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path: root/lib/PublicInbox/LeiOverview.pm
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/PublicInbox/LeiOverview.pm')
1 files changed, 294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/LeiOverview.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/LeiOverview.pm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..928d66cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/LeiOverview.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2021 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+# per-mitem/smsg iterators for search results
+# "ovv" => "Overview viewer"
+package PublicInbox::LeiOverview;
+use strict;
+use v5.10.1;
+use parent qw(PublicInbox::Lock);
+use POSIX qw(strftime);
+use Fcntl qw(F_GETFL O_APPEND);
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Temp ();
+use PublicInbox::MID qw($MID_EXTRACT);
+use PublicInbox::Address qw(pairs);
+use PublicInbox::Config;
+use PublicInbox::Search qw(get_pct);
+use PublicInbox::LeiDedupe;
+use PublicInbox::LeiToMail;
+# cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON_streaming
+my $JSONL = 'ldjson|ndjson|jsonl'; # 3 names for the same thing
+sub _iso8601 ($) { strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', gmtime($_[0])) }
+# we open this in the parent process before ->wq_do handoff
+sub ovv_out_lk_init ($) {
+        my ($self) = @_;
+        $self->{tmp_lk_id} = "$self.$$";
+        my $tmp = File::Temp->new("lei-ovv.dst.$$.lock-XXXXXX",
+                                        TMPDIR => 1, UNLINK => 0);
+        $self->{lock_path} = $tmp->filename;
+sub ovv_out_lk_cancel ($) {
+        my ($self) = @_;
+        ($self->{tmp_lk_id}//'') eq "$self.$$" and
+                unlink(delete($self->{lock_path}));
+sub detect_fmt ($$) {
+        my ($lei, $dst) = @_;
+        if ($dst =~ m!\A([:/]+://)!) {
+                $lei->fail("$1 support not implemented, yet\n");
+        } elsif (!-e $dst || -d _) {
+                'maildir'; # the default TODO: MH?
+        } elsif (-f _ || -p _) {
+                $lei->fail("unable to determine mbox family of $dst\n");
+        } else {
+                $lei->fail("unable to determine format of $dst\n");
+        }
+sub new {
+        my ($class, $lei) = @_;
+        my $opt = $lei->{opt};
+        my $dst = $opt->{output} // '-';
+        $dst = '/dev/stdout' if $dst eq '-';
+        my $fmt = $opt->{'format'};
+        $fmt = lc($fmt) if defined $fmt;
+        if ($dst =~ s/\A([a-z0-9]+)://is) { # e.g. Maildir:/home/user/Mail/
+                my $ofmt = lc $1;
+                $fmt //= $ofmt;
+                return $lei->fail(<<"") if $fmt ne $ofmt;
+--format=$fmt and --output=$ofmt conflict
+        }
+        $fmt //= 'json' if $dst eq '/dev/stdout';
+        $fmt //= detect_fmt($lei, $dst) or return;
+        if (index($dst, '://') < 0) { # not a URL, so assume path
+                 $dst = File::Spec->canonpath($dst);
+        } # else URL
+        my $self = bless { fmt => $fmt, dst => $dst }, $class;
+        $lei->{ovv} = $self;
+        my $json;
+        if ($fmt =~ /\A($JSONL|(?:concat)?json)\z/) {
+                $json = $self->{json} = ref(PublicInbox::Config->json);
+        }
+        my ($isatty, $seekable);
+        if ($dst eq '/dev/stdout') {
+                $isatty = -t $lei->{1};
+                $lei->start_pager if $isatty;
+                $opt->{pretty} //= $isatty;
+                if (!$isatty && -f _) {
+                        my $fl = fcntl($lei->{1}, F_GETFL, 0) //
+                                return $lei->fail("fcntl(stdout): $!");
+                        ovv_out_lk_init($self) unless ($fl & O_APPEND);
+                } else {
+                        ovv_out_lk_init($self);
+                }
+        }
+        if (!$json) {
+                # default to the cheapest sort since MUA usually resorts
+                $lei->{opt}->{'sort'} //= 'docid' if $dst ne '/dev/stdout';
+                $lei->{l2m} = eval { PublicInbox::LeiToMail->new($lei) };
+                return $lei->fail($@) if $@;
+        }
+        $lei->{dedupe} //= PublicInbox::LeiDedupe->new($lei);
+        $self;
+# called once by parent
+sub ovv_begin {
+        my ($self, $lei) = @_;
+        if ($self->{fmt} eq 'json') {
+                print { $lei->{1} } '[';
+        } # TODO HTML/Atom/...
+# called once by parent (via PublicInbox::EOFpipe)
+sub ovv_end {
+        my ($self, $lei) = @_;
+        my $out = $lei->{1} or return;
+        if ($self->{fmt} eq 'json') {
+                # JSON doesn't allow trailing commas, and preventing
+                # trailing commas is a PITA when parallelizing outputs
+                print $out "null]\n";
+        } elsif ($self->{fmt} eq 'concatjson') {
+                print $out "\n";
+        }
+sub ovv_atfork_child {
+        my ($self) = @_;
+        # reopen dedupe here
+# prepares an smsg for JSON
+sub _unbless_smsg {
+        my ($smsg, $mitem) = @_;
+        delete @$smsg{qw(lines bytes num tid)};
+        $smsg->{rt} = _iso8601(delete $smsg->{ts}); # JMAP receivedAt
+        $smsg->{dt} = _iso8601(delete $smsg->{ds}); # JMAP UTCDate
+        $smsg->{pct} = get_pct($mitem) if $mitem;
+        if (my $r = delete $smsg->{references}) {
+                $smsg->{refs} = [ map { "<$_>" } ($r =~ m/$MID_EXTRACT/go) ];
+        }
+        if (my $m = delete($smsg->{mid})) {
+                $smsg->{'m'} = "<$m>";
+        }
+        for my $f (qw(from to cc)) {
+                my $v = delete $smsg->{$f} or next;
+                $smsg->{substr($f, 0, 1)} = pairs($v);
+        }
+        $smsg->{'s'} = delete $smsg->{subject};
+        # can we be bothered to parse From/To/Cc into arrays?
+        scalar { %$smsg }; # unbless
+sub ovv_atexit_child {
+        my ($self, $lei) = @_;
+        if (my $l2m = delete $lei->{l2m}) {
+                # gracefully stop lei2mail processes after all
+                # ->write_mail work is complete
+                delete $l2m->{-wq_s1};
+                if (my $rd = delete $l2m->{each_smsg_done}) {
+                        read($rd, my $buf, 1); # wait for EOF
+                }
+        }
+        # order matters, git->{-tmp}->DESTROY must not fire until
+        # {each_smsg_done} hits EOF above
+        if (my $git = delete $self->{git}) {
+                $git->async_wait_all;
+        }
+        if (my $bref = delete $lei->{ovv_buf}) {
+                my $out = $lei->{1} or return;
+                my $lk = $self->lock_for_scope;
+                print $out $$bref;
+        }
+# JSON module ->pretty output wastes too much vertical white space,
+# this (IMHO) provides better use of screen real-estate while not
+# being excessively compact:
+sub _json_pretty {
+        my ($json, $k, $v) = @_;
+        if (ref $v eq 'ARRAY') {
+                if (@$v) {
+                        my $sep = ",\n" . (' ' x (length($k) + 7));
+                        if (ref($v->[0])) { # f/t/c
+                                $v = '[' . join($sep, map {
+                                        my $pair = $json->encode($_);
+                                        $pair =~ s/(null|"),"/$1, "/g;
+                                        $pair;
+                                } @$v) . ']';
+                        } else { # references
+                                $v = '[' . join($sep, map {
+                                        substr($json->encode([$_]), 1, -1);
+                                } @$v) . ']';
+                        }
+                } else {
+                        $v = '[]';
+                }
+        }
+        qq{  "$k": }.$v;
+sub ovv_each_smsg_cb { # runs in wq worker usually
+        my ($self, $lei, $ibxish) = @_;
+        my $json;
+        $lei->{1}->autoflush(1);
+        if (my $pkg = $self->{json}) {
+                $json = $pkg->new;
+                $json->utf8->canonical;
+                $json->ascii(1) if $lei->{opt}->{ascii};
+        }
+        my $l2m = $lei->{l2m};
+        if ($l2m && !$ibxish) { # remote https?:// mboxrd
+                delete $l2m->{-wq_s1};
+                my $g2m = $l2m->can('git_to_mail');
+                my $wcb = $l2m->write_cb($lei);
+                sub {
+                        my ($smsg, undef, $eml) = @_; # no mitem in $_[1]
+                        $wcb->(undef, $smsg, $eml);
+                };
+        } elsif ($l2m && $l2m->{-wq_s1}) {
+                my ($lei_ipc, @io) = $lei->atfork_parent_wq($l2m);
+                # n.b. $io[0] = qry_status_wr, $io[1] = mbox|stdout,
+                # $io[4] becomes a notification pipe that triggers EOF
+                # in this wq worker when all outstanding ->write_mail
+                # calls are complete
+                die "BUG: \$io[4] $io[4] unexpected" if $io[4];
+                pipe($l2m->{each_smsg_done}, $io[4]) or die "pipe: $!";
+                fcntl($io[4], 1031, 4096) if $^O eq 'linux';
+                delete @$lei_ipc{qw(l2m opt mset_opt cmd)};
+                my $git = $ibxish->git; # (LeiXSearch|Inbox|ExtSearch)->git
+                $self->{git} = $git;
+                my $git_dir = $git->{git_dir};
+                sub {
+                        my ($smsg, $mitem) = @_;
+                        $smsg->{pct} = get_pct($mitem) if $mitem;
+                        $l2m->wq_do('write_mail', \@io, $git_dir, $smsg,
+                                        $lei_ipc);
+                }
+        } elsif ($l2m) {
+                my $wcb = $l2m->write_cb($lei);
+                my $git = $ibxish->git; # (LeiXSearch|Inbox|ExtSearch)->git
+                $self->{git} = $git; # for ovv_atexit_child
+                my $g2m = $l2m->can('git_to_mail');
+                sub {
+                        my ($smsg, $mitem) = @_;
+                        $smsg->{pct} = get_pct($mitem) if $mitem;
+                        $git->cat_async($smsg->{blob}, $g2m, [ $wcb, $smsg ]);
+                };
+        } elsif ($self->{fmt} =~ /\A(concat)?json\z/ && $lei->{opt}->{pretty}) {
+                my $EOR = ($1//'') eq 'concat' ? "\n}" : "\n},";
+                $lei->{ovv_buf} = \(my $buf = '');
+                sub { # DIY prettiness :P
+                        my ($smsg, $mitem) = @_;
+                        $smsg = _unbless_smsg($smsg, $mitem);
+                        $buf .= "{\n";
+                        $buf .= join(",\n", map {
+                                my $v = $smsg->{$_};
+                                if (ref($v)) {
+                                        _json_pretty($json, $_, $v);
+                                } else {
+                                        $v = $json->encode([$v]);
+                                        qq{  "$_": }.substr($v, 1, -1);
+                                }
+                        } sort keys %$smsg);
+                        $buf .= $EOR;
+                        if (length($buf) > 65536) {
+                                my $lk = $self->lock_for_scope;
+                                print { $lei->{1} } $buf;
+                                $buf = '';
+                        }
+                }
+        } elsif ($json) {
+                my $ORS = $self->{fmt} eq 'json' ? ",\n" : "\n"; # JSONL
+                $lei->{ovv_buf} = \(my $buf = '');
+                sub {
+                        my ($smsg, $mitem) = @_;
+                        $buf .= $json->encode(_unbless_smsg(@_)) . $ORS;
+                        if (length($buf) > 65536) {
+                                my $lk = $self->lock_for_scope;
+                                print { $lei->{1} } $buf;
+                                $buf = '';
+                        }
+                }
+        } elsif ($self->{fmt} eq 'oid') {
+                sub {
+                        my ($smsg, $mitem) = @_;
+                }
+        } # else { ...
+no warnings 'once';
+*DESTROY = \&ovv_out_lk_cancel;