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1 files changed, 60 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/t/gcf2.t b/t/gcf2.t
index c67efb6c..9056b340 100644
--- a/t/gcf2.t
+++ b/t/gcf2.t
@@ -7,24 +7,74 @@ use Test::More;
 use Fcntl qw(:seek);
 use IO::Handle ();
 use POSIX qw(_exit);
+use Cwd qw(abs_path);
 use_ok 'PublicInbox::Gcf2';
+use PublicInbox::Import;
+my ($tmpdir, $for_destroy) = tmpdir();
 my $gcf2 = PublicInbox::Gcf2::new();
 is(ref($gcf2), 'PublicInbox::Gcf2', '::new works');
+my $COPYING = 'dba13ed2ddf783ee8118c6a581dbf75305f816a3';
+open my $agpl, '<', 'COPYING' or BAIL_OUT "AGPL-3 missing: $!";
+$agpl = do { local $/; <$agpl> };
+my $fi_data = './t/git.fast-import-data';
+my $rdr = {};
+open $rdr->{0}, '<', $fi_data or BAIL_OUT $!;
+xsys([qw(git fast-import --quiet)], { GIT_DIR => $tmpdir }, $rdr);
+is($?, 0, 'fast-import succeeded');
+        my ($r, $w);
+        pipe($r, $w) or BAIL_OUT $!;
+        my $tree = 'fdbc43725f21f485051c17463b50185f4c3cf88c';
+        $gcf2->cat_oid(fileno($w), $tree);
+        close $w;
+        is("$tree tree 30\n", <$r>, 'tree header ok');
+        $r = do { local $/; <$r> };
+        is(chop($r), "\n", 'got trailing newline');
+        is(length($r), 30, 'tree length matches');
 chomp(my $objdir = xqx([qw(git rev-parse --git-path objects)]));
 if ($objdir =~ /\A--git-path\n/) { # git <2.5
         chomp($objdir = xqx([qw(git rev-parse --git-dir)]));
         $objdir .= '/objects';
-        $objdir = undef unless -d $objdir;
+if ($objdir && -d $objdir) {
+        $objdir = abs_path($objdir);
+        open my $alt, '>>', "$tmpdir/objects/info/alternates" or
+                                                        BAIL_OUT $!;
+        print $alt $objdir, "\n" or BAIL_OUT $!;
+        close $alt or BAIL_OUT $!;
-my $COPYING = 'dba13ed2ddf783ee8118c6a581dbf75305f816a3';
-open my $agpl, '<', 'COPYING' or BAIL_OUT "AGPL-3 missing: $!";
-$agpl = do { local $/; <$agpl> };
+        # calling gcf2->add_alternate on an already-added path won't
+        # cause alternates to be reloaded, so we do
+        # $gcf2->add_alternate($objdir) later on instead of
+        # $gcf2->add_alternate("$tmpdir/objects");
+        # $objdir = "$tmpdir/objects";
+} else {
+        $objdir = undef
+my $nr = $ENV{TEST_LEAK_NR};
+my $cat = $ENV{TEST_LEAK_CAT} // 10;
+diag "checking for leaks... (TEST_LEAK_NR=$nr TEST_LEAK_CAT=$cat)" if $nr;
 SKIP: {
-        skip 'not in git worktree', 15 unless defined($objdir);
+        skip 'not in git worktree', 21 unless defined($objdir);
+        eval { $gcf2->add_alternate($objdir) };
+        ok(!$@, 'no error adding alternate redundantly');
+        if ($nr) {
+                diag "adding alternate $nr times redundantly";
+                $gcf2->add_alternate($objdir) for (1..$nr);
+                diag 'done adding redundant alternates';
+        }
         open my $fh, '+>', undef or BAIL_OUT "open: $!";
         my $fd = fileno($fh);
@@ -52,6 +102,10 @@ SKIP: {
         $ck_copying->('regular file');
+        $gcf2 = PublicInbox::Gcf2::new();
+        $gcf2->add_alternate("$tmpdir/objects");
+        $ck_copying->('alternates respected');
         $^O eq 'linux' or skip('pipe tests are Linux-only', 12);
         my $size = -s $fh;
         for my $blk (1, 0) {
@@ -86,11 +140,9 @@ SKIP: {
-if (my $nr = $ENV{TEST_LEAK_NR}) {
+if ($nr) {
         open my $null, '>', '/dev/null' or BAIL_OUT "open /dev/null: $!";
         my $fd = fileno($null);
-        my $cat = $ENV{TEST_LEAK_CAT} // 10;
-        diag "checking for leaks... (TEST_LEAK_NR=$nr TEST_LEAK_CAT=$cat)";
         local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
         my ($r, $w);
         pipe($r, $w);