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2 files changed, 110 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdx.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdx.pm
index 3f2643c6..6a34ce71 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdx.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdx.pm
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 package PublicInbox::SearchIdx;
 use strict;
 use warnings;
+use Fcntl qw(:flock :DEFAULT);
 use Email::MIME;
 use Email::MIME::ContentType;
 $Email::MIME::ContentType::STRICT_PARAMS = 0;
@@ -29,24 +30,60 @@ use constant {
 sub new {
         my ($class, $git_dir, $writable) = @_;
-        my $dir = $class->xdir($git_dir);
+        my $dir = PublicInbox::Search->xdir($git_dir);
         require Search::Xapian::WritableDatabase;
         my $flag = Search::Xapian::DB_OPEN;
         my $self = bless { git_dir => $git_dir }, $class;
         my $perm = $self->_git_config_perm;
         my $umask = _umask_for($perm);
         $self->{umask} = $umask;
+        $self->{lock_path} = "$git_dir/ssoma.lock";
         $self->{xdb} = $self->with_umask(sub {
                 if ($writable == 1) {
                         require File::Path;
+                        $self->{batch_size} = 100;
                         $flag = Search::Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN;
+                        _lock_acquire($self);
                 Search::Xapian::WritableDatabase->new($dir, $flag);
+sub _xdb_release {
+        my ($self) = @_;
+        my $xdb = delete $self->{xdb};
+        $xdb->commit_transaction;
+        $xdb->close;
+        _lock_release($self);
+sub _xdb_acquire {
+        my ($self) = @_;
+        _lock_acquire($self);
+        my $dir = PublicInbox::Search->xdir($self->{git_dir});
+        my $flag = Search::Xapian::DB_OPEN;
+        my $xdb = Search::Xapian::WritableDatabase->new($dir, $flag);
+        $xdb->begin_transaction;
+        $self->{xdb} = $xdb;
+sub _lock_acquire {
+        my ($self) = @_;
+        sysopen(my $lockfh, $self->{lock_path}, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT) or
+                die "failed to open lock $self->{lock_path}: $!\n";
+        flock($lockfh, LOCK_EX) or die "lock failed: $!\n";
+        $self->{lockfh} = $lockfh;
+sub _lock_release {
+        my ($self) = @_;
+        my $lockfh = delete $self->{lockfh};
+        flock($lockfh, LOCK_UN) or die "unlock failed: $!\n";
+        close $lockfh or die "close failed: $!\n";
 sub add_val {
         my ($doc, $col, $num) = @_;
         $num = Search::Xapian::sortable_serialise($num);
@@ -57,40 +94,24 @@ sub add_message {
         my ($self, $mime, $bytes, $num) = @_; # mime = Email::MIME object
         my $db = $self->{xdb};
-        my $doc_id;
+        my ($doc_id, $old_tid);
         my $mid = mid_clean(mid_mime($mime));
-        my $was_ghost = 0;
         my $ct_msg = $mime->header('Content-Type') || 'text/plain';
         eval {
                 die 'Message-ID too long' if length($mid) > MAX_MID_SIZE;
                 my $smsg = $self->lookup_message($mid);
-                my $doc;
                 if ($smsg) {
-                        $smsg->ensure_metadata;
                         # convert a ghost to a regular message
                         # it will also clobber any existing regular message
-                        $smsg->mime($mime);
-                        $doc = $smsg->{doc};
-                        my $type = xpfx('type');
-                        eval {
-                                $doc->remove_term($type . 'ghost');
-                                $was_ghost = 1;
-                        };
-                        # probably does not exist:
-                        eval { $doc->remove_term($type . 'mail') };
-                        $doc->add_term($type . 'mail');
-                }  else {
-                        $smsg = PublicInbox::SearchMsg->new($mime);
-                        $doc = $smsg->{doc};
-                        $doc->add_term(xpfx('mid') . $mid);
+                        $doc_id = $smsg->doc_id;
+                        $old_tid = $smsg->thread_id;
+                $smsg = PublicInbox::SearchMsg->new($mime);
+                my $doc = $smsg->{doc};
+                $doc->add_term(xpfx('mid') . $mid);
                 my $subj = $smsg->subject;
                 if ($subj ne '') {
                         my $path = $self->subject_path($subj);
                         $doc->add_term(xpfx('path') . id_compress($path));
@@ -148,14 +169,11 @@ sub add_message {
-                if ($was_ghost) {
-                        $doc_id = $smsg->doc_id;
-                        $self->link_message($smsg, $smsg->thread_id);
-                        $doc->set_data($smsg->to_doc_data);
+                link_message($self, $smsg, $old_tid);
+                $doc->set_data($smsg->to_doc_data);
+                if (defined $doc_id) {
                         $db->replace_document($doc_id, $doc);
                 } else {
-                        $self->link_message($smsg);
-                        $doc->set_data($smsg->to_doc_data);
                         $doc_id = $db->add_document($doc);
@@ -252,9 +270,7 @@ sub link_message {
                 # the rest of the refs should point to this tid:
                 foreach $ref (@refs) {
                         my $ptid = $self->_resolve_mid_to_tid($ref);
-                        if ($tid ne $ptid) {
-                                $self->merge_threads($tid, $ptid);
-                        }
+                        merge_threads($self, $tid, $ptid);
         } else {
                 $tid = $self->next_thread_id;
@@ -319,12 +335,12 @@ sub do_cat_mail {
 sub index_sync {
-        my ($self, $head) = @_;
-        $self->with_umask(sub { $self->_index_sync($head) });
+        my ($self, $opts) = @_;
+        with_umask($self, sub { $self->_index_sync($opts) });
 sub rlog {
-        my ($self, $range, $add_cb, $del_cb) = @_;
+        my ($self, $range, $add_cb, $del_cb, $batch_cb) = @_;
         my $hex = '[a-f0-9]';
         my $h40 = $hex .'{40}';
         my $addmsg = qr!^:000000 100644 \S+ ($h40) A\t${hex}{2}/${hex}{38}$!;
@@ -334,8 +350,10 @@ sub rlog {
                                 --raw -r --no-abbrev/, $range);
         my $latest;
         my $bytes;
+        my $max = $self->{batch_size}; # may be undef
         local $/ = "\n";
-        while (defined(my $line = <$log>)) {
+        my $line;
+        while (defined($line = <$log>)) {
                 if ($line =~ /$addmsg/o) {
                         my $mime = do_cat_mail($git, $1, \$bytes) or next;
                         $add_cb->($self, $git, $mime, $bytes);
@@ -343,54 +361,73 @@ sub rlog {
                         my $mime = do_cat_mail($git, $1) or next;
                         $del_cb->($self, $git, $mime);
                 } elsif ($line =~ /^commit ($h40)/o) {
+                        if (defined $max && --$max <= 0) {
+                                $max = $self->{batch_size};
+                                $batch_cb->($latest, 1);
+                        }
                         $latest = $1;
-        $latest;
+        $batch_cb->($latest, 0);
 # indexes all unindexed messages
 sub _index_sync {
-        my ($self, $head) = @_;
-        my $db = $self->{xdb};
-        $head ||= 'HEAD';
+        my ($self, $opts) = @_;
+        my $head = 'HEAD';
         my $mm = $self->{mm} = eval {
                 require PublicInbox::Msgmap;
                 PublicInbox::Msgmap->new($self->{git_dir}, 1);
+        my $xdb = $self->{xdb};
+        $xdb->begin_transaction;
+        my $reindex = $opts->{reindex};
+        my $mkey = $reindex ? undef : 'last_commit';
+        my $lx = $reindex ? '' : $xdb->get_metadata('last_commit');
+        my $dbh;
+        my $cb = sub {
+                my ($commit, $more) = @_;
+                $xdb->set_metadata($mkey, $commit) if $mkey && $commit;
+                if ($dbh) {
+                        $mm->last_commit($commit) if $commit;
+                        $dbh->commit;
+                }
+                _xdb_release($self);
+                # let another process do some work...
+                $dbh->begin_work if $dbh && $more;
+                $xdb = _xdb_acquire($self);
+        };
-        $db->begin_transaction;
-        my $lx = $db->get_metadata('last_commit');
         my $range = $lx eq '' ? $head : "$lx..$head";
         if ($mm) {
-                $mm->{dbh}->begin_work;
+                $dbh = $mm->{dbh};
+                $dbh->begin_work;
                 my $lm = $mm->last_commit || '';
                 if ($lm eq $lx) {
                         # Common case is the indexes are synced,
                         # we only need to run git-log once:
-                        $lx = $self->rlog($range, *index_both, *unindex_both);
-                        if (defined $lx) {
-                                $db->set_metadata('last_commit', $lx);
-                                $mm->last_commit($lx);
-                        }
-                        $mm->{dbh}->commit;
+                        rlog($self, $range, *index_both, *unindex_both, $cb);
                 } else {
-                        # dumb case, msgmap and xapian are out-of-sync
-                        # do not care for performance:
+                        # Uncommon case, msgmap and xapian are out-of-sync
+                        # do not care for performance (but git is fast :>)
+                        # This happens if we have to reindex Xapian since
+                        # msgmap is a frozen format and our Xapian format
+                        # is evolving.
                         my $r = $lm eq '' ? $head : "$lm..$head";
-                        $lm = $self->rlog($r, *index_mm, *unindex_mm);
-                        $mm->last_commit($lm) if defined $lm;
-                        $mm->{dbh}->commit;
-                        $lx = $self->rlog($range, *index_mm2, *unindex_mm2);
-                        $db->set_metadata('last_commit', $lx) if defined $lx;
+                        # first, ensure msgmap is up-to-date:
+                        $mkey = undef; # ignore xapian, for now
+                        rlog($self, $r, *index_mm, *unindex_mm, $cb);
+                        # now deal with Xapian
+                        $mkey = 'last_commit' unless $reindex;
+                        $dbh = undef;
+                        rlog($self, $range, *index_mm2, *unindex_mm2, $cb);
         } else {
                 # user didn't install DBD::SQLite and DBI
-                $lx = $self->rlog($range, *index_blob, *unindex_blob);
-                $db->set_metadata('last_commit', $lx) if defined $lx;
+                rlog($self, $range, *index_blob, *unindex_blob, $cb);
-        $db->commit_transaction;
 # this will create a ghost as necessary
@@ -418,6 +455,7 @@ sub create_ghost {
 sub merge_threads {
         my ($self, $winner_tid, $loser_tid) = @_;
+        return if $winner_tid == $loser_tid;
         my ($head, $tail) = $self->find_doc_ids('thread', $loser_tid);
         my $thread_pfx = xpfx('thread');
         my $db = $self->{xdb};
@@ -487,4 +525,10 @@ sub with_umask {
+sub DESTROY {
+        # order matters for unlocking
+        $_[0]->{xdb} = undef;
+        $_[0]->{lockfh} = undef;
diff --git a/script/public-inbox-index b/script/public-inbox-index
index 46584c1f..61f21d70 100755
--- a/script/public-inbox-index
+++ b/script/public-inbox-index
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt no_ignore_case auto_abbrev);
 my $usage = "public-inbox-index GIT_DIR";
 use PublicInbox::Config;
 eval { require PublicInbox::SearchIdx };
@@ -15,6 +16,11 @@ if ($@) {
         print STDERR "Search::Xapian required for $0\n";
         exit 1;
+my $reindex;
+my %opts = ( '--reindex' => \$reindex );
+GetOptions(%opts) or die "bad command-line args\n$usage";
 my @dirs;
 sub resolve_git_dir {
@@ -57,7 +63,6 @@ foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
 sub index_dir {
         my ($git_dir) = @_;
         -d $git_dir or die "$git_dir does not appear to be a git repository\n";
         my $s = PublicInbox::SearchIdx->new($git_dir, 1);
-        $s->index_sync;
+        $s->index_sync({ reindex => $reindex });