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4 files changed, 185 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
index 567148a4..0f889959 100644
@@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ t/spawn.t
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/V2Writable.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/V2Writable.pm
index 550a74d4..605f6887 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/V2Writable.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/V2Writable.pm
@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ sub mark_deleted {
 sub reindex_oid {
-        my ($self, $mm_tmp, $D, $git, $oid) = @_;
+        my ($self, $mm_tmp, $D, $git, $oid, $regen) = @_;
         my $len;
         my $msgref = $git->cat_file($oid, \$len);
         my $mime = PublicInbox::MIME->new($$msgref);
@@ -514,8 +514,27 @@ sub reindex_oid {
                         $num = $n;
+        if (!defined($mid0) && $regen && !$del) {
+                $num = $$regen--;
+                die "BUG: ran out of article numbers\n" if $num <= 0;
+                my $mm = $self->{skel}->{mm};
+                foreach my $mid (@$mids) {
+                        if ($mm->mid_set($num, $mid) == 1) {
+                                $mid0 = $mid;
+                                last;
+                        }
+                }
+                if (!defined($mid0)) {
+                        my $id = '<' . join('> <', @$mids) . '>';
+                        warn "Message-Id $id unusable for $num\n";
+                }
+        }
         if (!defined($mid0) || $del) {
-                return if (!defined($mid0) && $del); # expected for deletes
+                if (!defined($mid0) && $del) { # expected for deletes
+                        $$regen--;
+                        return
+                }
                 my $id = '<' . join('> <', @$mids) . '>';
                 defined($mid0) or
@@ -546,19 +565,45 @@ sub reindex_oid {
 sub reindex {
-        my ($self) = @_;
+        my ($self, $regen) = @_;
         my $ibx = $self->{-inbox};
         my $pfx = "$ibx->{mainrepo}/git";
         my $max_git;
         my $latest = git_dir_latest($self, \$max_git);
         return unless defined $latest;
-        my @cmd = qw(log --raw -r --pretty=tformat:%h
-                        --no-notes --no-color --no-abbrev);
         my $head = $ibx->{ref_head} || 'refs/heads/master';
         $self->idx_init; # acquire lock
         my $x40 = qr/[a-f0-9]{40}/;
         my $mm_tmp = $self->{skel}->{mm}->tmp_clone;
+        if (!$regen) {
+                my (undef, $max) = $mm_tmp->minmax;
+                unless (defined $max) {
+                        $regen = 1;
+                        warn
+"empty msgmap.sqlite3, regenerating article numbers\n";
+                }
+        }
+        my $tip; # latest commit out of all git repos
+        if ($regen) {
+                my $regen_max = 0;
+                for (my $cur = $max_git; $cur >= 0; $cur--) {
+                        die "already reindexing!\n" if $self->{reindex_pipe};
+                        my $git = PublicInbox::Git->new("$pfx/$cur.git");
+                        chomp($tip = $git->qx('rev-parse', $head)) unless $tip;
+                        my $h = $cur == $max_git ? $tip : $head;
+                        my @count = ('rev-list', '--count', $h, '--', 'm');
+                        $regen_max += $git->qx(@count);
+                }
+                die "No messages found in $pfx/*.git, bug?\n" unless $regen_max;
+                $regen = \$regen_max;
+        }
         my $D = {};
+        my @cmd = qw(log --raw -r --pretty=tformat:%h
+                        --no-notes --no-color --no-abbrev);
+        # if we are regenerating, we must not use a newer tip commit than what
+        # the regeneration counter used:
+        $tip ||= $head;
         # work backwards through history
         for (my $cur = $max_git; $cur >= 0; $cur--) {
@@ -566,12 +611,14 @@ sub reindex {
                 my $cmt;
                 my $git_dir = "$pfx/$cur.git";
                 my $git = PublicInbox::Git->new($git_dir);
-                my $fh = $self->{reindex_pipe} = $git->popen(@cmd, $head);
+                my $h = $cur == $max_git ? $tip : $head;
+                my $fh = $self->{reindex_pipe} = $git->popen(@cmd, $h);
                 while (<$fh>) {
                         if (/\A$x40$/o) {
                                 chomp($cmt = $_);
                         } elsif (/\A:\d{6} 100644 $x40 ($x40) [AM]\tm$/o) {
-                                $self->reindex_oid($mm_tmp, $D, $git, $1);
+                                $self->reindex_oid($mm_tmp, $D, $git, $1,
+                                                $regen);
                         } elsif (m!\A:\d{6} 100644 $x40 ($x40) [AM]\t_/D$!o) {
                                 $self->mark_deleted($D, $git, $1);
diff --git a/script/public-inbox-index b/script/public-inbox-index
index cea35738..52d6ba70 100755
--- a/script/public-inbox-index
+++ b/script/public-inbox-index
@@ -23,8 +23,15 @@ if ($@) {
 my $reindex;
-my %opts = ( '--reindex' => \$reindex );
+my $regen;
+my $jobs = undef;
+my %opts = (
+        '--reindex' => \$reindex,
+        '--regenerate' => \$regen,
+        '--jobs|j=i' => \$jobs,
 GetOptions(%opts) or die "bad command-line args\n$usage";
+die "--jobs must be positive\n" if defined $jobs && $jobs <= 0;
 my @dirs;
@@ -93,8 +100,30 @@ sub index_dir {
         if (ref($repo) && ($repo->{version} || 1) == 2) {
                 eval { require PublicInbox::V2Writable };
                 die "v2 requirements not met: $@\n" if $@;
-                my $v2w = PublicInbox::V2Writable->new($repo);
-                $v2w->reindex;
+                my $v2w = eval {
+                        local $ENV{NPROC} = $jobs;
+                        PublicInbox::V2Writable->new($repo);
+                };
+                if (defined $jobs) {
+                        if ($jobs == 1) {
+                                $v2w->{parallel} = 0;
+                        } else {
+                                my $n = $v2w->{partitions};
+                                if ($jobs != $n) {
+                                        warn
+"Unable to respect --jobs=$jobs, inbox was created with $n partitions\n";
+                                }
+                        }
+                }
+                my $mm = $repo->mm;
+                my (undef, $max) = $mm->minmax if $mm;
+                if (defined($max) && !$reindex && !$regen) {
+                        die
+"v2 inboxes may only use --reindex and/or --regenerate once\n".
+"msgmap.sqlite3 is initialized\n";
+                }
+                $v2w->reindex($regen);
         } else {
                 my $s = PublicInbox::SearchIdx->new($repo, 1);
diff --git a/t/v2reindex.t b/t/v2reindex.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b9540e4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/v2reindex.t
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2018 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use PublicInbox::MIME;
+use PublicInbox::ContentId qw(content_digest);
+use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree);
+foreach my $mod (qw(DBD::SQLite Search::Xapian)) {
+        eval "require $mod";
+        plan skip_all => "$mod missing for v2reindex.t" if $@;
+use_ok 'PublicInbox::V2Writable';
+my $mainrepo = tempdir('pi-v2reindex-XXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1);
+my $ibx = {
+        mainrepo => $mainrepo,
+        name => 'test-v2writable',
+        version => 2,
+        -primary_address => 'test@example.com',
+$ibx = PublicInbox::Inbox->new($ibx);
+my $mime = PublicInbox::MIME->create(
+        header => [
+                From => 'a@example.com',
+                To => 'test@example.com',
+                Subject => 'this is a subject',
+                Date => 'Fri, 02 Oct 1993 00:00:00 +0000',
+        ],
+        body => "hello world\n",
+my $im = PublicInbox::V2Writable->new($ibx, 1);
+$im->{parallel} = 0;
+foreach my $i (1..10) {
+        $mime->header_set('Message-Id', "<$i\@example.com>");
+        ok($im->add($mime), "message $i added");
+        if ($i == 4) {
+                $im->remove($mime);
+        }
+if ('test remove later') {
+        $mime->header_set('Message-Id', "<5\@example.com>");
+        $im->remove($mime);
+my $minmax = [ $ibx->mm->minmax ];
+ok(defined $minmax->[0] && defined $minmax->[1], 'minmax defined');
+eval { $im->reindex };
+is($@, '', 'no error from reindexing');
+my $xap = "$mainrepo/xap".PublicInbox::Search::SCHEMA_VERSION();
+ok(!-d $xap, 'Xapian directories removed');
+eval { $im->reindex };
+is($@, '', 'no error from reindexing');
+ok(-d $xap, 'Xapian directories recreated');
+delete $ibx->{mm};
+is_deeply($minmax, [ $ibx->mm->minmax ], 'minmax unchanged');
+ok(unlink "$mainrepo/msgmap.sqlite3", 'remove msgmap');
+ok(!-d $xap, 'Xapian directories removed again');
+        my @warn;
+        local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warn, @_ };
+        eval { $im->reindex };
+        is($@, '', 'no error from reindexing without msgmap');
+        like(join(' ', @warn), qr/regenerat/, 'warned about regenerating');
+        $im->done;
+        ok(-d $xap, 'Xapian directories recreated');
+        delete $ibx->{mm};
+        is_deeply($minmax, [ $ibx->mm->minmax ], 'minmax unchanged');
+ok(unlink "$mainrepo/msgmap.sqlite3", 'remove msgmap');
+ok(!-d $xap, 'Xapian directories removed again');
+        my @warn;
+        local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warn, @_ };
+        eval { $im->reindex(my $regen = 1) };
+        is($@, '', 'no error from reindexing without msgmap');
+        is_deeply(\@warn, [], 'no warnings');
+        $im->done;
+        ok(-d $xap, 'Xapian directories recreated');
+        delete $ibx->{mm};
+        is_deeply($minmax, [ $ibx->mm->minmax ], 'minmax unchanged');