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8 files changed, 113 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/ExtMsg.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/ExtMsg.pm
index 04cb4062..51e7799d 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/ExtMsg.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/ExtMsg.pm
@@ -26,6 +26,52 @@ our @EXT_URL = (
+sub PARTIAL_MAX () { 100 }
+sub search_partial ($$) {
+        my ($srch, $mid) = @_;
+        my $opt = { limit => PARTIAL_MAX, mset => 2 };
+        my @try = ("m:$mid*");
+        my $chop = $mid;
+        if ($chop =~ s/(\W+)(\w*)\z//) {
+                my ($delim, $word) = ($1, $2);
+                if (length($word)) {
+                        push @try, "m:$chop$delim";
+                        push @try, "m:$chop$delim*";
+                }
+                push @try, "m:$chop";
+                push @try, "m:$chop*";
+        }
+        # break out long words individually to search for, because
+        # too many messages begin with "Pine.LNX." (or "alpine" or "nycvar")
+        if ($mid =~ /\w{9,}/) {
+                my @long = ($mid =~ m!(\w{3,})!g);
+                push(@try, join(' ', map { "m:$_" } @long));
+                # is the last element long enough to not trigger excessive
+                # wildcard matches?
+                if (length($long[-1]) > 8) {
+                        $long[-1] .= '*';
+                        push(@try, join(' ', map { "m:$_" } @long));
+                }
+        }
+        foreach my $m (@try) {
+                my $mset = eval { $srch->query($m, $opt) };
+                if (ref($@) eq 'Search::Xapian::QueryParserError') {
+                        # If Xapian can't handle the wildcard since it
+                        # has too many results.
+                        next;
+                }
+                my @mids = map {
+                        my $doc = $_->get_document;
+                        PublicInbox::SearchMsg->load_doc($doc)->mid;
+                } $mset->items;
+                return \@mids if scalar(@mids);
+        }
 sub ext_msg {
         my ($ctx) = @_;
         my $cur = $ctx->{-inbox};
@@ -56,41 +102,23 @@ sub ext_msg {
         return exact($ctx, \@found, $mid) if @found;
         # fall back to partial MID matching
-        my $n_partial = 0;
         my @partial;
-        if (my $mm = $cur->mm) {
-                my $tmp_mid = $mid;
-                my $res = $mm->mid_prefixes($tmp_mid, 100);
-                if ($res && scalar(@$res)) {
-                        $n_partial += scalar(@$res);
-                        push @partial, [ $cur, $res ];
-                # fixup common errors:
-                } elsif ($tmp_mid =~ s,/[tTf],,) {
-                        $res = $mm->mid_prefixes($tmp_mid, 100);
-                        if ($res && scalar(@$res)) {
-                                $n_partial += scalar(@$res);
-                                push @partial, [ $cur, $res ];
-                        }
-                }
+        my $n_partial = 0;
+        my $srch = $cur->search;
+        my $mids = search_partial($srch, $mid) if $srch;
+        if ($mids) {
+                $n_partial = scalar(@$mids);
+                push @partial, [ $cur, $mids ];
         # can't find a partial match in current inbox, try the others:
         if (!$n_partial && length($mid) >= 16) {
-                my $tmp_mid = $mid;
                 foreach my $ibx (@ibx) {
-                        my $mm = $ibx->mm or next;
-                        my $res = $mm->mid_prefixes($tmp_mid, 100);
-                        if ($res && scalar(@$res)) {
-                                $n_partial += scalar(@$res);
-                                push @partial, [ $ibx, $res ];
-                                last if $n_partial >= 100;
-                        }
-                }
-                # fixup common errors:
-                if (!$n_partial && $tmp_mid =~ s,/[tTf],,) {
-                        goto again;
+                        $srch = $ibx->search or next;
+                        $mids = search_partial($srch, $mid) or next;
+                        $n_partial += scalar(@$mids);
+                        push @partial, [ $ibx, $mids];
+                        last if $n_partial >= PARTIAL_MAX;
@@ -103,6 +131,7 @@ again:
         if ($n_partial) {
                 $code = 300;
                 my $es = $n_partial == 1 ? '' : 'es';
+                $n_partial .= '+' if ($n_partial == PARTIAL_MAX);
                 $s .= "\n$n_partial partial match$es found:\n\n";
                 my $cur_name = $cur->{name};
                 foreach my $pair (@partial) {
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/Msgmap.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/Msgmap.pm
index 6e758c1a..192e311a 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/Msgmap.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/Msgmap.pm
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ sub dbh_new {
                 ReadOnly => !$writable,
                 sqlite_use_immediate_transaction => 1,
-        $dbh->do('PRAGMA case_sensitive_like = ON');
@@ -151,23 +150,6 @@ sub minmax {
         ($min, $sth->fetchrow_array);
-sub mid_prefixes {
-        my ($self, $pfx, $limit) = @_;
-        die "No prefix given" unless (defined $pfx && $pfx ne '');
-        $pfx =~ s/([%_])/\\$1/g;
-        $pfx .= '%';
-        $limit ||= 100;
-        $limit += 0; # force to integer
-        $limit ||= 100;
-        $self->{dbh}->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT mid FROM msgmap ' .
-                                         'WHERE mid LIKE ? ESCAPE ? ' .
-                                         "ORDER BY num DESC LIMIT $limit",
-                                         undef, $pfx, '\\');
 sub mid_delete {
         my ($self, $mid) = @_;
         my $dbh = $self->{dbh};
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/Search.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/Search.pm
index 7175ddc5..5aabda02 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/Search.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/Search.pm
@@ -260,6 +260,7 @@ sub qp {
+        $qp->set_max_wildcard_expansion(100);
                 Search::Xapian::NumberValueRangeProcessor->new(YYYYMMDD, 'd:'));
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdx.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdx.pm
index 4dc81352..aeb363e0 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdx.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdx.pm
@@ -331,6 +331,13 @@ sub add_message {
                 foreach my $mid (@$mids) {
                         $tg->index_text($mid, 1, 'XM');
+                        # because too many Message-IDs are prefixed with
+                        # "Pine.LNX."...
+                        if ($mid =~ /\w{12,}/) {
+                                my @long = ($mid =~ /(\w{3,}+)/g);
+                                $tg->index_text(join(' ', @long), 1, 'XM');
+                        }
                 $smsg->{to} = $smsg->{cc} = '';
diff --git a/t/cgi.t b/t/cgi.t
index ef32a284..bd92ca36 100644
--- a/t/cgi.t
+++ b/t/cgi.t
@@ -155,22 +155,16 @@ EOF
         $res = cgi_run("/test/blahblah\@example.com/raw");
         like($res->{body}, qr/Message-Id: <blahblah\@example\.com>/,
                 "mid raw hit");
-        $res = cgi_run("/test/blahblah\@example.con/raw");
-        like($res->{head}, qr/Status: 300 Multiple Choices/, "mid raw miss");
         $res = cgi_run("/test/blahblah\@example.com/");
         like($res->{body}, qr/\A<html>/, "mid html hit");
         like($res->{head}, qr/Status: 200 OK/, "200 response");
-        $res = cgi_run("/test/blahblah\@example.con/");
-        like($res->{head}, qr/Status: 300 Multiple Choices/, "mid html miss");
         $res = cgi_run("/test/blahblah\@example.com/f/");
         like($res->{head}, qr/Status: 301 Moved/, "301 response");
                 qr!^Location: http://[^/]+/test/blahblah\@example\.com/\r\n!ms,
                 '301 redirect location');
-        $res = cgi_run("/test/blahblah\@example.con/");
-        like($res->{head}, qr/Status: 300 Multiple Choices/, "mid html miss");
         $res = cgi_run("/test/new.html");
         like($res->{body}, qr/slashy%2Fasdf\@example\.com/,
diff --git a/t/msgmap.t b/t/msgmap.t
index dce98f46..4dddd0a8 100644
--- a/t/msgmap.t
+++ b/t/msgmap.t
@@ -38,9 +38,6 @@ foreach my $mid (@mids) {
         is($d->num_for($mid), $mid2num{$mid}, "mid:$mid maps correctly");
-is_deeply($d->mid_prefixes('a'), [qw(aa@cc aa@bb a@b)], "mid_prefixes match");
-is_deeply($d->mid_prefixes('A'), [], "mid_prefixes is case sensitive");
 is(undef, $d->last_commit, "last commit not set");
 my $lc = 'deadbeef' x 5;
 is(undef, $d->last_commit($lc), 'previous last commit (undef) returned');
diff --git a/t/psgi_search.t b/t/psgi_search.t
index 2f033016..a057a994 100644
--- a/t/psgi_search.t
+++ b/t/psgi_search.t
@@ -20,11 +20,14 @@ my $git_dir = "$tmpdir/a.git";
 is(0, system(qw(git init -q --bare), $git_dir), "git init (main)");
 my $rw = PublicInbox::SearchIdx->new($git_dir, 1);
 ok($rw, "search indexer created");
-my $data = <<'EOF';
+my $digits = '10010260936330';
+my $ua = 'Pine.LNX.4.10';
+my $mid = "$ua.$digits.2460-100000\@penguin.transmeta.com";
+my $data = <<"EOF";
 Subject: test
-Message-Id: <utf8@example>
-From: Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason <avarab@example>
-To: git@vger.kernel.org
+Message-ID: <$mid>
+From: Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason <avarab\@example>
+To: git\@vger.kernel.org
@@ -37,8 +40,7 @@ foreach (reverse split(/\n\n/, $data)) {
         my $mime = Email::MIME->new(\$_);
         my $bytes = bytes::length($mime->as_string);
         my $doc_id = $rw->add_message($mime, $bytes, ++$num, 'ignored');
-        my $mid = $mime->header('Message-Id');
-        ok($doc_id, 'message added: '. $mid);
+        ok($doc_id, 'message added');
@@ -72,6 +74,15 @@ test_psgi(sub { $www->call(@_) }, sub {
         $res = $cb->(POST('/test/?q=s:bogus&x=m'));
         is($res->code, 404, 'failed search result gives 404');
         is_deeply([], $warn, 'no warnings');
+        my $mid_re = qr/\Q$mid\E/o;
+        while (length($digits) > 8) {
+                $res = $cb->(GET("/test/$ua.$digits/"));
+                is($res->code, 300, 'partial match found while truncated');
+                like($res->content, qr/\b1 partial match found\b/);
+                like($res->content, $mid_re, 'found mid in response');
+                chop($digits);
+        }
diff --git a/t/search.t b/t/search.t
index 004b7aa3..54f2db90 100644
--- a/t/search.t
+++ b/t/search.t
@@ -430,6 +430,36 @@ foreach my $f ("$git_dir/public-inbox/msgmap.sqlite3",
                 "sharedRepository respected for $bn");
+$ibx->with_umask(sub {
+        $rw_commit->();
+        my $digits = '10010260936330';
+        my $ua = 'Pine.LNX.4.10';
+        my $mid = "$ua.$digits.2460-100000\@penguin.transmeta.com";
+        is($ro->reopen->query("m:$digits", { mset => 1})->size, 0,
+                'no results yet');
+        my $pine = Email::MIME->create(
+                header_str => [
+                        Subject => 'blah',
+                        'Message-ID' => "<$mid>",
+                        From => 'torvalds@transmeta',
+                        To => 'list@example.com',
+                ],
+                body => ""
+        );
+        my $x = $rw->add_message($pine);
+        $rw->commit_txn_lazy;
+        is($ro->reopen->query("m:$digits", { mset => 1})->size, 1,
+                'searching only digit yielded result');
+        my $wild = $digits;
+        for my $i (1..6) {
+                chop($wild);
+                is($ro->query("m:$wild*", { mset => 1})->size, 1,
+                        "searching chopped($i) digit yielded result $wild ");
+        }
+        is($ro->query("m:Pine m:LNX m:10010260936330", {mset=>1})->size, 1);