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path: root/t
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authorEric Wong (Contractor, The Linux Foundation) <e@80x24.org>2018-02-28 22:29:38 +0000
committerEric Wong (Contractor, The Linux Foundation) <e@80x24.org>2018-02-28 23:06:20 +0000
commitaae578aad0fd1c7b788a461fa29cb70f0a29fb02 (patch)
tree1c658e8cace98ae2b9fd5d1a6eadc530b59d04c1 /t
parentee8927c99ae68cbcdc5c1a842fd3b0bde47e986a (diff)
A work-in-progress, but it appears the v2 UI pieces do
will not require a lot of work to do.
Diffstat (limited to 't')
2 files changed, 45 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/t/init.t b/t/init.t
index 864f1ab5..54b90ec5 100644
--- a/t/init.t
+++ b/t/init.t
@@ -25,4 +25,19 @@ use constant pi_init => 'blib/script/public-inbox-init';
         is((stat($cfgfile))[2] & 07777, 0666, "permissions preserved");
+SKIP: {
+        foreach my $mod (qw(DBD::SQLite Search::Xapian::WritableDatabase)) {
+                eval "require $mod";
+                skip "$mod missing for v2", 2 if $@;
+        }
+        local $ENV{PI_DIR} = "$tmpdir/.public-inbox/";
+        my $cfgfile = "$ENV{PI_DIR}/config";
+        my @cmd = (pi_init, '-V2', 'v2list', "$tmpdir/v2list",
+                   qw(http://example.com/v2list v2list@example.com));
+        is(system(@cmd), 0, 'public-inbox-init -V2 OK');
+        ok(-d "$tmpdir/v2list", 'v2list directory exists');
+        ok(-f "$tmpdir/v2list/msgmap.sqlite3", 'msgmap exists');
+        ok(-d "$tmpdir/v2list/all.git", 'catch-all.git directory exists');
diff --git a/t/nntpd.t b/t/nntpd.t
index 56b1d604..ea0d2939 100644
--- a/t/nntpd.t
+++ b/t/nntpd.t
@@ -21,14 +21,18 @@ my $tmpdir = tempdir('pi-nntpd-XXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1);
 my $home = "$tmpdir/pi-home";
 my $err = "$tmpdir/stderr.log";
 my $out = "$tmpdir/stdout.log";
-my $maindir = "$tmpdir/main.git";
+my $mainrepo = "$tmpdir/main.git";
 my $group = 'test-nntpd';
 my $addr = $group . '@example.com';
 my $nntpd = 'blib/script/public-inbox-nntpd';
 my $init = 'blib/script/public-inbox-init';
 use_ok 'PublicInbox::Import';
+use_ok 'PublicInbox::Inbox';
 use_ok 'PublicInbox::Git';
+use_ok 'PublicInbox::V2Writable';
+# XXX FIXME: make it easier to test both versions
+my $version = int($ENV{PI_VERSION} || 1);
 my %opts = (
         LocalAddr => '',
         ReuseAddr => 1,
@@ -40,14 +44,34 @@ my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(%opts);
 my $pid;
 my $len;
 END { kill 'TERM', $pid if defined $pid };
+my $ibx = {
+        mainrepo => $mainrepo,
+        name => $group,
+        version => $version,
+        -primary_address => $addr,
+$ibx = PublicInbox::Inbox->new($ibx);
         local $ENV{HOME} = $home;
-        system($init, $group, $maindir, 'http://example.com/', $addr);
+        my @cmd = ($init, $group, $mainrepo, 'http://example.com/', $addr);
+        push @cmd, "-V$version";
+        is(system(@cmd), 0, 'init OK');
         is(system(qw(git config), "--file=$home/.public-inbox/config",
                         "publicinbox.$group.newsgroup", $group),
                 0, 'enabled newsgroup');
         my $len;
+        my $im;
+        if ($version == 2) {
+                $im = PublicInbox::V2Writable->new($ibx);
+        } elsif ($version == 1) {
+                my $git = PublicInbox::Git->new($mainrepo);
+                $im = PublicInbox::Import->new($git, 'test', $addr);
+        } else {
+                die "unsupported version: $version";
+        }
         # ensure successful message delivery
                 my $mime = Email::MIME->new(<<EOF);
@@ -66,12 +90,12 @@ EOF
                 $list_id =~ s/@/./;
                 $mime->header_set('List-Id', "<$list_id>");
                 $len = length($mime->as_string);
-                my $git = PublicInbox::Git->new($maindir);
-                my $im = PublicInbox::Import->new($git, 'test', $addr);
-                my $s = PublicInbox::SearchIdx->new($maindir, 1);
-                $s->index_sync;
+                if ($version == 1) {
+                        my $s = PublicInbox::SearchIdx->new($mainrepo, 1);
+                        $s->index_sync;
+                }
         ok($sock, 'sock created');