $opts->{ref} || 'HEAD';
         my $reindex = $opts->{reindex};
         my ($mkey, $last_commit, $lx, $xlog);
-        $self->{git}->batch_prepare;
+        my $git = $self->{git};
+        $git->batch_prepare;
         my $xdb = $self->begin_txn_lazy;
+        my $mm = _msgmap_init($self);
         do {
                 $xlog = undef;
                 $mkey = 'last_commit';
@@ -588,73 +657,54 @@ sub _index_sync {
                         $lx = '';
                         $mkey = undef if $last_commit ne '';
+                # use last_commit from msgmap if it is older or unset
+                my $lm = $mm->last_commit || '';
+                if (!$lm || ($lm && $lx && is_ancestor($git, $lm, $lx))) {
+                        $lx = $lm;
+                }
                 delete $self->{txn};
                 $xdb = _xdb_release($self);
-                # ensure we leak no FDs to "git log"
+                # ensure we leak no FDs to "git log" with Xapian <= 1.2
                 my $range = $lx eq '' ? $tip : "$lx..$tip";
                 $xlog = _git_log($self, $range);
                 $xdb = $self->begin_txn_lazy;
         } while ($xdb->get_metadata('last_commit') ne $last_commit);
-        my $mm = _msgmap_init($self);
         my $dbh = $mm->{dbh} if $mm;
-        my $mm_only;
         my $cb = sub {
-                my ($commit, $more) = @_;
+                my ($commit, $newest) = @_;
                 if ($dbh) {
-                        $mm->last_commit($commit) if $commit;
+                        if ($newest) {
+                                my $cur = $mm->last_commit || '';
+                                if (need_update($self, $cur, $newest)) {
+                                        $mm->last_commit($newest);
+                                }
+                        }
-                if (!$mm_only) {
-                        $xdb->set_metadata($mkey, $commit) if $mkey && $commit;
-                        $self->commit_txn_lazy;
+                if ($mkey && $newest) {
+                        my $cur = $xdb->get_metadata($mkey);
+                        if (need_update($self, $cur, $newest)) {
+                                $xdb->set_metadata($mkey, $newest);
+                        }
+                $self->commit_txn_lazy;
                 # let another process do some work... <
-                if ($more) {
-                        if (!$mm_only) {
-                                $xdb = $self->begin_txn_lazy;
-                        }
+                if (!$newest) {
+                        $xdb = $self->begin_txn_lazy;
                         $dbh->begin_work if $dbh;
-        if ($mm) {
-                $dbh->begin_work;
-                my $lm = $mm->last_commit || '';
-                if ($lm eq $lx) {
-                        # Common case is the indexes are synced,
-                        # we only need to run git-log once:
-                        rlog($self, $xlog, *index_both, *unindex_both, $cb);
-                } else {
-                        # Uncommon case, msgmap and xapian are out-of-sync
-                        # do not care for performance (but git is fast :>)
-                        # This happens if we have to reindex Xapian since
-                        # msgmap is a frozen format and our Xapian format
-                        # is evolving.
-                        my $r = $lm eq '' ? $tip : "$lm..$tip";
-                        # first, ensure msgmap is up-to-date:
-                        my $mkey_prev = $mkey;
-                        $mkey = undef; # ignore xapian, for now
-                        my $mlog = _git_log($self, $r);
-                        $mm_only = 1;
-                        rlog($self, $mlog, *index_mm, *unindex_mm, $cb);
-                        $mm_only = $mlog = undef;
-                        # now deal with Xapian
-                        $mkey = $mkey_prev;
-                        $dbh = undef;
-                        rlog($self, $xlog, *index_mm2, *unindex_mm2, $cb);
-                }
-        } else {
-                # user didn't install DBD::SQLite and DBI
-                rlog($self, $xlog, *add_message, *unindex_blob, $cb);
-        }
+        $dbh->begin_work;
+        read_log($self, $xlog, *index_both, *unindex_both, $cb);
 sub DESTROY {