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path: root/lib/PublicInbox/Import.pm
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/PublicInbox/Import.pm')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/Import.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/Import.pm
index e07eddab..f00c260b 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/Import.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/Import.pm
@@ -430,6 +430,96 @@ sub digest2mid ($) {
         $b64 . '@localhost';
+sub clean_purge_buffer {
+        my ($oid, $buf) = @_;
+        my $cmt_msg = "purged $oid\n";
+        foreach my $i (0..$#$buf) {
+                my $l = $buf->[$i];
+                if ($l =~ /^author .* (\d+ [\+-]?\d+)$/) {
+                        $buf->[$i] = "author <> $1\n";
+                } elsif ($l =~ /^data (\d+)/) {
+                        $buf->[$i++] = "data " . length($cmt_msg) . "\n";
+                        $buf->[$i] = $cmt_msg;
+                        last;
+                }
+        }
+sub purge_oids {
+        my ($self, $purge) = @_;
+        my $tmp = "refs/heads/purge-".((keys %$purge)[0]);
+        my $old = $self->{'ref'};
+        my $git = $self->{git};
+        my @export = (qw(fast-export --no-data --use-done-feature), $old);
+        my ($rd, $pid) = $git->popen(@export);
+        my ($r, $w) = $self->gfi_start;
+        my @buf;
+        my $npurge = 0;
+        while (<$rd>) {
+                if (/^reset (?:.+)/) {
+                        push @buf, "reset $tmp\n";
+                } elsif (/^commit (?:.+)/) {
+                        if (@buf) {
+                                $w->print(@buf) or wfail;
+                                @buf = ();
+                        }
+                        push @buf, "commit $tmp\n";
+                } elsif (/^data (\d+)/) {
+                        # only commit message, so $len is small:
+                        my $len = $1; # + 1 for trailing "\n"
+                        push @buf, $_;
+                        my $n = read($rd, my $buf, $len) or die "read: $!";
+                        $len == $n or die "short read ($n < $len)";
+                        push @buf, $buf;
+                } elsif (/^M 100644 ([a-f0-9]+) /) {
+                        my $oid = $1;
+                        if ($purge->{$oid}) {
+                                my $lf = <$rd>;
+                                if ($lf eq "\n") {
+                                        my $out = join('', @buf);
+                                        $out =~ s/^/# /sgm;
+                                        warn "purge rewriting\n", $out, "\n";
+                                        clean_purge_buffer($oid, \@buf);
+                                        $out = join('', @buf);
+                                        $w->print(@buf, "\n") or wfail;
+                                        @buf = ();
+                                        $npurge++;
+                                } else {
+                                        die "expected LF: $lf\n";
+                                }
+                        } else {
+                                push @buf, $_;
+                        }
+                } else {
+                        push @buf, $_;
+                }
+        }
+        if (@buf) {
+                $w->print(@buf) or wfail;
+        }
+        $w = $r = undef;
+        $self->done;
+        my @git = ('git', "--git-dir=$git->{git_dir}");
+        run_die([@git, qw(update-ref), $old, $tmp]) if $npurge;
+        run_die([@git, qw(update-ref -d), $tmp]);
+        return if $npurge == 0;
+        run_die([@git, qw(-c gc.reflogExpire=now gc --prune=all)]);
+        my $err = 0;
+        foreach my $oid (keys %$purge) {
+                my @info = $git->check($oid);
+                if (@info) {
+                        warn "$oid not purged\n";
+                        $err++;
+                }
+        }
+        die "Failed to purge $err object(s)\n" if $err;